How many genocides have exactly happened here trough history?
How many genocides have exactly happened here trough history?
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Many. Just look up the Mongols and their successor states.
its one perpetual genocide
define genocide
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.
Can anyone provide any objective proof that Genocide is a bad thing?
about tree fiddy
sage btw
four and a half.
and sage.
less than America
How does someone do a half a genocide? Is their heart just not in it fully?
The argument isn't about whether or not genocide is moral, but whether or not all of Eurasia is just one giant murderfest.
Not enough
If there’s anyone left to bitch about being genocided, you didn’t finish the job
Has anyone ever done one full genocide? I think humanity is very underrated in terms of morality, it seems we've never even committed an entire one genocide.
Well if they aren't around anymore and there is no record of them then they were successfully genocided.. So there isn't a way to be sure.
the true answer
Almost complete destruction of Western Xia is a good example
Probably we did a lot of "full genocides" in our early days. It wasn't so hard to erase an entire people/culture way back then.
none, all genocides are fictional work by the supposedly victimised party, I've seen this 20 hour youtube video about it...
genocide of the old Prussians.
You might count what the sea people did then as a full genocide. There is no evidence of what they did except for the sudden lack of certain civilizations being there and a couple of references in Egyptian hieroglyphs of dudes with circumcised penis's.
they didn't get killed, they assimilated and started speaking German
just like noone will speak Irish anymore in 100 years
>they assimilated and started speaking German
I'm sorry Hans, thats bullshit.
You genocidal bastard.
destruction of culture and language is the same thing
they didn't chose to speak german out of their own will