>backwards and brutal Russia gave the world some of the best writers and composers
Really makes you think.
Backwards and brutal Russia gave the world some of the best writers and composers
Other urls found in this thread:
St. Petersburg, Moscow and Odessa are not very representative of the Russian behemoth. Now go back to being a reserved brainlet.
Those are the only ones I consider truly top tier, but it is a solid grouping.
They do much less well on the philosophy front though and science.
I like Pevin and Nabakov for more recent, but Pevin isn't THAT great and Nabakov lived in the UK and wrote in English.
Russia has never been backwards, or brutal. Russia basically always dealt with her own problems in regards to security of border, tradition and faith, progress of science and technology.
First the Mongols, later Germans, Swedes, Austrians, Turks, French, British - all tried to conquer the land they deemed "backwards" and all eventually failed.
The repression of tsars like Ivan the terrible is nowhere close to e.g. Britain under the terror or France under Robespierre, and the civil war that led to socialism was largely financed by the west (Lenin traveled from Switzerland to Russia with a big lump of cash for his upcoming campaign).
The most retarded thing about hating Russia is that it's basically a very civilized, christian nation, and the people in general are humble, albeit not so wealthy as more emphasis lies on culture, nature and tradition instead of wealth and hedonism.
Russia is probably one of the last few truly 'free' countries on earth today.
Why do Russian Classic sound so deep and heavy as compared to Austrian Classic
Everyone knows that slavs are nonwhite and in RU they live like niggers in a kleptocracy run by russian mafia.
>The most retarded thing about hating Russia is that it's basically a very civilized, christian nation, and the people in general are humble, albeit not so wealthy as more emphasis lies on culture, nature and tradition instead of wealth and hedonism.
>Russia is probably one of the last few truly 'free' countries on earth today.
Just lol @ brainlets buying Russian state propaganda.
Modern Russian writers talk all the time about how hyper sensitive about status and wealth displays.
As for Christian, it has lower church attendance, much lower age of losing virginity for girls, more sexual partners, way way more alcoholism, more hard drug use, more HIV, and more crime than the West on average and a Muslim population that dwarfs Western Europe's and is growing faster as a share of the population... You absolute brainlet.
That's nice and all but do you have T-I-G-E-R-S?
>Russia has never been backwards, or brutal.
Why do people lie on Internet?
Hey, it's this self-hating Russian again...
>and composers
hard times make great people
and it's not so bad
>Westerners think they can understand the slavic soul
>slavs pretend they can masquerade decadence and misfortune as part of the soul
>brainlets mix and jumble romantic and nationalistic ideas and stereotypes, so that they don't really need to think too hard about a topic
>OP's post contains both romantic and nationalistic ideas and stereotypes
>Russia gave the world some of the best writers
So did a bunch of other European countries.
>and composers
So did Germany, and Austria, and Italy, and France. Pretty much all bigger European countries at the time. Even Poland and Hungary had great composers.
Russia is unironically the shittiest big country in Europe. They bring only misery, corruption and death to everyone around them. They try to take hostage the memes of "muh Slavic brotherhood" and "muh Orthodoxy" so that they could cling to something bigger than them. Lately they're trying to push the whole "Russia is traditional and Christian, white paradise" bullshit propaganda that only the stupidest Western retards could fall for.
Not him but statistics don't lie.
If you Ivans stopped being degenerate public health actually would improve.
Nabokov spent a relatively short time in England. All his well known/regarded works in English are done during or after his time in America. He's a Russian writer first and an American second. Germany, France, and England are more distant.
>Russia has never been backwards, or brutal.
>The most retarded thing about hating Russia is that it's basically a very civilized, christian nation, and the people in general are humble, albeit not so wealthy as more emphasis lies on culture, nature and tradition instead of wealth and hedonism.
Lol, no.
t. eastern euro orthodox
It was all in a very narrow time period, I wonder what was in their water
>the people in general are humble, albeit not so wealthy as more emphasis lies on culture, nature and tradition instead of wealth and hedonism
>That's nice and all but do you have T-I-G-E-R-S?
I don't have HIV at least.
A worthy trade for T-I-G-E-R-S and S-P-A-C-E
>The most retarded thing about hating Russia is that it's basically a very civilized, christian nation, and the people in general are humble, albeit not so wealthy as more emphasis lies on culture, nature and tradition instead of wealth and hedonism.
is that why russia is one of the most fatalistic countries in the world and has one of the highest AIDS rates in europe as well as massive alcohol and drug abuse problems
You forgot about Tchaikovsky, Mendeleev and Lomonosov
Nabokov lived in the US. He did write shit in Russian but he made his name with his English novels.
He is an American writer whose works are mainly about being a Russian emigre in America.
Just because he's most known for his American influenced english works doesn't make him solely an American writer. One could argue that his english writing is his best, but to say flat out that "he's an American writer," is wrong. His experiences in the russian purge, living in paris and berlin, being educated in england, and teaching/living in America are all formative parts. But basically he was born in Russia and wrote his first books in Russian so he is a Russian writer.
I now see he was an American citizen so I'll concede Russian-American author.
Not reading Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy is a huge GAP in one's education, like it or not. Now think about whether not reading some polish or hungarian writer has the same effect.
*whether or not
When did swedes ever attack russia?
>The most retarded thing about hating Russia is that it's basically a very civilized, christian nation
Lol no. Very, very few Russians who call themselves Orthodox Christians ever participate in their religion or let it influence their lives in any way. They just assume that because they are Russian, they have to wear a cross and call themselves Orthodox. Religiosity is extremely low, vastly lower than in Roamnia, Bulgaria or Greece.
t. Christian euro who lived in Russia for several years
Reread the post and try again.
That one time where they were chastised at the end
Can you elaborate on what characteristic defines a nation to you? Is it the actions of the government, the achievements of its great people or how much money the average citizen earns?
Russia was the agressor in all of those.
>Lately they're trying to push the whole "Russia is traditional and Christian, white paradise" bullshit propaganda that only the stupidest Western retards could fall for.
I don't think Russians are the ones who are spreading this, but retarded Westerners instead.
There are literal bots from Kremlin pushing this shit on finnish imageboards, forums and social medias. It was a minor political crisis in 2015 when it was found out.
I agree with writers, but composers are mostly meh.
>the russian administrative district of finland
Who cares lol
Walk through Moscow arbat for a day, then visit Alexanderplatz. You will feel the difference.
Semi-related to thread, it's not so much that I like Russia (I'm fully aware of the shitty stuff that happens there), but I'm organically repulsed by their haters, most specifically Baltic people, Poles and such.
They're so fucking petty and butthurt, it makes me cringe hard. I don't know, there's something awfully disgusting about it.
T. Russian
>but I'm organically repulsed by their haters, most specifically Baltic people, Poles and such.
I literally couldn't give less of a shit about Russia. It's more of the rooskies constantly saying we had it better under them every time a Pole posts.
what's this from?
Headphones review
As Dosto predicted, the Russian Christ will save Europe from itself.
You're just proving my point. You are obsessed with Russians and you have a totally unwarranted sense of superiority over them.
As if your countries were somehow ahead of Russians historically, or even now. I mean, fucking Latvians and Estonians didn't even exist in historical sense, they were serfs ruled by German nobility. They didn't even have a state until WW1 ended.
How the fuck can such people have some sense of superiority over Russians? Sure, they are flawed as fuck, but they are still a great nation. No one's buying your bullshit. Stop.
>being this OBSESSED
>they are still a great nation
>As if your countries were somehow ahead of Russians historically
Lots of countries are.
You neither had it better nor worse, talking about Russian Empire.
I saw your compatriots pretend Poland was like Switzerland and then evil Russians came...Poland was a fucking Eastern European shithole with serfdom and everything which descended into semi-anarchy and was sold out by it's debauched nobility. Russian or Prussian or Austrian occupation didn't really set you back in any way. Austrian occupation was kinda profitable for you actually. And in Russian Poland, Poles tripled (or quadrupled, I forgot) in number. Compare that with Irish situation.
I won't even waste my time commenting others.
So the Russians truly are liberators...
Again, keep proving my point. You're so fucking delusional.
>Lots of countries are.
Which ones? I'm talking about shitholes like Latvia, Lithuania and such. Yeah, they are somewhat ahead, though that came with inclusion into EU and generous donations and what not. I guess Finland is a lot better, that's it.
Are you denying Russians are a great nation?
Its not a sense of superiority, but instead hatred. The russians have raped, murdered and destroyed everything they could get their hands on throughout history. They have attacked Finland over 20 times during the last 900~ years. Its not very smart to think that they won't do it again as soon as they get the chance.
Also how is comparing empire dick sizes related to this?
I never implied that. Why are you people so fucking retarded?
3 responses, two of them accuse me of being Russian, and you're putting words into my mouth to emphasize your victimhood.
Compare your situation with the situation of Balkans under Ottoman occupation (2/3rds perished from late 15th to late 18th century), Irish under English rule, and similar cases.
I'm not saying you should thank Russians for ruling you, I'm just saying they weren't really some brutal barbarians who ruined you (you were shit before, compared to West), and that you aren't superior to them in any way really.
Sure, communism sucked, but it sucked for Russians too, in the same manner it sucked for you. It's just a shit system. And it's not like Russians elected communists or had any input on the actions of their government.
>The russians have raped, murdered and destroyed everything they could get their hands on throughout history.
...so they acted like everyone else in Europe at the time?
>They have attacked Finland over 20 times during the last 900~ years
Finland literally didn't exist. They waged wars with Swedes, and obviously battles were fought in what was practically Eastern Sweden.
That's my point, your ''hatred'' and some sense of cosmic injustice is absolutely fucking retarded, Russians acted how everyone acted, there's nothing specially brutal or awful about them.
Specifically concerning Finland, they fucking created you nation, though they did it to secure Finland from Swedes, obviously.
>Russia has invaded two countries in the last 10 years and actually annexed a region from a neighbouring country
>Russian trolls still going on about the same old "Russia good boi dindu nuffin t. totally impartial observer"
Keep putting words in my mouth faggot.
>daaa, don't be afraid, Russia is peaceful, it's just butthurt, it's just rusophobia haha
Better words than cocks, as is your usual.
Yes, they have acted just like everybody else, and now the people who they oppressed hate them just like everybody hates their oppressors. Why is it ok to oppress people because "everybody is doing it", but then hating Russia and fighting back is "cringy and unjustified" while hating any other oppressor is ok?
Also the russians attacked finland with no swedish intervention multiple times. Finland is a completely different area with a differet people, language and culture. If the rusiians were attacking swedes and not finns, then why did they stop their attack at the swedish-finnish border? And even if they were attacking swedes, that still doesnt justify it.
Also russians didnt create Finland, finns fought a war to get tid of them, and then two wars later when the russians tried their shit again in ww2. Are you sure you are on the right board?
Prokofiev and Schnittke are actually only Russians I listen.
Tchaikovsky could create a melody, but couldn't do absolutely nothing with it. So listening his works is like two minutes of joy and quarter of hour of torture.
C R I M E A N - S P A C E - T I G E R S
Russian aristocrats and russian serfs were close to being different species.
That is true for most of the old powers tho, isnt it
>>Russia has invaded two countries in the last 10 years and actually annexed a region from a neighbouring country
Someone still claiming that Georgian invasion of South Ossetia and Abkhazia is an act of "Russian agression"
Compare thay to what the US did to the Middle East, South America and Yugoslavia, Russia suddenly looks like an angel
It's ok when mutts do it because they bring democracy
just look at Iraq or Libya - Heaven on Earth
Fucking audiophiles, man.
>Middle East
Kill terrorists and topple dictators
>South America
Help locals kill commies
Humanitarian intervention to stop genocide