Thoughts on Blocknet? Just heard about it from this:

Thoughts on Blocknet? Just heard about it from this:

Other urls found in this thread:

The Blocknet decentralised exchange is trustless and private (no identity needed). Blocknet is building an exchange on their decentralised application platform, in which BLOCK tokens will be used. You can choose to stake your BLOCK and make a very decent 1yr ROI, or buy 5000 BLOCK and run your own node. Blocknet is building and expanding upon Satoshi's dream, as all current exchanges are far from what his dream for crypto & blockchain technologies is. The future of exchanges, the future of decentralised applications, the internet of blockchains, Blocknet!

User Interface unveil is in 3 days:

Is it worth investing in?

Muh decentralized exchange

wow userface preview this 10x

she can suck my dick

Yeah well she can suck my BLOCK ;]

When BTC hit 7300 I traded 100% into block, and I'm not planning to get out any time soon. Market cap is gonna go 500% and staking is about to get even more profitable

absolutely undervalued and such a tiny market cap for a huge project that is actually up and running

use your brains anons

the project is too solid to be pnd that's another funny thing

Exactly, Blocknet is here to stay.

shut up and take my money!!!

blocknet is the only exchange that:
1. can't be regulated by any government
2. can't be hacked / secured funds in own wallets!
3. anyone can add/list a new coin to the exchange without any cost to it or person to ask for allowance.
4. miner and normal users can sell straight out of their own wallets so there are no transfer costs to get your funds on the exchange
5. any trading fees on the exchange will be rewards for those users keeping their funds in a active wallet

Solid development from the past 3 years. It really has gotten into the next gear since this summer. More devs, getting read of the interim wallet and getting the investors setting up service nodes (5k block) and staking. All very profitable atm and a lot of community support (api documentation / nodes counters / roi sheets, all build from the community).

This project is gonna be the fist real dex to go live (is live atm, but no UI). It's a real dex because order matching and orderbook are also decentralized. Check this with your fav dex project. They either won't or are 2 month into developing it. This project has been for 3 years. Current marketcap is crazy.. This will go 5x before feb '18

She can lick my butthole

also, block tokens will be bought on the market to provide the fee for the trades for the servicenodes.

more volume = more fees = more market buys of block tokens

Hmm, looks interesting after doing a little more research. What differentiates this from other decentralised exchanges?

One of the most /comfy/ hodls for 2018, maybe even more than REQ.

Anyone else think thats a trap?

Show us feminine penis and I'll buy 100k
I'm hoping it's a trap. Otherwise jerking off would be really awkward.

It's actually 100% decentralised

What do you mean

Basically They were also the first to do atomic coin swaps by about 6+ months, despite Komodo and Charlie Lee talking horseshit about "MUH FIRST EVER" the other month.

looks more likea gold digger

t-minus 3 days to lift off

im balls deep in block, and honestly wont even consider selling a single token til 100+.

its inevitable.

65% of the supply is locked up.

only 65k available on the ask.

block will be 100+ by christmas and 200+ by next spring, so I'm hodl'n long time

yeah im not going to trust financial advice from a daft cunt who has to jump cut literally every 3 fucking words even if its mid sentence

lulz then do your own research fuck nut. Solid project either way

How does one stake BLOCK?

Fuck off roastie. You know the rules.

wow ...i've never considered myself a feminist because i didn't have to. always got respect when roofing. you stick with the block community and don't listen to these fudding yohos with no callouses