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I don't have a screenshot but I remember one guy that made a thread about how shorting and selling is the same. He went one to argue for 10 hours, no joke.
hahahaha what the fuck
Shorting and selling is the same you retarded
>be 100% in a stock
>want to be 0% in a stock
>selling produces a -100% weight
>shorting produces a -100% weight
This is why Veeky Forums constantly falls for PnD's
It was you, wasn't it?
Omg that's unbelievable
Already dumping
Keep this going please. Never laughed harder in my life.
Wasn't me, but whoever was arguing with you was essentially right. The financial literature considers short selling and selling essentially the same, but generally when someone says they are short the usually refer to cases where their portfolio contains a negative weight in it, as opposed to just positive weights
You cannot be srs
You can tell the truth user we don't judge.
That's not how it works
Shorting is basically a bet to the house where you say its going to go down a certain % in a certain period of time
If it does you get x times your position
If it dosent you get liquidated
I could ahort btc while still holding (would be dumb as if I assume its going down I would sell my BTC while making the short to buy back later, but there's multiple ppssible scenarios)
I dont even margin trade
Selling and short selling are two different things
Jesus, you guys are dumb. Suppose you have two strategies:
>strat A: go long and short the same asset
>strat B: sell your asset
Can you tell me what how these two strategies are different?
Then explain this I'm sorry, but my view is based off financial literature and theory, so I am right and your wrong. You can't go against hundreds of years of financial literature
So does this board even have funny threads ?
Damn, I think your thread derailing is working. Screencapping this thread for the next best of biz thread.
Because in the first scenario, you don't own the asset, and you have to give it back eventually. But please, try to short sell something, and not cover, and explain to your broker that it's the same thing as selling long so you don't have to cover because of hundreds of years of financial literature. LOL
Yea the threads where biz fools some poor loser to shove a sharpie up his asshole for some BTC is my favorite thing here.
And then he used a GUI in Visual Basic to backtracked the IP address
no comment needed
The threads where people unintentionally admit to buying high and selling low as their main strategy. Those threads are pretty funny. Even better when they say things like
>it's too low to buy right now
What a waste of trips
Also margin trading is quite new to the financial system
Im pretty sure you're trolling but still
>both scenarios are mechanically the same
>user can't understand this "but the English language says that sell and short are two different words, so they have to be different!"
>user proceeds to lose 10k in crypto
>"but I know finance. After all, I've created an etrade account, so I'm pretty much an expert at this point"
Yeah, do me a favor user, go buy some Chan coin
both scenarios are not mechanically the same.
>but the english language says that sell and short sell both have the word sell in them so it must be the same!
That's like saying that pooping and being a plumber are the same thing because they both have to do with toilets.
>when everyone on biz believes something, even though they have no actual knowledge on the subject, and they tell you to believe them as well, and you actually believe them unironically because your a sheep
Is this an accurate description of yourself lad?
So you believe that when you short tou're actually selling your
And when you go long you're buying
And that margin trading is not betting that the market will go one way or the other
And that we're the stupids and not you
Alright dude, have YOU ever done margin trading?
I could short BTC without owning any, how's that selling exactly?
>have 100% in a stock
>want to reduce my position in half
>short 50%
>now I only have exposure to 50%
>sell the remaining 50%
>now I have 0% exposure
I'm honestly now surprises you low IQs can't grasp this concept. Explains why you are at the mercy of whales in a scam market, while I can actually make money in the stock market
No one making fun of Demands and Supply meme that crpyto fag believes determine the value of shits?
fucking kek
Ok let's get specific
While investors go long in expectation that the stock will appreciate in price, traders go short in anticipation that the stock will tumble. As noted earlier, short selling makes it possible to sell what one does not own. The short seller achieves this by borrowing the stock from a broker, and immediately selling the stock at its current market price, with the sale proceeds credited to the short seller’s margin account. At a future point in time, the short seller will cover the short position by buying it in the market and repaying the loaned stock to the broker.
So yes, you're selling, but you're technically taming a loan
From the same people that run the exchange
Hence, you're not really selling (even though you technically are), you're just BETTING it wil go down.
You're technically selling someone else's property bexause legally that goes as investing/lending and not as gambling, but in REALITY its the same
See . It might be hard, but try to grasp it with your abysmally low IQ
Nope, not the same thing, because you have to cover the 50% you shorted eventually. Try again.
>short seller borrows the stock and immediately sells it
>"ayy lmao, this isn't selling"
Haha holy shit
Somebody here already made profit of people having fatfingers? Or being this stupid? Would love to come home and made 24 eth for 0,001 link
Nope, the 50% is covered by your long position. No surprise there, you couldn't grasp the basic algebra needed to understand this
The short position wouldn't have needed to be covered at all if it was the same as simply selling.
>You're technically selling someone else's property because legally that goes as investing/lending and not as gambling, but in REALITY its the same
The fact that you're selling something you DONT own is key
This is therefore false:
>retard borrows the stock and immediately sells it
>"ayy lmao this is the same thing as selling an asset that I own"
So what was the explanation?
does anyone have a screenshot of the thread where someone put up a contract to buy so many zrx tokens through the 0x protocol and some user bought it? that was fuckin hilarious
FOMO's a bitch
It's really sad that you can't grasp this. Let's say we both owned 50% of the portfolio. You can choose only 1 of the following strategies, and I'll choose the other
>sell your 50%
>short your 50%
Pick one of these, I'll pick the other, and we will see where the portfolio ends. My guess is a 0% weight left on the portfolio
also the niggercoin shit was a little ridiculous
i just noticed that i didnt save the sharpie in the pooper image + thread. does anyone have it?
You mean
Short someone else's 50%?
Nice projection. I never said it was like selling an asset that you own. I said that mechanically, they achieve the same thing, which they do
>inb4 "b-but biz told me otherwise. They've never been wrong before! They haven't collectively lost millions on shitcoins!"
I think this is where you're confusing yourself, you are assuming that the same end result means that the steps you took to get there are the same thing. They are not.
See right here, you just admitted that's your problem. They're not the the same thing, even though they manage to achieve the same end result.
Pick one of the two strategies, I'll pick the opposite one, and you'll see our portfolio will net 0%
shut up you moron
Ah that was glorious, he played it really well.
Don't bother trying to teach these guys. They're incapable of understanding anything but a naked short.
There is one fundamental difference between selling vs naked shorting by the way. Shorting in that way increases the outstanding supply of an asset, temporarily depressing the price. When closing that position, the price will naturally rise back up as supply is reduced.
Any significant selloff will cause that price depression, but if you were selling something you already had, you're not on the hook to buy it back.
It would take a much larger quantity than anyone here has for this effect to really matter in most markets anyway.
>I never said it was like selling an asset that you own
>short YOUR 50%
Is this really how you want to start your day mate?
ty my man
>A = B
>A = C
>"b-but A != C"
Your parents made a massive mistake lad
>t. Lost 10k of mummy's money on shitcoin
>short selling and selling are essentially the same
>I never said it was the same
Thanks user. It's good to know someone on this board actually has a brain
Kek, just leave this brainlet
He wants to win an internet argument so bad he's willing to change it in under 20min
He threw away 30 ethereum, because, like you he didn't understand how ed works
It was a typo lad. Meant selling asset you don't own
>inb4 "haha the user mistyped, which means I win the argument! Now back to my McJob"
Shit I remember that thread. Did he figure out how the fuck those trades went through in the end? I'm guessing he stayed rekt.
I usually argue in numbers and charts, not words. Words are clumsy. If you actually read any financial textbooks, you would have understood what I meant. All you have revealed is that your uneducated
So you meant
>I never said it was like selling an asset that you DONT own
A does NOT equal B hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
So say that A represents selling long, and B represents selling short, and C represents the end result that you keep saying makes A and B the same thing.
In order to get to C, you must add something to A, mainly factors and conditions and the underlying definition of what A is and how it works mechanically. But what you add to B to get to C is different from what you add to A.
So A + x = C, and B + y = C, but now you're trying to say that A = C? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
>19 replies by this ID
shut up nigger boy
lol I remember this post
You are an idiot.
Pick up a financial textbook. This should have made sense to you, but clearly it won't because you haven't read any financial textbooks
>inb4 "diversification is like putting eggs in multiple baskets"
Yes user, you hit the head on the nail. That's exactly what it is
>muh financial textbook
I understand how it works. Are you saying he lied when he said he only deposited? Because those orders can only happen if he placed them.
He placed the order multiple times mixing up the fields.
The ordere were "dormant" and everytime time he put ETH in the contract, they were refilled and completed by someone else.
There are bots on EtherDelta for such things.
>t. ragie heavy bag holder with a self proclaimed 150 IQ
Ok so he didnt just deposit then he placed orders too
>t. susceptible to ponzi schemes
>t. samefag
>t. Conspiracy theorist
all of your posts are essentially the same thing:
>I'm wrong but muh financial literature that I never even read says that I'm right therefore you are wrong and you are susceptible to wales and ponzi schemes
When you're using the same language and same fallacies, then going on your phone or laptop to post won't stop you from being recognized.
>t. LINK marine
I think you have to restart your router to change your IP
so to find ouy if he has changed his ip, let's just insult him and wait for an answer
hey, you're a real piece of shit, did you know?
I fucked your mother last night, and she will die in her sleep tonight, unless, ofc, you answer to this post with the same ID ;)
hey you're a total fag too, answer to this with same ID or all your gains go down the drain
this was pretty funny.
Here is your
fuck I love LINK memes seriously the gift that just keeps on giving
so you're admiting to be those other 2 dudes?
damn that was easy, guess was right
what the fuck
I sent this guy a few Links because he actually made me lol
can we still buy lizards off that website?
>Ok so he didnt just deposit then he placed orders too
EtherDelta is laggy sometimes so peple click BUY or SELL until they see the order in the order book.
You have 10 ETH.
You can send a buy order for 10 ETH n times even if you don't have 10*n ETH.
When someone completes the order the order orders are readjusted to 0 ETH I think.
But then If you transfer 10 ETH again the old orders are resumed to a full 10 ETH each, and so on.