>humans develop behavioral modernity at least 50,000 years ago
>nobody invents agriculture for tens of thousands of years
>then a lot of people independently invent it over the next few thousand years
Explain this.
Humans develop behavioral modernity at least 50,000 years ago
gods or aliens helped them
The ice age ended.
It's pretty obvious that the world is only 6,000 years old.
This is wrong. Middle eastern agriculture started in 21000BC, and peruvian agriculture probably started circa 11000aC.
they just make up shit that old dude lmao
they dont even know wat happend 300 yrs ago
Last Ice age ended ~11000 Years ago.
Earliest agriculture is 9000 BCE + 2018 CE =11018 Years
God gave a soul to hairless apes
still hasn't to the dark ones though
Holy shit
And the most hairless ones became the pinacle of humanity.
>humans develop behavioral modernity at least 50,000 years ago
>out of africans split from other sub-saharans 100,000 years ago
>they leave africa 80,000 years ago
>abbos reach australia 60,000 years ago
Population density. There's no tangible benefit to running a farm instead of hunter/gathering if you don't have a dense workforce local to the agriculture.
Agriculture is actually very much an investment system, not an immediate payoff like hunting.
why is there no egypt on that map?
What is that theory where when someone works something out independently, others can do it despite distance and not even knowing it has been done before. It explains independent growth of ideas at the same time
Crows do it
Agriculture is what caused population density, not the other way around.
Actual answer is climate.
>Replying to bait
Middle eastern farming started in 21000BC.
Southamerican farming started in 11000BC.
if a person's skull interior is a bottomless pit and the person needs to have a brain inside of it, then it can be assumed that the person's brain is infinitely larger than the average person's brain
brain size doesn't correlate too heavily with intelligence and the structures would be about the same, so I don't think this would change too much in regards to increased neurons. it would possibly cause a huge degree of inefficiency assuming that the same processes have to occur with no modification
fuck off ricedick
Agriculture is not an invention, it's a development of a series of adaptations and symbiosis between plants and humans, everyone knows that plants come from seeds, that's why one of the easiest ways to spot hunter-gatherer migration routes is based on corridors that have lots of useful plants. It is only when crops develop adaptations that make them more useful than migrating that agriculture starts, that's why there are few breeds of domesticated animals compared to different breeds of crops, it depends a lot more on natural selection.
You can't just transition to agriculture like that. It takes time to adapt to the diet and larger social groups.
It's not just a matter of some hunting genius deciding to put a seed in the ground.
The ice age was not a deep freeze of the whole Earth, it was just colder. There's no reason why farming wouldn't have been invented closer to the equator.
Finno-korean hyper wars bullshit memes.