>Women are inherently inferior
>After you die you live on by being worshiped by your descendants
>You respect your dad so that you will get respected as a dad
>Traditions and rituals are important and give us meaning and connection to past
>Animalistic individual desires should be set aside for greater societal harmony
The most redpilled fucker in history
Other urls found in this thread:
"Redpill" /pol/tards don't have respect for tradition or family in a real sense, social harmony, or not being hedonistic idiots.
recipe how to create a stagnant insectoid-tier shithole for a trillion years.
>Women are inherently inferior
He never said that, you moron.
>find interesting new philosophy
>/pol/tards immediately try to ruin it
Nah, you're already a cockroach without that.
Your stupid and your thread sucks. This isn't "red pilled" these are qualities you find best for society. That doesn't mean they're the best qualities for society.
I grew up in Japan the most confucian country (insectoid according to you) and I like it.
Everything works, and everyone minds thier own business. All you have to do is mind your own business and do your part to make society work and you won't be ostracised.
Don't be loud in the train. Don't be Logan Paul. It's pretty simple.
Admittedly, I hated it when I was an edgy rebellious teenager, but as I grew older and matured I grew to appreciate. Now I can't help but cringe when I see Chinese tourists and some Americans acting like man childs in public.
He's certainly not idealised by /pol/
Your source?
don't forget worshipping your monarchy as literal gods.
He's the head of Shinto-ism. Like the Pope for Westerners.
2000+ years of unbroken line from Japan conception. It's very unique and I appreciate it
My soure:
Please find me the paragraph which says "women are inherently inferior"?
>its thousands of years old so it must be good!
asian heda
read stirner you unwashed pleb
>Everything works
And was handed to you by the west
That concept belongs to "Shintoism", you idiot.
>Was handed to you by the West
Last time I checked the West was in rapid decline but things haven't changed much negatively in Asia
My bad. It wasn't Confucius's teachings but beliefs developed in Neo-Confucian teachings
"A woman's duty is not to control or take charge."
"Woman's greatest duty is to produce a son."
"A woman ruler is like a hen crowing."
>Japan the most confucian country
Probably not even third
>Last time I checked the West was in rapid decline
Compared with you? lmao
Also, is that Western idea of an argument? It does not related to topic. Immature
What countries are more Confucian? I'm going to laugh aloud if you say the People's Republic of China
It's a difference in mentality.
To you decline is meterial wealth.
A nation that hold firm to it's values and identity will last ten thousand years.
A nation that does not may experience short lived glory, but fade away into pages of history.
Can you find me the original texts of your "quotes"? You can't read original texts nor Chinese, can't you?
There were some concepts belittle women but they're first developed during Han dynasty wrote by a famous female scholar(班昭), her book is called "女戒".
Other than that, the traditional concepts which belittle women are these:
三從四德 Three Obediences and Four Virtues
Which are also not first developed by Neo-Confucianism.
Nevertheless, none of them ever said "women are inherently inferior". This "traditional virtue" may sounds like insult to "modern women", but it's not back then.
Historically, the entire mainland sinosphere. Whether you want to divide that by historic states or modern ones is up to you.
Where are these quotes from? I don't think even Neo-Confucianism thought this way exactly.
>This "traditional virtue" may sounds like insult to "modern women", but it's not back then.
I'm talking about today. If what you say is true China and Korea must have went though rapid decline as Chinese don't even bow anymore.
Koreans are a bit more civilised than Chinese but I think that's because we colonised them
Western colonialism doesn't make anything more civilized, as they only take shitty aspects of Western culture and reject the traditions and values of their original one. At least, that's my theory on East Asian degeneracy and consumerism.
>Japan colonizing Korea
>Western colonialism
Japan didn't Westernized our culture. Only superficial elements like clothing and technology.
>This "traditional virtue" may sounds like insult to "modern women", but it's not back then
It was an insult to women who wanted to go their own way back then as it is an insult to women who want to go their own way now. Not acknowledging that ambitious women who want to live by their own rules exist is why people don't want your "traditional rules" anymore.
This. Wealth will ebb and flow, but values can often never be recovered. Dignity, pride, and identity is far more important. Wealth and power only exist to ensure that the more important things don't die.
The same standards are held to men in collectivist societies - men who go their own way aren't exactly looked favorably upon.
And that's why collectivist societies are shit, and why people are increasingly shunning society preferring anime to real life while the population dies. Hint: it's happening to China too.
Individualism is a meme, and only popular because pushed by western cultural imperialism. Collectivism has always been the dominant and strongest form of society, in terms of keeping the culture's integrity and values.
Japan and China have lost all their values in the modern age anyways, that's not valid evidence for anything.
Sounds like your collectivist "values" were actually artificial, unnatural shit hated by multiple individuals given how quick and easily they crumbled before Western culture then. Now what does this remind me of?
I'm not from a place which is particularly westernized, m8. Why are you assuming so?
> artificial and unnatural
Nope, and the fact that they persisted for thousands of years says otherwise.
>Will last 10.000 years
Impressive considering no civilization ever lasted close to that and those that lasted for a long while constantly had changes in their culture
Almost as if your /Pol/ tier shit isn't real and only your own wishful thinking of how "ze gud ol days" looked
And the fact that they crumbled in mere decades shows how inferior those values are
No, it doesn't show anything of the sort. Individualism might be more temping and appealing for (shockingly) individuals, but that doesn't mean it's superior in any way. The long-term effects of it are already seen in the decline of western culture.
Also, the cultures which "crumbled" so quickly, had plenty of other factors at work, and the rise of globalized media which happened to be western is another variable at work.
>Nope, and the fact that they persisted for thousands of years
They did not, see all the civil wars that plague your history, and all the religious torture and persecutions of innocents in the West that still couldn't stifle away individualism. Collectivism has always been at war with human nature. That's because individualism is the natural state of the well-off person, the upper your class the more individualist you were regardless of what the rest of society thought. It's no coincidence collectivism/communism took root in poor shitholes, and wealth drove it away.
>I'm not from a place which is particularly westernized
So you're from a poor shithole, and you think that's a good thing?
What is western culture according to you
>Had plenty of other factors
So the superior totally awesome collectivist shithole couldn't stand up to the notion of individualism in any way and you are looking for excuses ?
Good job lmao
"n-n-no my ideology is supreme that why nobody likes it and it was discarded quicker than my 56% result on ancestry.com"
>Individualism might be more temping and appealing for (shockingly) individuals
That's what society is made of. People are individuals. Society is made of individuals. Imposing your will on those individuals without caring about what they want is what leads to conflict in society. Are you admitting collectivism can only exist through brutal violence and oppression of its people?
>The long-term effects of it are already seen in the decline of western culture
Everybody speaks of decline yet immigrants from collectivist shitholes are taking up western culture in the West and in their countries too. Really fires your synapses.
>the rise of globalized media
Damn your culture is weak is just showing people not starving to death and enjoying goods and lifestyles different from you is enough to kill it. Sounds like there's a lot of envy at work here.
>Everything works, and everyone minds thier own business. All you have to do is mind your own business and do your part to make society work and you won't be ostracised.
Except for the part where you all fuck body-pillows of anime characters instead of Japanese women
>It was an insult to women who wanted to go their own way back then
No, it's not. It's even wrote and praised by women themselves. Did you not read what I post?Or deliberately ignore it? You revisionist feminazi!
>There were some concepts belittle women but they're first developed during Han dynasty wrote by a famous female scholar(班昭), her book is called "女戒".
>that's why collectivist societies are shit
No, that's where your libercuck opinion is shit.
There was no "Hikikomori" issue back then, you fucking retarded libercuck revisionist. You libercuks are the real cancer of human society!
Your precious "western individualism society" such as USA also has NEET hikikomori problem. This weebsite is the very proof of it. You dumb fuck.
>It's even wrote and praised by women themselves
By some women, who wanted to force it on other women as a tool of political control. I don't like it, I don't want it, I don't agree with it and I don't care for it. What are you gonna do, chump?
This is why feminists in the West have always puts emphasis on free choice rather than societal imposition, and this is why western feminism has trumped (har har) your little work.
>young people are neets
>young people are also largely into communism
>all the civil wars that plague your history
Politics is politics, so?
>upper your class the more individualist you were regardless of what the rest of society thought.
>hurr power corrupts and we should all just be corrupt yolo haha
Somewhat true, yes. But that doesn't mean its a good thing. The most respected upper class people were often scholars and traditionalists, who supported Collectivism. This is the case in many societies.
> poor shithole
no to both.
No, but history goes back further than the last few centuries. We're on Veeky Forums, learn some history instead of judging everything by its current state.
The Individuals are made by and for, society. Nobody isn't a product of their ancestors and culture.
> brutal and violent
nice assumptions. fucking westerners, think collectivism only comes from being forced into it by commies or something.
> is enough to kill it
Yeah, after China had gone through a ton of cultural changes already, tradition was easily forgotten. My culture is just fine though user, you have nothing to worry about.
>By some women
She's not "some women", 班昭 was a famous female intellectual, she was a brilliant litterateur and "the FIRST female historian" in China, probably in of all East Asia as well. She actually thought these traditional "virtues" were compliments for women, and most of people agreed back then.
But then again I presume anyone who jeopardizes your modern sexual ideology can't be count as intellectual and must be shunned.
>The most respected upper class people were often scholars and traditionalists
Sounds like propaganda desu, seeing how the best and most respected intellectuals in the west have always been anything but traditionalists
>that doesn't mean its a good thing
Yes it does
>The Individuals are made by and for, society
Nope, individuals are made by themselves first and foremost, then their family, then society
Which is why people can rebel against their family and/or go against the trend of society, for example right now society thinks it's bad to be racist yet people have no problem being racist to each other to the point the notion of political correctness is largely losing weight
If what you said was true there would be no countercultures, subcultures, debate etc. - which the west thrives on
>fucking westerners, think collectivism only comes from being forced into it by commies or something
Well collectivism in the west has only ever been implemented via violent means that don't make it popular with the people
>you HAVE to live like a christian and we're going to burn you at the stake if you don't want to
>you HAVE to agree with Party policy or we're going to send you off to a prison camp
etc. etc.
>after China had gone through a ton of cultural changes already
Why are you blaming the west then when your culture is so shit your people abandoned it themselves
>young people are also largely into communism
Last time I checked, western society is still dominated or infested by liberals, who are not actually commies. Chinese call them "White Left".
>She's not "some women"
Yeah she's one woman, but I'm willing to guess there were others who agreed with her, no?
>she was a brilliant litterateur and "the FIRST female historian" in China, probably in of all East Asia as well
Nice but pretty irrelevant here
>She actually thought these traditional "virtues" were compliments for women, and most of people agreed back then
And then many women found out these "values" were not good for them at all which is why they didn't agree with them anymore and abandoned them
You know what else is a traditional value that people thought was a good thing back then? Not washing yourself, caring for one's body is sinful only soul matters. When the Black Death wiped out millions people started realizing just because something is "traditional" (which lol it even wasn't Romans loved baths) doesn't mean it's good.
t. B*rger
>they're not real communists
It's never real communism to you people
Bitch you got it completely ass backwards. People loved baths in medieval Europe up until the onset of the black death, at which point they noticed that people frequenting public baths were more likely to get infected, and even then, despite dramatically declining in popularity, baths never really went way.
>Non-Japanese Confucian monarchies
Anyone who thinks that Japan was a static society for even the last 500 years is a weeb mong.
>Nice but pretty irrelevant here
Actually it's relevant, her intelligence, capability, and achievements, even beauty(yes she's pretty woman) is main reason people value her thoughts so well.
>then many women found out these "values" were not good for them at all
That's like almost 1800 years later, like now, when Chinese people were heavily influenced by western values. What you think today doesn't neglect wheat people thought 1800 years ago. You fuck off with your libercuck revisionism!
>People loved baths in medieval Europe up until the onset of the black death
During the 4th and 5th centuries, Christian authorities allowed people to bathe for cleanliness and health, but condemned attendance to public bath houses for pleasure and condemned women going to bath houses that had mixed facilities. Over time more and more restrictions appeared. Eventually, Christians were prohibited from bathing naked and, overall, the church began to not approve an “excessive” indulgence in the habit of bathing. This culminated in the Medieval church authorities proclaiming that public bathing led to immorality, promiscuous sex, and diseases.
The church hated baths. During the Black Death, the church told people not to wash themselves but pray the disease away. Turns out praying doesn't do jack shit and it took centuries to undo the damage of the church.
>Nice but pretty irrelevant here
Actually it's relevant, her intelligence, capability and achievements, even beauty(yes she's a beautiful woman) is the main reason people value her thoughts so well.
>then many women found out these "values" were not good for them at all
That's like almost 1800 years later, like now, when Chinese people are heavily influenced by western values. What you think today doesn't neglect what people thought 1800 years ago. You can fuck off with your libercuck revisionism!
>Learn some history
>user said to an archaeologist
Top zozzle
Your ideology failed every time individualism was even suggested
Do those most liberals call themselves commies? Actual commies were against faggotory, not tomention 1776+ imaginary genders, unlike libertards.
>the main reason people value her thoughts so well
I don't see anyone except you praising her now and it seems like you only praise her because her thinking fits in line with your political ideas. Western feminist writers have also been praised for their intelligence, capability, achievements, and beauty (see the 19th century "New Woman" ideal) yet yo are dismissing them here. Why?
>That's like almost 1800 years later
And countless civil wars later
>Chinese people are heavily influenced by western values
Western values which have also existed for thousands of years too
Stop being mad little commie cuck
Please shut the fuck up and stop propagating Victorian revisionisms.
The church having a stance against mixed public baths because they were often whore houses, and the correct assumption that they were a great way to spread disease doesn't mean people didn't bathe or that public baths were abolished.
>Your ideology
>Actual commies were against faggotory
>In 1917, the Russian Revolution saw the overthrow of the Tsarist government, and the subsequent foundation of the Russian SFSR, the world's first socialist state, followed by the founding of the Soviet Union after the end of the civil war in 1922. The new Communist Party government eradicated the old laws regarding sexual relations, effectively legalising homosexual and transgender activity within Russia, although it remained illegal in other former territories of the Russian Empire. Under Lenin's leadership, formerly homosexual people were allowed to serve in government.
Inb4 >lenin wasn't a real communist
>the correct assumption that they were a great way to spread disease doesn't mean people didn't bathe
How else were people supposed to bathe when the church let roman plumbing fall into ruin and oblivion because bathing is a sin? Private bathtubs were a thing only the ultrawealthy 1% possesed. What was the rest of the population supposed to do, exactly, with no bathroom at home?
>the correct assumption that they were a great way to spread disease
Except that's not correct at all, see all the roman and ottoman public bath culture that has been proved to be superior and more effective in washing away diseases than retarded church thinking
>don't forget worshipping your monarchy as literal gods.
What's wrong with that?
Both the "conservatives" and "alt-right" are libercucks. They're idiots who don't understand how some degree of collectivism is needed to sustain communal stability and cultural integrity. I blame how widespread Nietzschean thought became to an extent. The "transvaluation of values" is antithetical to any traditionalist sensibilities.
All those things are wrong
The emperor is a person, not a god, can fuck up and will fuck up
See the Japanese Emperor's immense fuck up at declaring war on the United States
>when your culture is so shit your people abandoned it themselves
I'd be careful of what you say. He is correct that Western culture is declining, and a lot of it has to do with the growth of libertinism, unrestrained individualism, philistinism, and the erosion of small-scale communities. I'd be careful what you say because while the West becomes destabilized and polarized, the East is potentially becoming more unified. You may point to the conflict in the South China Sea, but keep in mind, the CIA has its noses everywhere, even artificially making "disputes" more pronounced... and they are losing their touches recently. I wouldn't be surprised if China or Japan finally sees into the duplicity of the West and seek rapprochement. A united East Asia is the last thing you retarded snow niggers should want.
Japan is pretty much "what if Rome was surrounded by the sea and allowed to continue?". They have a lot of that pre-christian practices and beliefs that Greeks and Romans had. They both saw the Emperor as Divine.
The Japanese Emperor had no power and was just a figurehead anyways. He was for most of his history.
>Japan is pretty much "what if Rome was surrounded by the sea and allowed to continue?" They both saw the Emperor as Divine
>The Japanese Emperor had no power and was just a figurehead
Do you enjoy contradicting yourself in the same post?
That's what the position had evolved into. It's entirely possible the Roman Emperor would evolve into something as useless. And Rome and Japan aren't 1:1 copies, but just overlap heavily.
>It's entirely possible the Roman Emperor would evolve into something as useless
If you want to larp about fantasy go do it over on Veeky Forums.
Worshipping a monarch like a god is retarded because a monarch is still a human person and human persons are fallible. They can fuck up and they likely will fuck up. You got presented a most relevant example.
>That's what the position had evolved into
Nope that's what it has evolved into AFTER Japan got its ass kicked by the US.
Hirohito was Head of State before the war.
Hirohito was forced to explicitly reject the quasi-official claim that the Emperor of Japan was an arahitogami, i.e., an incarnate divinity, after defeat in the war. In 1935, when Tatsukichi Minobe advocated the theory that sovereignty resides in the states, of which the Emperor is just an organ (the tennō kikan setsu), it caused a furor. He was forced to resign from the House of Peers and his post at the Tokyo Imperial University, his books were banned and an attempt was made on his life. It was in 1946 after a healthy ass-kicking by Liberty Prime that the tremendous step made to alter the Emperor's title from "imperial sovereign" to "constitutional monarch" was made.
Why do people pretend to know about history when you clearly don't?
>They have a lot of that pre-christian practices and beliefs that Greeks and Romans had.
Think you're confusing China with Japan there .
>Now I can't help but cringe when I see Chinese tourists and some Americans acting like man childs in public
The idea of self-restraint is lost in modern public chinese due to the destruction of the confucian values and buddhism in the great cultural revolution. But I see your point. Public display for affection and anger is seen as a childish thing in those cultures due to the the perception that adults are responsible actors with rational mind/ethics. When adults misbehave, the adults are seen as manchilds as a result. In principle, this is what society teaches in every world, but rarely enforced in western world because so many are manchilds and it would clog the system.
dude look at shinto. their myths are incredibly close to greek (and some norse?) myths
>Public display for affection and anger is seen as a childish thing
A culture that thinks holding hands with your gf or kissing her in public is "childish" sounds horrible desu, those people need to learn to mind their own business.
You people can't even take sarcasm ffs
>those people need to learn to mind their own business.
They do know how. They expect you to do your own business in private. If you do it in public it is everyone's business. Keep your business to yourself. Don't make your business everyone's business.
>They do know how
They don't, or they wouldn't bitch about doing perfectly normal and acceptable things in public.
>If you do it in public it is everyone's business. Don't make your business everyone's business
Not at all, there's this concept of personal space that applies in public too, which is why you don't stand too close to others in public and don't physically go out of your way to bother them unless you need something like directions from them (which is also why you start with "sorry" or "excuse me"). Stay physically away from a couple kissing, don't look their way if it bothers you, and don't go up to disturb them you nigger. People in the west are civilized enough to do this without problem, why can't you? You deserve getting your ass kicked m8.
In the western culture, when in public, all things are public. There are no personal space in public space. This is why laws regarding privacy is lost in any public settings.
If personal space is present in public, then every American would masturbate publicly such isn't the case.
>There are no personal space in public space
Yes there is, youre just too autistic to see it.
>people in the west are civilized
>do things that should be done in private in public
>expect privacy in public
u wut
If you want privacy, don't do something in public you retard
>Muh soggy knee
t. Feminist cuck
>those people need to learn to mind their own business
This is an example of why Western society is falling apart
None of those are things that shouldn't be done in public. In fact public displays of affection are good, shows kids in bad families their way isn't desirable, normal or the only one possible.
If doing it in public is good for everyone to see why do you expect people to mind their own business when you have made your business everyone else's?
There's a difference between they should tolerate or promote it, and they should mind their own business.
Why do you have to disrupt familial harmony with virtue signaling?
Hunter gatherers persisted longer. Societies change with technology.
>Mozi views aesthetics as nearly useless. Unlike Confucius, he holds a distinctive repulsion to any development in ritual music and the fine arts. Mozi takes some whole chapters named "Against Music" (非樂) to discuss this. Though he mentions that he does enjoy and recognize what is pleasant, he sees them of no utilization in terms of governing, or of the benefit of common people. Instead, since development of music involves man's power, it reduces production of food; furthermore, appreciation of music results in less time for administrative works.
The original autist
>The most redpilled of China's philosophers.
Nah, that's Lord Shang.
>People are inherently self-centered.
>Morality based on higher principles or gods therefore is ultimately powerless.
>It is law that keeps men from turning into savages.
>Therefore law must be the highest authority in the state.
>"B-b-but you're only good because you fear punishment!." Yes? And this is a problem?
>Noble birth confirms no advantages to people. Merit is the only true measure of people's abilities.
>Meritocracy should be the basis for government service.
>Gets executed by his own laws. State he helped found ultimately united China.
It is good for everyone objectively. This doesn't stop some people from having a problem with it anyway, because rather than be glad at people being happy doing something perfectly good and innocent, theh choose to be bitter and be consumed by envy. You know who objects the most to public displays of affection? Incels, because it reminds them of how undesirable they are.
Do these people take inspiration from others to better themselves? No, they bitch and whine and cry they're not allowed to make everyone else miserable as them. Reason is wasted on those people, they are like a tumor that needs to be physically separated from the body. That's why you tell them to back the fuck off and mind their business.
>familial harmony
There's no harmony when you're just imposing yourself on your wife and kids though. Which is a common thing in places where people aren't allowed to kiss their wife in public (exhibit case: Middle East)
I don't want my society to become such a shithole too, that's why I'll always kiss my wife in public and hold hands and be affectionate with her wherever, if you got a problem with it you can fuck off.
Ban zhao is literally the only woman in chinese history I can think of that has both a style and a given name. If women were not considered inferior, why are so many of them without a name?
The style and given name of many female poets, writers, calligraphers and composers etc. are known. The names of women who are just wives or daughters of some noble are unimportant.
What a horrible way of thinking
who is this "/pol/tards" person you speak of?
nothing unless you are a libcuck.