Historically speaking, what are the first signs that a democracy is failing before it becomes a dictatorship?
Historically speaking, what are the first signs that a democracy is failing before it becomes a dictatorship?
well, certainly not a joke that a man who exclusive makes jokes said
People stop believing in the greatness of their country, its culture and institutions. They then invent coping strategies to recapture their former glory, such as authoritarian government reform.
Examples: Italy and Germany post-WW1
When your daughter is learning politics
Why do people feel the need to be led by an authorative figure? Are they really that incapable of making decisions by themselves?
You have cases where ethnic/religious rivalries and shifting demographics doom it. You see hard blocs emerge on sectarian lines and government becomes totally about what you can get for your sect not what you can do for your country. See Lebanon before the Civil War.
You can also have two outcomes from gross wealth inequality:
1. The people empower and absolute autocrat to take down the rich oligarchs, sacrificing rule of law to get material safety. (Optimates vs Popular in the late Republic)
2. Oligarchs grow so powerful they curb the power of the government and become a class on to themselves. Hungary, post globalization USA.
Fukayama explains all three in Origins of Political Order.
I am afraid of trump
He is a ruthless, immoral , corrupt evil dictator who has israel in his pocket.
I am afriad he will take over the Europe and we will all be living like americans - in a racist, corrupt, dystopia.
One minute you rant about how you wish you were born in America because Israel is shit and then you start going on about how being American is bad. Which one is it?
Best threads here always start with "Historically speaking"
The real logic is like this:
Weimarer Republik(Libercuck Obongo) brought us Hitler(T*ump); Hitler(T*ump) brought us Nazi dictatorship.
when civilians are judged by military courts for thought crimes and political activities
t. south american
well basically yes
>who has israel in his pocket.
Other way around.
imagine you believe your country is the greatest thing that ever graced the planet
Imagine being a early 19th century German. Your country is just thirty years old and just overtook Britain as the biggest producing country in the world. German culture is at its high point, literature, music and the arts blossom. Industry expands. Germans dominate the Nobel prize nominations. Science and German technology are the foremost in the world. Scientific racism is a thing and there is this fancy theory going round that white people are the hottest shit on the planet. You have a sprawling colonial empire and your population is exploding. There are millions of young people looking hopefully into the future. The last big war that devastated Western Europe was when Napoleon was still around.
And then swoosh - in comes World War 1 and you think you are unstoppable. But you lose. All the beliefs you held, all foundations, all certainties vanish with it. With Versailles comes uncertainty, comes democracy. And you don't know where to look. But there are people promising to fix it all, if you only gave them all the power they needed. And you do it. Out of desperation.
The rest is history.
Fuck off Fritz
Real people don't think and act like those in your imaginary retelling of history.
*20th century, I presume.
> Germany
> sprawling colonial empire
Ummmmm sweaty no
Authoritarianism is pretty much the default form of government. It's democracy that's the outlier.
It really is exceptional that people are willing to follow laws that are written by a council of normies who won local popularity contests and are expressly considered equal to the people that they rule. You need extremely strong institutions and a universally held ideological belief in the virtue of democracy for this to work at all.
When belief in this sort of national cult breaks down, people notice the absurdity of it and are quick to follow a charismatic leader who repudiates the idea of equality and represents himself as a superior person to those he would rule.
Will you shut the fuck up about current events on here? Of course you faggots on reddit would post this shit up Trump. Of course fucking cnn would report this about Trump. Jesus Christ, I'm sick of this shit. Wake me when he actually does something that China just did.
You really can't apply individualist logic on the scale of an entire nation m8. Someone has to take the lead. Drop out of society if you want to tip your fedora about muh free thought.