$10 per coin by end of 2018
How likely is this in your eyes assuming Einsteins theorem that says undervaluation corrects all at once.
$10 per coin by end of 2018
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$10, more like $10,000,000,000,000 for .0001 LINK
It's going to be $10 by EOY if they list on another exchange and more companies come out endorsing them.
Just bought 50k linkies
Won't happen.
Yeah. They wont be listed on another exchange for months.
well if you think that link is going to rocket by the end of the year and plan on it being about as big as ripple then the price would be around $22.
It's got the same sideways movement with slight fud but mostly optimism feel that ETH and Antshares had
Pic related - weak hands freaking out when antshares (NEO) dipped
my balls are tingling
you don't know shit
Trust me I'm bullish if there are more exchanges but I highly doubt we will have a new listing this year.
I do however think it will be on GDAX next year.
Guys. We are so far off of using smart contracts in the crypto world, you saw this Shit today again with parity. So for what reason do we need chainlink? It's a Thing in 3-5years.
Likely to hit 10$ by end of 2018, only flirting with a dollar by eoy
>what is the Coss exchange
I'd be more than happy with anything above .50
Just went all in on this boxnigger
>It's a Thing in 3-5years.
I can wait that long it would be worth it
if someone were to say that i'll be millionaire in 5 years, I would also sign for that, don't have enough money to make it with these small gains and market
Sold everything today at a 70% loss. ETH is dead and all ERC20 tokens will go with it.
>$10 per coin by end of 2018
>How likely is this in your eyes assuming Einsteins theorem that says undervaluation corrects all at once.
Keep dreaming
I bought another 2k LINK today.
Don't you fucking dare to fud it. It is walking on thin ice now. 10c-15c is a psychological milestone. If LINK hits 15c, it will be even harder for it to recover. Your bag might actually go below ICO then
Good job, user. This is all just a big waste of time. Now chop chop, those Walmart shelves aren’t going to stick themselves!
$1 EOY is realistic
This is the kind of thing which one day will just fucking moon without walls
Zap store ICO is actually a better investment
fuck off pajeet nobody's falling for your scam
yeah, 100% this
patiently bagholding this will be handsomely rewarded
shit is gonna be so cash when it moons