I own 60,000 links. How many lambos will i be able to afford in 2020?
I own 60,000 links. How many lambos will i be able to afford in 2020?
60 000
0 lambos
1 Maserati
1x used Toyota Camry, maybe a Vienta with wood grain if you price it right.
How can we create a filter that automatically hides all the link threads? I'm asking seriously.
The 24/7 flood of obviously paid and professionally coordinated shilling is so fucking over the top and annoying that I don't even want to come to this board anymore. I can't be the only one thinking this is the cancer that is killing biz
>The 24/7 flood of obviously paid and professionally coordinated shilling is so fucking over the top and annoying that I don't even want to come to this board anymore. I can't be the only one thinking this is the cancer that is killing biz
No, it's just LINK owners spamming.
Not a paid shill. Legitimately believe this will take off. Just trying to get an idea of the eventual market cap. Its fine if you don't believe. Just scroll past.
Fucking kill yourself.
link is going to be 300 usd so make ur own calculations
kys faggot
14k reporting in.
We're gonna make it breh.
kys yourself filty americana peace of shit!!!!
>I'm asking seriously.
..I doubt that, but in case you actually are serious, then you can filter out threads with specific words or phrases.
There is a [filter] in the catalog page.
Why should Chainlink be worth more than 32M? Overvalued oracles as fuck.
Only fud threads have been coordinated for the past month, you imperceptive dunce. I guess ETH shilling killed the board too, lucky I didn't fall for their well-formed pitches, and completely ignored it out of grudge.
One matchbox car, used from a thrift shop.
0.000000000000000001 lambo
rent free
Yeah, the shilling sure is doing wonders for its price. Baka desu senpai.
>t. wasn't here for ETH
neck yourself you dumb newfag LINK is all organic baby
$3-600ks worth -40% (about 10-20% in other places) tax if you are in the USA so that's what like $180k-360k? maybe add another $60-120k if you are outside the US.
So no, probably no lambos.
OK Pajeet time to leave.
>you can afford toylambo now
all of them
Brigadier faggat here. It's going tchrew da roof.