Why aren't non-trinitarian Christians considered actual Christians? Most of their followers are more adherent 'Christian' than actual 'Christians' are.
Why aren't non-trinitarian Christians considered actual Christians...
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Dunno about Mormons but Christian Scientists are treated as equals by Catholics and Anglicans
We already sorted out the trinity vs non-trinity debate in 325 AD, get with the times already.
Vatican hasn't...
that's a lot of bullshit OP
Go on...
Mormons are this weird mixture of the nicest people you will ever meet and inhumanely cruel motherfuckers.
Like the early Mormons were such huge assholes the US army had to march out to Salt Lake and fucking siege it to get them to stop attacking and murdering settlers
These days aside from the occasional creepy polygamist rape cult in the sticks they're super nice, good people*
*unless you're a fag
Surprised there aren't more Mormon threads on Veeky Forums. They got kicked out of a few states by the US Amy/State Militias back in the day, did they not?
If you think about it, Mormons are about as Christian as Muslims are. They consider there was a prophet that came after Jesus that was the one that perfected their religion.
They still acknowledge JC as a prophet unlike the Muslims who merely respect him as one
its a facade to convince miserable people to join their cult. happy on the outside, dead on the inside. People think joining the cult will solve all their fucking problems, but it obviously doesn’t. Utah leads the states in pornography consumption, and teen pregnancy, for instance. They’re hypocrites and its all a sham.
they fucking hate it when you make this comparison, but its true lol. Islam is closer to mainline protestsantism/catholicism than Mormonism is.
They are for the most part. Mormons are a special case because they also add new scripture, but there are many Unitarian sects that are widely considered Christian even by other Christians.
>Muslims respect Jesus
This is actually something of a myth. The Jesus in the Koran bears no resemblance to the Jesus of Christianity, he is a very strict dogmatic Muslim, not at all the "turn the other cheek" guy of Christianity. Mohemmed didn't seem to know anything much about Christianity beyond the fact it existed, he thought they were polytheists who worshiped Jesus, God, and Mary.
they do however believe in the primacy if the Abrahamic God, something mormons do not.
Islam is not descended from Christianity tho, it's much closer to being a direct fork of Judaism. It would be more accurate to say Christianity is to Islam as Mormonism is to mainstream Christianity.
Oh sure Muslims are in most regards orthodox Jews, particularly in theology. Christianity has many, many, many Greek influences / corruptions / borrowings.
Mormonism is a syncretic ufo religion mixed with Christian elements.
Why the hell is the Trinity the defining thing for whether someone is a Christian or not? The Trinity isn't even mentioned by name in the Bible. What about all the modalists and other people?
Same reason "Jews for Jesus" aren't considered true Jews by Judaism's standards.
>I speak for every Mormon everywhere
>mfw the Nation of Islam are just Islamic Mormons
Reminder that Mitt Romney is at the helm of the White Horse Conspiracy to take over America. Obama managed to defeat the prophecy in 2012 though.
Obama is literally the worst president in American history
Anybody saying "worst president in history" for somebody that isn't Johnson, Buchanan, or Harding is automatically a brainlet.
He was pretty middle of the road. Could have been far more if he decided to prosecute the bankers and go full throttle on economic revival in 2009/2010 (larger stimulus, Glass-Steagall, card check) rather than getting bogged down in health care (should have left for second term). He at least gets points for not embracing austerity like European leaders at the time did.
>he thought they were polytheists who worshiped Jesus, God, and Mary.
to be fair to Mohammad early christians weren't exactly sure themselves
There are only two Churches - Roman Catholic and Orthodox (Pentarchy). Anything else is irrelevant and doesn't have anything to do with Christianity.
>Why the hell is the Trinity the defining thing for whether someone is a Christian or not?
Technically the defining thing of being a Christian is you believe Jesus was Christ/the Messiah/the son of god. Hence CHRISTian.
But to answer your question, because Catholicism out competed (and later murdered) other contemporary sects, and modern day sects spring forth from Catholicism
No, the Eastern Catholic and Oriental Orthodox Churches are fine. Anglicans/Lutherans are borderline. The rest are heretics.
>Paulian thinks his opinions matter.
The older branches of Christianity simply have a higher incidence of pants-on-head retardation. See: Calvinists, Mormons, Baptists
Healthcare was a quagmire. While I think it was good in a long run sort of way because it introduced the idea that shit was broke and we needed to fix it, and while the affordable care act did help a lot of people, it was too controversial to ever last. It was also a band aid and not really a solution to the larger problem and thus doomed to never really 'fix' anything.
Obama's problem was he was too centrist despite being elected because people thought he was a left leaning Liberal Democrat (in the classical sense no less). People thought this because he was black, completely missing he was in fact an upper middle/upper class kid from Hawaii who went to an Ivy league school
He was basically Mitt Romney but black, and somewhat more liberal due to his single parent upbringing and the fact that everyone expected him to be/told him he should be liberal because he was black, but that was enough to confuse people.
tl;dr nigga was an oreo
>Calvinists, Mormons, Baptists
>Anglicans/Lutherans are borderline
Spotted by the proddiefag.
If you're wondering why it's so they consider it so important that Jesus actually be the incarnation of God, instead of just another prophet or person, it's because it testifies to the love of God has for his children, and the necessity (and beauty of) self-sacrifice for the greater good.
Lutherans are satanists.
No. It was important because the entire cult that sprang up around Jesus hinged on him being the messiah, and then he got surprise dead which fucked that theory. So his followers spun their own fanfiction where Jesus was SUPPOSED to die, and the Messiah became this huge thing that it never was before: the ideal savior of the world.
Scripturally, originally the Messiah was just supposed to save THE JEWS, and then in a strictly temporal sense by restoring ISRAEL. Jesus failed at this (which is why Jews reject him as Messiah) and ironically even if he was the Messiah it would have been completely meaningless for all non-jews.
Christianity is syncretic Abrahamic fanfiction.
The few mormons or ex mormons I see on this site tend to be in /pol/ threads about the rockies or stupid ass 'is this religion white/based' threads.
Don't forget that he's supposed to be a prophet, i.e. a human who is appointed a divine messenger.
Which one?
It could apply to either one, actually.
>Scripturally, originally the Messiah was just supposed to save THE JEWS, and then in a strictly temporal sense by restoring ISRAEL.
-Make prophecy about "messiah" coming to take material power over the world,etc.
-Jesus shows up- rejects material power, as the sun of God, to shift the moral imperative of the entire world to one of Love and equality of spirit; secular humanism and individual rights develop secondary to this philosophical-theological metaphysical foundation and spread across the globe as the accepted public moral standard.
Alternate timeline-
A gain, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9“All this I will give You, he said, “if You will fall down and worship me.”
-Matthew 4:9
Jesus succumbs to temptation; subsequently gains support of Pharisies and Saudacees with subsequent emphasis on materialism- is proclaimed Messiah and King of Israel. Plays well with the Romans. Goes to Rome. Sels out the idea of a monotheistic religion to unite the empire based on materialism and political might. Big hit. corrupted Satano-judiasm spreads across the empire; jews become ruling priest class- corrupted Jesus declared emperor; fulfilling prophecy in a different manner.
Eventually stabilized Roman empire conquers the world, brings it's terrible political practices, supported via corrupted theology with it. Might makes right is worshiped. Brutal Slavery to support the decadent drunken drugfilled hedonism of the upperclass becomes the international standard. Tens of thousands sacrificed in fights to the death in the games on a monthly basis, across the world. Planet Earth basically becomes a living hell; Satan's playground- where the rulers not cause and prosper off the suffering of the weak; but also revel in their suffering and worship the terribleness of it.
>What a nightmarish alternate timeline.
>dat Satan
Christians believe in prophets after Jesus. Who the Hell do you think wrote Revelation? A guy being given a vision. I'd say that's a prophet.
I don't think Veeky Forums quite understands Mormonism, or Islam or Christianity in general most of the time. Mormons believe that Christ is the son of God and accept the new testament as scripture; they're absolutely closer to mainline Christianity than Muslims are. The only problem is that they accept additional scripture, which means they are Christians in the same way Christians are Jews, which is to say, essentially they are but technically they are not.
>Calls Christianity Jews
Christianity is a mystery religion with Jews, it isn't Jewish.
Well of course. Many Saints in the Catholic and Orthodox tradition have been prophets. It's just that most Veeky Forumstards think that all Christianity is the Americanized -secularized Christianity they've been exposed to via media, their own experiences or both. As such, most of their knowledge of Christianity reflects that.
>believes in the Tanakh. It's the first part of their holy scripture and it's taken in full.
>believes in the messianic prophecies.
>early followers of Christ, including Christ himself, were considered Jews in every sense of the word for the first couple of centuries or so.
>only became a separate religion rather than simply a Jewish sect after the canonization of a new scripture.
Fucking commies fuck off
He's right though. Stats don't lie.
>Johnson, Buchanan, or Harding
Wrong, it's Wilson.
An actual brainlet because of all the strokes.
>Jews killed their own saviour
You know, that's a pretty good reason for God to get a new Chosen People.
He condemned Moses to die in the desert for far less.
Look the question "are we Jews?" was answered at the council of Jerusalem. No. The old testament to Christians is a history of the world as it approached Christ's birth. It's the prequel series to us whose most important bits are the hints at the eventuality of the incarnation.
To us the messiah is a spiritual savior whose kingdom was not of this world, to Jews it's supposed to be some conqueror. Early followers of Christ included a large portion of Jews because that's where he was doing his preaching, but what you're talking about is external perception of them: external perceptions could be that Christians are cannibals but it doesn't make it true.
Too many
>teen pregnancy
That's a good thing.
>it's much closer to being a direct fork of Judaism
They literally recognize Jesus as a prophet.
The early Mormons and Non-Mormons did not get along and they got pushed out by various posses and militias
In fairness, there was quite a bit of back and forth violence between Mormons and Anti-Mormons. Part of the reason for things like Mountain Meadows (aside from some of those guys being just fucked up) was because everyone was getting worked up convincing themselves everyone else was out to get them. That's not to justify Mountain Meadows, but I think that's probably part of why it happened. You start handing out hammers and suddenly everyone looks like nails.
Aren't they the guys who refuse to give medical treatment to their kids?
No, he's not. As a Utahn/ non Mormon, your interpretation does lie. Suicide rates aren't any higher proportionally between Mormons/non Mormons. I'm currently writing a thesis as to why suicide rates/ Anti-depressants use is so high in Utah, and while religion is a factor, it's not just a bunch of depressed Mormons offing themselves because of religion. It's also important to note that Mormons only make up 55% of the population. It's not like they're the vast majority.
>he thought they were polytheists who worshiped Jesus, God, and Mary.
And he was correct.
>Obama is literally the worst president in American history
t. brainlet who doesn't know American history
>No, the Eastern Catholic and Oriental Orthodox Churches are fine. Anglicans/Lutherans are borderline. The rest are heretics.
Not so fast, heretic scum. There's only one Christian church left, the Assyrian Church of the East.
And to think all of that was paid for by donations to the church. Instead of being Christlike and using the money to help people, but instead they spent a couple grand on each of those robes. Jesus would have given the shirt off his back, and Christians can't even be bothered to follow his teachings. This is why Christianity always has and always will be on par with Islam for the shittiest relgion contest.
Same reason we’ve come back to this idea of Christendom even though our governments and interpretation of the bible vary greatly