/pol/ hate thread

Go back to your containment zone you edgy ass faggots. You're not welcome here.

Neck yourself, nigger. Saged.

Let them stay, most of them are children who have no idea what they're doing and are just food for us.

you guys are gonna feel real stupid when the nazis are right

>90% of pol uses bitcoin
>hurr durr go back to your racist board

I used to visit /pol/ frequently, but gradually it became overrun with /b/-tier threads and I figured my time was better spent elsewhere.

/pol/fags are always the one begging for handouts along with pajeets. They both need to fuck off.

Off-topic, faggot. Also, /pol/ colony

That's not true. And it's not just that racism, it's the shit quality of /pol/ posters overall. They're fucking dumb as a door

>hurr durr college is a Jew SJW scam.

fuck off, really

yeah, this. I was on /pol/ back in '12-'13 when it was still actually funny and mostly ironically racist. now it's an unrecognizable garbage board.

Jump back in the oven, you jew rat.

kys or go back pick one ass face

>muh gender studies
>muh debt

It's their fault for picking those stupid ass majors. They wouldn't exist if there was no demand. But no, it's the j00s



>studied CS
>landed six figure engineering job before even graduating

stay poor pol scum

>Reddit-tier memes
Holy shit, /pol/ attracted a lot of 14-year old edgelords

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post?

I agree that it was their own decision. But guess who made those loans available.

Also, I'm not saying that you should be against jews, but you should me more tolerant towards /pol/.

pol is 90% underage btards, just ignore them.

That's pretty humorous

Lmao fuck off whitey.

>saying faggit is edgy

by the time you are 40 you'll be replaced by an indian better save up wage slave

>now it's an unrecognizable garbage board
like biz?

/pol/ is clearly behind the post.

If you don't like racism and bigotry, I suggest you go back to your safe space, boy.

back to pleddit with you brain dead nigger faggot

by the time im 40 I would have made enough to retire you moron

you need to go back

Veeky Forums is literally just thread after thread of x-Coins and crypto shit now. It's pretty fucking dumb and boring desu. I liked Veeky Forums much better when there was discussion of markets, products, and the one or two threads about bitcoin.

Why is r/the_donald raiding Veeky Forums?

Average Veeky Forumstard is much more retarded than an average /pol/ack though.

So you went to one of the worst boards on Veeky Forums? Where every street shitter begs for 0.000001 BTC and puts sharpie in pooper for 200 DGB?
This is the worst board I've frequently visited in all my years on Veeky Forums.

>actually funny and mostly ironically racist

>just ignore them

This. It's not like anything they say is influencing the general public to agree with them.


/pol/ is worse than kikes because you can actually learn something from the latter


we need retards here to buy our pumps

/pol/cucks are always welcome

>tfw white, 6'0, able bodied, straight, Swiss, rich, cute gf, Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

t. OP

If you want your SJW safe space actually go to reddit.
I have nothing against jews myself, but people circlejerking each other over what's right and wrong to say makes me puke

Lol triggered by Pol

>"""ironically""" racist in 2010-2012
4/pol/ then was like 8/pol/ is now, complete with a swastika on the top of every page lol. Anybody who tells you that they were less racist then is completely full of shit.

you just described pol faggot

/pol/ is love
/pol/ is life
Veeky Forums is now part of /pol/

Veeky Forums has always been in our control. remember when jews were whining about the antisemitism as Veeky Forums was brand new? yeah

/pol/ users are the textbook imbeciles that project their self-hatred onto minorities.
They're too dumb to realize it's themselves instead of the people they want to hate.


what a loser.