Image dump

Come children, sit by the fire and see two thousands years of history before your eyes

A variety of Armets, helmets worn in the 1400's

Adaga, a moorish weapon

That looks absolutely retarded and ineffectual. What's wrong with just having a spear?

Ancus, indian elephant pokers which could be mounted on a shaft for those on the ground not the elephants

It's a parrying buckler that can be used for offense , doofus.

Moors were always so dope, too bad their descendants are shit.

1500's turkish armour, mail used instead of plate due to the heat of the Near East compared to Western Europe

Moro armour, no date given but the US did face people armoured like this.
The Moro are the islamic natives of the phillipines who converted due to trade, Mughal 'Four Mirror Armour' may or may not have inspired it.
Moro armour may or may not have inspired Stannis Baratheon's armour in GoT

Variety of arrows from everywhere we now call Asia, no explanation given for arrow no. 34 I would assume the centre part acts as a barb whilst the other two pierce, but we're past the age of mail so not sure

African and American arrows
31 is French and British Guiana rather than the place in the old world called Guiana


Saxon miner's axe is obviously a ceremonial thing, whilst the polish axe seems more like something for horseback
this is my favourite set of armour, because there's plate with the mail filling the holes, and then the salet is 10/10 aesthetically


Sacrifical 'axes', I would call the first two more knives, whilst the others more like a copesh, or concave falcata


A variety of Frog's helm and bascinets, 3 is armour for the horse there was not some madman wearing it to scare his opponent

Berdiche or Bardiche, common in Rus among foot soldiers, letting you stab and slash, re-attach to the shaft is to block an enemy's bardiche

Indian claw/daggers

Malaysian Axes, no idea why they're so different

Bills, not just English but also Turkish

The definition of cannons in Elizabthean and Jacobite england

Somehow reminds me of a fast-food menu

Catchpoles, devices which would capture brigands and other Disturbers of the Peace, by closing around the neck of the perpetrator

Winged spears, the wings prevent the spear going too deep and thus disarming yourself

nice OP

'Chauves Souris' bats in english , Italian winged spears or possibly Corseque

Chilanums, indian daggers

Cinqueda, more ceremonial among the italian city states than a practical weapon due to it's rapidly increasing width as all Lindybeige watchers should know

Mix of european weapons, no.3 is interesting, firing it would be a great pain, but as a hammer it would be interesting

Guisarms and half halberds it seems

A variety of halberds from 1450-1550

Variety of warhammer, no.4 is another hammer + gun

Phillipino axes

Jarids, javelins the moors would use

Katars, 15, 5, 7, and 9 would have had some padding around the grip.
The ones with one bar going across had a chance to slip whilst two bars like 29 and 23 would have stayed straight when stabbing


Indonesian swords


Scottish Pole-axes

Variety of maces, no.6 looks like a bull, no.11 looks kinda ceremonial

military forks, no.5 and 2 look like halberds, whilst 10 also gives a chop as well as a stab

Variety of Morions, no.2 has a nice fleur de lis, 6 would have been nice for tudour tercos in an alt his

Partisan polearms
10, 11 and 19 have eagles on them because emperors lmao

Patas, the evolution of the katar


The wide rang of pole arms

Pikes after the rise of gun powder


Runkas or Ranseurs

Turkish wall gun



That's all folks