Why does no one talk about the USA's systematic genocide of Native Americans?
Why does no one talk about the USA's systematic genocide of Native Americans?
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>100 million
I've heard of values of 40 million, but this is laughably inflated.
Uhh, they were killed by diseases, not intentionally murdered.
Fuck off dumb europeans.
Funny how [insert pol text here]
There was no genocide, they died from disease and voluntarily traded their lands away in exchange for wealth. And now they are entitled welfare leeches and alcoholics that don’t contribute anything to the country that used their lands to make civilized society.
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. This is pretty much intuitive.
There was not 100 million native americans in the US at any point.
>this fucking meme again
Native Americans were reduced to a fraction of their former territory and numbers by a variety of causes, but a fully coordinated plot to massacre them wholesale never existed contrary to the opinion of liberal retards. Nearly all massacres were piecemeal and often retaliatory ("you shoot a few of my settlers, I shoot a few hundred of your tribe kind" of thing). Since the 1970s, popular attitude towards Native Americans has been more reconciliatory, which even at its worst is better than the situation Natives endure in other parts of the Americas where the Indian Wars are in effect, still going on (ex. Zapatistas).
tl;dr the Indian Wars were closer to a very brutal free-for-all between Europeans and various tribes than they were to the Holocaust, and attempting to equate the two makes you look like an idiot.
t. family fought on both sides of the Indian Wars
Actually it doesn't and they should've gone the fuck back to Asia.
Amerindians are native to America the same as europeans are native to europe.
America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
Isn't this intuitive enough?
No, they're native to Asia and walked to the Americas.
>and attempting to equate the two makes you look like an idiot.
Yeah at least the Jews came out of the Holocaust and got a whole country given to them afterwards.
>Have inferior genes
>Get fucked by nature
>Have half your genepool replaced with alien races in order to survive
>Blame Anglos for sweeping up the remnants of a lost race
Yeah alright bud
Oh look it's this faggot again; who are you going to repopulate the Americas with? Mestizos? The place would go to hell faster than you can say cinco de mayo
Which is funny because they're mutts who have no claim, all they did was steal the land they're on from Spain.
>all they did was steal the land they're on from Spain.
The trail of tears was pretty genocdal.
Why do /pol/ brainlets keep spouting this dumb shit? There was no other human population in America when they came there.
>muh Solutrean hypothesis
Garbage not taken seriously by any respectable academic.
Shut the fuck up mutt, give your land back to Spain. They were there first.
>they're native because they were there first
And yet you'll be extremely butthurt and scream and cry about Boers who colonized an uninhabited area of South Africa before being attacked by expansionist Zulus.
>He thinks I live South of the Rio Grande/am a mestizo
Your post was pants-on-head, all those creatura atrocidads didn't just move there from Iberia
>spanish speaking christian bastard mutts got shit out on the land so they're natural born Aztecs
No, get off Spanish land.
>natural born Aztecs
As common as the dodo
>get off Spanish land.
I don't live on Spanish land
I guess Europeans should go back to Central Asia and the Middle East then, since most of them are descended from steppe niggers and farmers from modern day Turkey. And the previous population that was there before them emigrated from Africa.
You're a confused mutt, fuck off and stop trying to talk about shit you don't understand. Go stuff your face with some Walmart deli burgers you fat retarded subhuman.
Meant to quote:
>btfos his own "muh we came first" argument
Well done faggot, now you see how retarded you are.
As you will be of Africans going to Europe, even though humans migrated to Europe long ago. By your logic Europe belongs to no one since the indigenous Europeans migrated there too.
>He has to resort to baseless ad hominems regarding my nationality
Alright bud, just know your delusions won't leave that pretty little head of yours
Yeah, because native American tribes didn't displace each other and claim scalps constantly.
>Yeah at least the Jews came out of the Holocaust and got a whole country given to them afterwards.
>300,000 Navajo gets 26,000 miles of territory under their treaty with the US Government
>8 million Israelis have to share 8,000 miles of territory and be surrounded by people who hate them
>Israel previously controlled the Sinai Peninsula but was arm-twisted by the UN into giving it back to Egypt
>can't confront the existence of boers that coincides with his own retarded logic
Your existence is programmed by media and nothing else faggot, stick to McDonald's.
I don't care about the Boers. The Americas is what concerns me.
>No, get off Spanish land.
You mean native land.
You don't care because it would cause cognitive dissonance and you're too emotionally invested and also retarded to actually argue about moving large quantities of people around based on arbitrary mental gymnastics, you retarded amerilard.
It was actually considered the more moderate solution the at the time.
The alternative was a full-blown war.
Oh yeah and Stand Watie did nothing wrong.
False, any place belongs to anyone whose got the will to fight for it and hold it
>hurr durr so you're fine with niggers and hajis taking over Yurope
I don't care what happens to Europe or anyone really
So you admit Europe belongs to no one either? I hope you don't have a problem with new immigrants there replacing the current population then.
No because Africa is not my concern, in the same way Asia isn't either. But if it makes you happy the Boers can stay in Africa it makes no difference to me either way.
You're the one arguing this retarded shit wanting to relocate "white people" because of your autistic mental gymnastics, go back to r/politics you nigger quadroon mutt.
Oh look at this racist now supporting African genocide.
That's what I said, Spanish land. Mutt.
Native Americans have way more land than Israel.
Maybe we can just relocate the white nationalists? They want a white country, why not return to their roots in Europe. Would also balance out the declining population and would ensure Europes peope aren't replaced by migrants. Seems like a win/win.
>systematic genocide
I don’t think so, Tim.
Useless land. Also natives were not in high positions of power already, and not united as a people. They are extremely diverse culturally.
It would be leftypol in this case, or a shareblue text or which ever iteration of shillinh companies we are on now
>you are the one arguing
Not me, boy.
It wasn't genocide.The Siberian-American population had been declining for years before Columbus even arrived..
The singular Trail of Tears does not turn a pandemic into a genocide.
because it was far better than the alternative of breeding with them
What exactly is the Voortrekker Monument memorializing if there were no blacks to fight at Blood River? Is it made up?
because it only serves to bring out the weakest minded /pol/ banter
if natives have to go back to asia then eurangatans need to go back to the middle east
Because nobody cares about people they aren't related with.
For example when was the last time you heard someone talk about the genocide of the balkan turks by the barbarian balkan niggers?
But why were there Turks in the Balkans in the first place? Imperialist settlement. They're the whites in this scenario, so the same people who attack the US for the Indian Wars would celebrate it as righteous decolonization if they knew about it.
More like Northeast Africa.
> turks: armenian genocide is fake
> nazis: jewish genocide is fake
> americans: native genocide is fake
Native genocide is literally fake. The vast majority of natives were fucked by small pox. If it weren't for diseases ravaging two continents the America's would have simply become another Africa. Any actions taken by the Americans against natives was nothing more than standard warfare. There was no systemic killing of people because they were Native.
Property rights don't work that way retard, in particular for the Natives during the period. It's why many of them "sold" land to colonists for trinkets. They had no concept of such permancy. Further after the small pox emptied out much of North America, the Natives were literally incapable of sustaining populations on land they had once occupied, forcing large portions of the continent to become abandoned. Abandoned, unused, UNOWNED. It may seem strange in today's totally divided world, but for much of human history territorial control existed as a spectrum. The Roman Empire's influence and control extended dozens miles past it's officially demarcated border, so too with ancient China, and in colonial Africa. The fact of the matter was, where colonists where able to initially settle, that land was effectivly no one's.
American education
They could've make them change places during the summer not in winter.
>100 million
Umm no sweetie
Jewish genocide is literally fake. The vast majority of Jews were fucked by Typhus. If it weren't for diseases ravaging European temporary shelters for misplaced peoples of occupied territories Europe would have simply become another communist shithole without hitler and the nazi party. Any actions taken by the Nazis against jews was nothing more than standard warfare. There was no systemic killing of people because they were Jewish.
It was maybe 10 million
90% of whom died from diseases
The only survivors were the isolationist alt-right racist injuns that saw white skin and either attacked on sight or walked the other way
The real genocide that is absolutely unforgivable is the intentional devastation of the American buffalo
Over 120 million great beasts of fur and horn were shot down by train for no reason other than to kill them off
They didn’t even use the meat
The death toll of 100 million is for the whole New World from 1492 until the 20th century. Most of these deaths were from disease.
That being said, the US definitely repressed and terribly mistreated its population of Indians. Read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee."
They were the first people to come here.
>No reason
A good pelt was $3 each while the average worker would be lucky to earn a third of that a day
in canada they're just generic lower class canadians
in america they get free college anywhere they want
in mexico they vote for communists and cause secessionist problems
And Europeans certainly never deliberately spread smallpox to the natives, no no no never ever.
>Useless land.
Nigga are you actually implying that the land that Israel sits upon is in any way inherently useful? If anything it's a massive fucking detriment due to being surrounded by enemies while also being just as much of a useless slice of desert as any of its neighbors. Hell Israel arguably has the worst land out of any of its neighbors period barring Saudi Arabia.
wtf i hate plain niggers now
they did that literally once and there's no evidence it worked
>100 million
Begone, Dixieshit
No where near that amount. At most 20-40 million.
>Hell Israel arguably has the worst land out of any of its neighbors period barring Saudi Arabia.
At least Israel has a coast. Jordan is like 75% desert.
Fuck, I mean proper coast, not just coast. I mean, Jordan's coast is about as useful as Bosnia's
North America's population during the 1400's was estimated to be 20 million I thought.
I don't think dying from foreign diseases counts as genocide.
maybe they need more blankets and whiskey
Trail of tears was ethnic clensing but in way genocide
More like 4 million
>Population anywhere from 1-20 million in North America
>90% die due to widespread disease after first contact
Have also heard seals contributed to this somewhat
>have the highest rates of intermarriage among races
>relationships between settlers and indians go on much like describes
Gee I wonder why
nah that's like saying Japan belongs to the Jomon
Natives to any nation are the descendants of the people that lived in that nation's region when it was built
Don't forget muh holoho- I mean holocaust goyim, more importantly
Because no "genocide" ever happened. There were a few wars, some forced migrations, some diseases. But Native Americans are still around. Their populations were never that great to begin with.
>widespread disease after first contact
Actually most deaths from disease occurred BEFORE first contact. When Europeans explored the continent they found empty villages. The disease travelled faster than they did.
You're correct. What I meant was that there had a to be a first European to contact them, then the diseases spread among trade routes across the continent
California genocide of Natives is real fuckface.
>why does no one talk about the dispossession of Saxons at the hands of Normans?
>Why does no one talk about the systematic genocide of muslims at the hand of the Mongols?
>Why does no one talk about the systematic genocide of Jerus at the hands of Hebrews?
Who knows why humans do what they do.
>why do white liberals whine about what their ancestors had a hand in, and why don't they neck themselves if they feel so strongly about it?
Beyond that, perhaps you might offer your services as a sex slave, on a reservation, as recompense, for your forefathers deeds.
So you agree with european replacement?
A lot of native land is actually pretty rich in minerals or oil.
>highest rates of intermarriage
You mean mongrels in America.
It's not genocide if it's your nation, user
There were a few small genocidal acts by colonists and later the US government but they didnt total more than 50k deaths (25k is the government estimate with 50k being the upper limit and most of the 25k probably being in fair game battle rather than systematic killing).
100 million huh? Where are the bodies?
nice b8 m8