I am Israeli if jewish european decent.
However I am an atheist.
In about 2 month we will be celebrating 70 years of independence (we were established in may 1948).
I often wonder how we.became the country with the highest GDP per capita, strongest military, best universities, biggest high tech industry in the world , in such a short time while all.the sorrounding arabic countries are poor, backwards and war torn.
How did we become the best country in the middle east in such a short time?
US support
The billions of dollars funneled into Israel by the international jewish community to fund its development played a pretty huge part. Who do you think paid to turn all of that desert into arable land?
>all the surrounding arabic countries are poor backwards and war torn
Unfortunately Israel can be pretty backwards itself, what with how women get attacked for having their arms exposed in orthodox neighborhoods.
>take Europeans
>put them in new geographical area
>they continue to act like Europeans
>GDP ends up looking like Europe's
See also: Australia
Enjoy it while you can. American Jews, specially the youngest, are increasingly turning against Israel. Giving the choice between open borders progressivism and chauvinistic Zionism, they chose they later. Without American Jewish support, Israel can't diplomatically fight the sanctions that will go its way for its apartheid regime.
The Jewish state will go the way of Rhodesia. Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews maybe be assimilated into the Arab mainstream, but Ashkenazi Jews like yourself will have to move. I suggest Buenos Aires. You have European culture but no Muslims there.
Enjoy it?.
I hate living in this arabic/religious jewush hellhole.
I want to immigrate to the USA.
That's my plan.
I wish I could get a green card and get out of this arabic country/area.
There are 2 million arabs inside of israel and if you count the spheradis and mizrahis which I consider as arabs because they look like arabs and behave like arabs, it's probably more like 7 million arabs.
I wish I could immigrate to the USA asap.
holy shit, you are an idiot
coming from another israeli
t. mizrahi scum
Israel made a mistake takiing in all of you fucking scum it should have been an Ashkenazi only state
The answer is US support.
Were it not for the US then Israel would have been gang raped by the entirety of the Middle East.
If the US ever falls then I know for sure Israel will be next.
Amen to that brother.
If we didn't accept those arabs and we would have been an Askenazi ethinicity only country we'd be on european standards right now.
They lower the level with their arabicness.
Arab culture is too obsessed with honour that they can never get over losing, especially to an underdog, without winning eventually. This is why it took Egypt the Yom Kippur War before they made any peace treaty. In the mean time, Arabs have despotic dictators who blame Israel for all their problems as a convenient excuse to avoid dealing with the actual problems facing their country.
Israel, on the other hand, acted like European countries and kept their shit together.
Ashkenazi Jews are literally just Mizrahim, but with a bit of central european admix, and some southern european/turkish.
>Mizrahim are filthy arabs waaaah.
Remember Hitler based his racial ideology on you guys. You hook-nosed, grey-skinned, goblin-looking, tay-sachs ridden freaks.
Abnormally high IQ + ties with and aid from the West
How's Tel Aviv stack up against other cities in Israel? Spent a few months on business, didn't enjoy it too thoroughly. Folks shitting and pissing in the street, damn savages.
Fuck off kike, no one gives a shit about your shithole country. It's just another place in the backward-ass Middle East. Being the shiniest turd in a pile of turds isn't exactly an achievement.
Except that Israel is doing fairly well even within European standards, Amerilard.
Massive support of western Europe is a thing. Germany just gave you a 2 billion $ ship.
Unconditional massive financial and diplomatic support from the most powerful country in the world is another thing.
Arabs not being able to fight but still declaring war all the time complete the puzzle.
USA has been paying for Israel's military for god knows how many years. I did the math some time ago, USA aid to Israel is more than what any western country puts into their military budget (% of budget).
The US government, dumb evangelicals and taking Palestinian land.
Israel dindu nuffin *flys fighter jet over your country* we be good boys N sheit *takes Palestinian land* we don't want any trouble *bombs Syria*
The only thing you accuse them to do, here, is to do like all the other people in this part of the world, but successfully.
US only started supporting Israel after they BTFO all their neighbors by themselves several times.
jews are intelligent and the usa subsidized them
End thread.
You made us better pastas in the past yahoodibro, step up you game
we didn't try hard enough in 1948 56 67 and 73
>by themselves
With European and American tanks and jets they happen to have.
And all because a heretic in England came up with dispensationalism and pretribulation rapture in the 19th century.