It's all starting to turn my dudes. The pain will soon be over. You dont know how fast it is gonna turn around do you.
It's all starting to turn my dudes. The pain will soon be over. You dont know how fast it is gonna turn around do you
Death? Is that you?
my body is ready
Honestly, you guys have no clue. You don't even know how big this will be. By this time next year, your life will change dramatically, and for the better.
All you have to do is keep holding. And buy more, while you can. These prices are a gift, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We found out about this way too early. It will be so surreal when you start seeing this in advertisements on television, and on fliers in banks, and when you hear famous news anchors mention it by name.
You will feel a genuine sense of pride. This is what it looks like to buy in the early stages, before it's on anyone else's radar. This is what it looks like to do your due diligence. This is what it means to invest in a big thing before it's big. You will make it.
as long as it's only on binance, it will not reach it's full potential
F-finally gonna m-make it
If Link ever hit $50 I would have an eight digit net worth.
>tfw linkies are so fucking delusional they actually think big name companies are going to jump through all kind of silly hoops, like buying a weird token on a shady, chink exchange, to use an unneccessary band-aid solution.
It's literally going sideways after 80% drop.
The only way this pain will end is if I suicide myself from holding these bags.
any tips on making money online to buy more link
im a neet holding 12k
How many link to make it? 4k linklet here.
you dont know what the reserved tokens are for do you?
yeah, great, increase the coin supply even more, good for the price. what's even the point of buying link on an exchange if clients just get free reserve link from uncle sergey?
dude you will be able to drive your 10 labos through your undergroundracingway in a year
Mere 2.5K linklet reporting in
Waiting to get paid to get into at least 10K before Christmas.
this is from the whitepaper:
5. Company LINK (300 million) and ChainLink Incentives Fund (350 million)
Company LINK will be used for compensating employees, contractors and others, and for other internal purposes in connection with the deployment and the development of the Platform. Company LINK can be used by the Company in its sole discretion.
350 million LINK will be allocated to a “ChainLink Incentives Fund”, which we will administer to incentivize use of the Platform. The ChainLink Incentives Fund will be administered by the Company, and used by the Company to expand the Platform and the number of ChainLink Node Operators. This may include compensating ChainLink Node operators or other efforts.
Wow you are dumb
Which is exactly why those fatasses (rory and sergey) should care about the LINK price. Those reserved tokens dont mean shit if LINK is valued at $0.001
>he doesn't know that big name companies are already on board
B-b-but the chink exchange though...
i understand the incentivization system, but it doesn't fully refute my points. if the chainlink system is going to be widely used, at a certain point the incentives fund will be depleted, and clients will have to somehow get a new supply of link to pay their node operators, how is that going to work?
Why would there be television ads for blockchain middleware?
Do you realize you just wrote "where do I buy Link", the post?
They can easily create a portal you dumbfuck. The same way you can buy SALT and FACTOM tokens outside of exchanges. Then the price can be set to something like the average of all exchanges or something.
He is such a fool.
Can't blame him though. It's hard to think clearly when there is someone living in your head...
>Rent Free
>They can easily create a portal
if it's so easy, why haven't they done it yet? they're sitting on 32 million of neet bux and yet even hiring a pajeet for $2/hour to code some basic shit is apparantly too much for them.
that's the problem with chainlink, it might be the best product in the world, but if you don't even put SOME effort in basic stuff like marketing, it is going nowhere.
Also, we're talking about smart contracts here. Smart contracts eat conversions for breakfast, there's a huge chance users paying nodes won't even know they just bought Link.
>Rent Free
free rent pls
Exactly. People will be paying for our lambos without even realizing it.
>why haven't they done it yet?
Why isn't Chainlink a massive global success yet, used by everyone from Swift to your neighbors?
Why are babies not fully grown adults yet?
Why isn't it the year 2018 yet?
Are you a literal retard?
These are the people fuding Link right now. The double standard for Link runs so deep that the concept of time confuses them.
>The pain will soon be over.
Its fucking almost just a month before the tokens became tradable you fucking dipshit.
m8, i'm just saying that that their progress isn't exactly reflected by their massive budget. they have fucking 32 million dollars, they can easily afford a decent team for basic stuff, yet they act like they're on a student budget....
didnt you read the fucking announcement by sergey recently after SIBOS? they ARE hiring a larger team using their funds.
Link is probably in the top 1% most developed crypto projects at this point.
You are retarded.
lovely post
even if this doesn't come to fruition thank you for the escapism
come on LINK
no reason for larger team when sergay gets larger by the day
Ive seen crazy things in crypto and a 100% increase in a day is possible
When will there be more news?
Sergey will be ded by diabetes by then
>fat jokes
the absolute state of LINK FUDers
Cant understate the great potential for a Swift partnership. Usually a massive groundbreaking idea like Chainlink would need to start at the bottom and work it's way up. Its sounding like Link is going to start at the top and work it's way down (integration wise.)
If Swift actually came out and said they were using the Chainlink network it would hit 40B market cap within a month easy.
They never will though.
They will.
Yeah in 2020
>sounding like Link is going to start at the top and work it's way down (integration wise.)
price wise too
only joking this is the next moon mission
Thanks comfy-anime-user
HCL twitter game got me to go back all in. I expect a pump this week.
Remember when NEO (then antshares) had its moment in the sun on Veeky Forums? It was the coin that always had at least 5 threads dedicated to it
I think this was the first time pink wojacks started popping up. I remember a youtube video (source please if anyone has it) with some hysterical guy saying something like "come on little ants" in an panicked voice over the top of pink wojacks
This was all because it dumped from $3 to $2 or something and went sideways for a while. There was FUD then of course but those who held eventually got their 10x moon mission
ETH was kind of similar too. Sustained FUD and shilling but with a majority saying positive things about it. Your standard P&D doesn't stay around on Veeky Forums for very long but ETH, NEO, and now LINK have done.
Of course there are other coins that were big on here that didn't make it (DGB and POSW) but I have a strong feeling that LINK is the next ANS / ETH. It just has that feel
Pic related. This weakhander probably sold at $3 after buying at $3.50