Why do Protestants constantly ridicule the notion of becoming righteous in God's eyes by behaving ethically but embrace the idea of becoming righteous in God's eyes through passing an arbitrary theology test that apparently not even Catholics can pass?
Why do Protestants constantly ridicule the notion of becoming righteous in God's eyes by behaving ethically but embrace...
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The Catholics followed the Pharisees
Sage /thread
Paul was a Pharisee and Jesus probably was too.
you don’t know what Pharisees means, do you?
Most of modern Christianity has followed the Pharisees, Prots and Catholics both.
>Why do Protestants constantly ridicule the notion of becoming righteous in God's eyes by behaving ethically
we don't we just say that faith is the most important element and ultimately what leads to salvation. It's not just "lol I believe now so I can drink and kill people"; what catholics consider "works" is the natural extension of faith, faith will lead the individual to follow God's will.
Okay pastor Jim I'll be sure to join your one true church of Jesus Christ in Alabama.
>faith will lead the individual to follow God's will.
TIL a LOT of people who re "Christians" are going to hell then
catholics, yes
Satan and his demons believed but aren't saved.
Prots too mate. I read about some youth group pastor molesting kids in muttland every other week. Church usually helps hide it too.
people always believed that majority are going to hell
"protestants" who didn't truly have faith. many such cases nowadays, it is quite sad.
Outside the Church there is no salvation.
Your doctrine is manmade from a German priest seeking to rape a nun and be drunk.
your 'church' is a bastardization of Hellenic paganism and old jewish authoritarian influences. have fun in hell, devil worshiper.
Your demonic attitude of taking pleasure in the thought of my damnation tells me all I need to know.
I don't take pleasure in it, it goes without saying that you are going to hell and I wish you make the best of it. you have already made it evident that you will not correct your severe spiritual error and will continue to worship demons serving the very devil himself.
>calling Jesus the devil
Not good thing to do user
catholics don't worship Christ
Speaking as a non Christian it disturbs me immensely that all the religious threads on here quickly devolve into "you're going to hell" "no you are"
I seriously hope this is satire, none of the Christians I know in real life are this demented.
>none of the Christians I know in real life are this demented
Veeky Forums "Christians" belong on Veeky Forums. It's all just a game for them.
Yeah that makes sense. What is your belief system?
that's not what the Bible says
What bugs me more is when Christians start shitting on other Christians for being poor and uneducated.
Blame Jesus, he started all the "it's my way or hell" shit.
that is pretty un-Jesus like behavior like nothing could be more un-Jesus like than boasting about wealth or education
yeah but Jesus (in the Synoptics at least) was more concerned with ethics that creedal orthodoxy. In John we get a very different flavor of Jesus but in the Synoptics it's really about Jesus pointing us to God the Father not to himself.
Hell is the status quo for people.