Britannia TV series

I'm about to start watching this.

What's Veeky Forums take on the show?

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Don't do it user. It's horrible

>tfw no Boudica gf

>Hey lets make a show about the Roman conquest of Britain.
>Should we include Togodumnus or Caratacus; the two people who led the defence of Britain?
>Nah, lets include Celtic feminism and magic mushrooms

Not including either Togodumnus or Caratacus proves whoever created it is a fucking idiot who couldn't even be bothered reading the wikipedia article about the events.

Boudica is probably the most notable enemy of Rome, outside of Vercingetorix and Hannibal.

Just because you're some virgin that hates women, does not mean that she is not an important historical figure.

>lead rebellion after romans rape your daughters
>destroy one legion in an ambush and several towns
>get btfo by a tiny Roman force
>only get remembered thanks to bong nationalism in the 19th century

She's ok.

They kill off Vespasian in one of the first episodes. They researched that he was a part of the Roman invasion but couldn't be bothered to read ahead that he would become emperor

I personally enjoy it as a show but its more historical fantasy.

>Boudica is probably the most notable enemy of Rome, outside of Vercingetorix and Hannibal.
>Who is Mithridates IV
>Who is Decebalus
>Who is Arminius
>Who is Atilla
>Who is Sertorius
Boudicca burned a bunch of defenseless towns and then promptly got her ass kicked when the Romans decided to face her in the field.

>most notable enemy of Rome
Spot the Anglo

Boudica Is a Briton not an Anglo

And? Only Anglos consider that whore relevant because their crypto-pagan revival in the 19th century nutted all over her.

Literally only feminists give a shit about boudica.
Most here like the roman empire

Boudica was utter trash (this is coming from an Anglo btw). She was annihilated the first and only time she came against a sizeable contingent of Romans in a fair fight.

>Vespasian went to Britain
Is that where he was exiled to before the Jewish wars
>unironically calling him togodumnus
Meme history is shit history
t. Brit salty we were never taught about the >H >R >E at school

Why would you care about history that doesn't involve Britain?

i like the show because i expect the same ammount of historicool accuracy out of a vikings clone as i would from a episode of xena

only two things that irk me are the druids, just because they are a bit annoyingly edgy, but thats down to designers, and the fact everione speaks english, thats annoying, and a missed opportunity since language and 'spelling' have that whole role in magic which is a big thing in the show what with wizards and demons and mindfuckery

It's not history it's fantasy, but it is still quite fun. The two stoned Romans and the ex druid play good parts, as does the Roman General.

I watched and I fear season 2 will be full britwank and the daughter name will be revealed to be boudica

Also they somehow killed Vespasian

>Boudica is probably the most notable enemy of Rome, outside of Vercingetorix and Hannibal.
fucking brits/aglo propaganda I swear

I suppose the appeal of the show, fantasy though it is, is that so little is known of that time. We have the Roman view, some archaeological evidence. But that's it really. Britain was the Ireland of the dead, were the soul's of the dead went to. The knowledge of the druids was lost.

Because we get taught
>and it was embarrassing that Britain almost lost to Germany a young nation only 30 years old
We don’t even get taught about the expansion of France

>Britain was the Ireland of the dead, were the soul's of the dead went to. The knowledge of the druids was lost.

When did Britain almost lose to Germany

Wewuzism at its finest

>>Who is Mithridates IV
>>Who is Decebalus
>>Who is Arminius
>>Who is Sertorius

No idea.
And that's probalbly why they went with the others.

Attila I know but I don't recall him being on the isles.

It's entertaining

Don't watch it for the historical value, its full of bullshit, it's just a pause show until GOT returns

Jugurtha, Mithridates, Zenobia, Attila or Pyrrus are all immensly more well known that that savage, she’s only somewhat known because Anglos wewuz about her

Old legend from Brittany, the soul's of the dead were shipped across to Britain or whatever it was called then. Albion being a Greek name. By bewitched boats men, the trip there and back was done in a night. I know little else. Then there's the green man, no one knows the story but he keeps popping up in carvings story's like the green knight.

epic troll XD

He was the best. Maybe bad as ruler, but badass as warrior

No, completely serious.

>cuck italians ambush Pyrrhus
>italian champion taunts Pyrrhus
>Pyrrhus becomes so mad that he cuts the italian in half and routs the enemy

He was quite nice.

Then google them and educate yourself, you troglodyte. You literally have their names. Take 5 minutes of your time so you don't show up in threads talking about shit you don't even understand.

The point was that a person with just casual "that's neat" knowledge of history would recognise the name Boudica, making her a easy one for the studio to use.
Accessibility for the broadest public.
Especially since a lot of people are even less into history.

I'm very interested in this.
I know that Glastonbury was once known as the island of Avalon, thought to be the Celtic otherworld

>most notable enemy of Rome
I'm ashamed to say that I took that fucking bait user. I got mad.

The worst part about this, is that the show is pandering to the lowest common denominator. And you are part of this lowest common denominator. Enjoy your show I guess.

>no black romans
Not watching that white washed history crap


They existed and they deserve representation.

...I guess I am the lowest denominator that'd care about it yeah.

What a sad attempt to twist words. No, friend. You are apart of the group who is dumb enough to not know history, or care enough to rectify that. You're on par with a high school student when it comes to history. Again, enjoy your show, stupid.

>this bait
Surely black was in Roman Empire. But why you presents some minor and obscure cases as common?

>they had a small number in Rome itself
Did you even read the source you posted? It specifically states that most black Romans were in the African colonies. I'll give you one guess if this show takes place in the African colonies. I'll also give you a hint: it doesn't.

Not a matter of stupidity, but education and exposure.

If it's original traditional garb though the ages, history of nordic agriculture, germanic migration in to the scandinavians and cultural exchange between the baltics and scandinavia I'm good.

Yeah. Enjoy your show.

Stop trying to white wash history.

Let's play "what's wrong with this picture?"

Other cultures should do more historical stuff.
That's very clearly a modern saddle.

In what world is Boudica better known to casuals than Mithridates or Arminius?

Not even the Emperor himself could afford cloth that black?

One of the sources used in this article literally talks about how black people are the victims of a curse. It's not an ancient source either, it was written in 1983.

From my casual POV:
She's been a civ leader in 2 Civilization games but the others are still stuck in the much heavier games focused on historical accuracy and representation.

1. Helmet looks like they got it at a party store
2. Leather lorica segmentata
3. What the fuck is that armor on the right supposed to be. Is it a coat of plates?
4. Modern saddle
5. Weird archery vambrace things
6. Why is everyone wearing black

>Not a matter of stupidity
If you know you are uneducated in the matter and still choose to take pride in your ignorance rather than learning more about the topid at hand I'd say it is fair to call you stupid. At least you are lazy as fuck.

>that armor

praetorians and emperor wore exclusively pimp clothing (purple)

The sword hilt isn't even black. Romans would never wear anything that isn't black or gold. The horse is brown too. Who is responsible for this shit??

>choose to take pride in your ignorance
I don't take pride in my ignorance, I just acknowledge it as well as my apathy towards correcting it, bow my head to those that do know shit and hope I can pick up some things form time to time, I just can't be bothered to make an effort to retain it, it either grabs my interest and sticks or it doesn't.

>At least you are lazy as fuck.
That is true, too much shit came naturally to me so I never learned to appreciate hard work.
Now I'm a useless dabbler.

Try being from a relevant country, you'll feel better!

I love how this post doesn't mention zenobia who is actually relevant and managed to defeat the romans instead of Boudicca who got btfo the moment she encounter actual roman fighting force

totally ahistorical terry pratchett-tyle interpretation of history, with magic and far too many blacks, like pic related, being pushed as 'numidians'

His nose is far too raised to be sub Saharan

>most notable
He meant as in entry level historian
Not many people know about Zenobia

>most notable enemy of Rome
>Fucking Boudica
Had she actually done something else than ambushes and sacking Roman colonies, she would've been more notable. I mean, for fuck's sake she fucking lost to a far numerically inferior Roman force. She knew nothing of tactics.

Not Veeky Forums but the show is god awful
The druids are overly edgy and just boring
Everyone speaks the same language
The production budget is too low to even attempt a show like this
Terrible acting
terrible attempt at cloning game of thrones style politics
a fucking Harris Hawk
And finally, 90% of it is filler

In America he would not be considered black, he would be defined as some flavor of hybrid of mulatto, sambo and mestizo, la creatura.

>And finally, 90% of it is filler

I watched it and I can deal with the rest of it, but this is the worst offender. The entire plot could have been condensed to 3 episodes.

>Britain was the Ireland of the dead

> tfw you unironically end up cheering for the Romans to make a desert and call it peace

I'd rather have a Mithradatic Wars Series where the Roman Republic kicks pontic ass

>Most here like the roman empire
The two aren't mutually exclusive

So in the series, black legionaries are all identified as "Numidian" and Antonius claims that the ancestor God of the Numidians is Bomazi.

But Bomazi is actually the patron God of the religion of the Kingdom of the Bakuba, a 17th century state in southern Africa.

Why did they do this?

They could make a series about one of the Theban legions and have EVERY charatcer be black if they wanted. Why not do that instead of blackwashing North Africans?

It still wouldn't be very accurate to make them the typical west African black that most of the Africans in the USA and UK are.

>those goths are getting awfully close
the Romans were attacking a Goth wagon circle, why would you point out that they are getting close when you are the ones intentionally moving towards them

Because Rome was a good boy

they could have blown everyone away by making the first piece of media about ancient britain without romans in it.
insteda its typical didactic bbc poz shit.

The most notable enemy of Rome were Brennos then Hannibal.

black wasn't hard to get.Just hard to maintain as it tended to fade
I think black does look good on legionaries but that would be up to the individual legionary what colour of tunic and crest he wanted.Why would the whole legion only buy black lol.

>Anglos thinking Britain was "totally a serious thing" in roman times when it actually was the Uganda of the empire in terms of relevance or importance.

But also, most of legionaries, even chiefs, had blue or grey eyes or beige-brown hair.
I don't think that the majority of Roman army was yet German when Britain conquest happened.

The Roman army was never majority or even significantly German.

Also this. From a Veeky Forums standpoint you only need to watch the trailer to realize it is worthless. From a /tv/ standpoint I thought it had potential for some cheesy rome-fiction. But whoever was in charge of this show clearly tried to go for a serious tone. They should have went the Gotham route and just embraze the shittiness of their sets and costumes and do it tongue-in-cheek. This show fails on all fronts.

Or a band of brothers-esque miniseries about Varus in Germania.

I watched the series fully expecting that it was retarded anglo fiction.
That is what I got.
>Celts are edgy retards that sacrifice people because Druids said so.
>Roman General is the devil or something and cuts out the redheads heart in the final episode.
>Simpleton version of "Divide and Impera" which is basically just "Kill your enemies"
>Nubian Legionary that gets skinned and somehow as very roman name.
>Weird dude with loli girl some some whacky shit.
>magic is also there and somehow works and is either obvious or tries to be sublte.
>There will be season 2.
>Vespasian died because reasons.
>Romans wear leather segmentata and biker clothing.
>Celts paint themselves blue, horse archers from the celts wear armenian clothing.
>Roman camp looks like it was made for 10 people.

That's what I remember on the top of my head.

>and somehowhas very roman name

Subjects adopted roman names tard.

>In what world is Boudica better known to casuals than Mithridates or Arminius?

How fucking detached from reality are you?

Tin and lead were totally serious thing.

I know that, but he could be something more foreign sounding, perhaps?

>no Viriatus

muh ancestors :(

Mithridates i get the point but arminius ? come on he's well known

with normies? no not at all desu

Threadly reminder there is zero archeological evidence for the Battles of Chaeronea and Orchomenus and Sulla fabricated them to save face and declare a hasty victory when he returned to Rome.

First off, that graph is officers, not for legions. Second, that fucking Y axis has not units labeled so it's a trash graph. Thirdly, this is a random fucking graph with no citations.

Please don't post misnformation.

actually rustled my jimmies for a moment there, well done lad

t. lindy

>First off, that graph is officers, not for legions.
It's not like Legions are just raised out of the ether. They have officers in their ranks.
>Second, that fucking Y axis has not units labeled so it's a trash graph.
It's literally what it says in the title, individual officers
>Thirdly, this is a random fucking graph with no citations.
It was compiled by Hugh Elton, one of the most seminal scholars of Late Antique military history.

>They have officers in their ranks
And there is clear documented nepotism and preferential treatment for native Italians and later expansionist territory Romans for promotions so it is vaguely at best related to legion composition. You're taking a statistic about A and conflating it to mean B. This graph proves nothing?
>It's literally what it says in the title, individial officers
The term "officer" means NOTHING since it can encompass a dozen or so actual ranks.
>It was compiled by Hugh Elton
That's nice and all but that's still not a citation.

>Boudica is probably the most notable enemy of Rome, outside of Vercingetorix and Hannibal.

Arminius? Spartacus? Pyrrhus? Mithrades?

Just started watching E02 and... WTF is this?!

Are the Romans expecting the Brits to attack with tanks?