Why does no rich person ever have the balls to say what they really think i.e. FUCK poor people?
Because thats what it essentially all boils down to.
Why does no rich person ever have the balls to say what they really think i.e. FUCK poor people?
Because thats what it essentially all boils down to.
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They don't have to say it. They express it through their actions and decisions or lack of both.
Successful people generally hate taxes
That’s why the private ICOs are in Singapore and the ‘oops’ Tezos ones are in zug
USA taxes Ico money as income
because only poor people have principles
nah they usually drop out
Honestly I would say that if I were rich. I say it now. I fucking hate poor people, and I'm one of them. Most of them are so stupid.
They LOVE tattoos and cigarettes. They waste all their money on that. They waste all their time watching bad television and retarded ass movies, and they think real life is just like that. They act out like characters from their movies and television, it's retarded. Their "music" is absolutely repulsive, they lack any taste.
But mostly, they're fucking lazy, they absolutely refuse to step outside of their comfort zones to better themselves but at the same time act like "DUH RICH" owe them everything. The rich aren't your fucking parents. How about you try to become financially literate and take the steps necessary to get out of poverty? Will it be tough? Yes, of course it will be, but you are never going to amount to anything with that poor person victim mentality. Nobody owes you anything, and you will die poor if you don't change your mindset.
Poor people are a disease. They vote in communism every time, which is why direct democracy is always a bad idea. They don't know what's best for themselves or the nation, which is why I am glad that there is an establishment elite that actually calls the shots.
This desu.
What I hate most about poor people is they have the mentality because they themselves are not rich, hence the system is rigged.
The American dream was never supposed to be about accumulating vast amounts of wealth, it's about having a decent home, little debt, and making your own lot in life, any of this is easily achievable, but the niggers and white trash don't even put forward the effort for that.
Imagine if the typical poor person decided to invest just 50 dollars of his paycheck into Bitcoin when it was a few dollars or get a side job flipping things on ebay, there are a million ways to make money then just going to work everyday and bitching your pay is not high enough.
You don't think the current state of wealth inequality is ludicrous at best?