*Triggers Everyone'a autism*
Why did Americans allow this to happen
*Triggers Everyone'a autism*
Why did Americans allow this to happen
More like why did Yugoslavia allow this to happen
>Yugoslavia opted for ethnic tensions and separatism
Found the butthurt ex-yugo
>just deport people, problem solved lmao
Should RS just unify with Serbia
By now it probably should but it wouldn't bode well for Serbia other than bragging rights on Veeky Forums. With Serbia's current pro-west administration and appeasement policy I don't think it will happen.
"Ethnic Seperatism is only okay when Albanian drug dealing warlords do it"
>America, stay out of everyone else's business!
>Its YOUR fault America!
>No, they're poor rednecks who have zero manners, are dumb and lazy and are annoyingly loud. They're our Mexicans, we're better off without them.
t. Serb
America stayed away for the first few years but the Dayton Accords and the ultimate end of the war are 100% their idea. Bunch of dumb half-measures that left no one happy and produced a cluster fuck.
Bosnia is American and EU pet project. They are desperate for it to work, in order to show how great "multiculturalism" is.
>t. Serb
That happened before USA existed.
Fuck, you're such a cringefest.
ironic coming from you
Why don't the Jews in NATO and the UN allow the blue parts to become part of Serbia and the green parts parts to become part of Croatia?
do you want border gore
this is how you get border gore
Because they don't care
Because even if they are blue, there are still thousands of people living in enclaved villages that would be landlocked up by other butthurt villages
Muslims shouldn't be there, a byproduct of past invasions. Operating on the same logic that argues for removal of Europeans we should be able to exterminate every Muslim from Balkan land.
do you really wanna try that again?
really? isn't the balkans STILL recovering for the last time this happened?
niak! niak!
Yay or nay?
They shouldn't be there, balkans for balkans.
I mean if you wanna avoid border gore then sure but Serbia would be getting a lot of important spots, including Sarajevo. Safe to say a lot of mosques would be blown away.
the muslims in the Balkans have created next to no issues in the region. It's the eternal serb roach who keeps chimping out yet somehow the Bosniaks are to blame
a muslim is a person who accepted occupation of Ottoman Empire. They have no right to anything, especially not to their own country
The Serbs weren't the ones who decided to break away from yugoslavia and drag entire ethnic populations with them, BALIJA
t. mad serb roach
Bosnia was far from the only former Yugoslav country to declare independence my man, not even the first.
Potential puppet before they moved onto the shqiptars.
Bosniaks aren't even that bad except for being stupid
Bosnia was never independant, and an ethnicity that was younger than everyone there, being about half the population of the whole territory, shouldn't have seceded the entire region of 2 other major and prominent ethnicities. The Bosniaks got what they asked for, both the Serbs and the Croats genocided them, the Serbs did it more because they were a larger ethnic group. Bosnia should have either remained in Yugoslavia or get split between Serbia and Croatia, not have it's resident mujahedeen chimp out for no reason.
Bosniaks are better than alban*ns I give you that
At least they were genocided rather than doing it themselves and then cry when Serbia does something about it and then once all Serbs were cleansed declare independence
No because fuck the idea of ethnostates
>bosniaks are not inhabitants of the balkan
>The Bosniaks got what they asked for, both the Serbs and the Croats genocided them
stop acting like that ethnic cleansing was it all justified you edgelord
>not have it's resident mujahedeen chimp out for no reason.
There's next to no native Islamist or Extremists in Bosnia stop spouting this shitty meme