How come the countries in Green just did everything?
I mean every continent has its cultures and civilizations but Western Europe is just striding above in the stratosphere when compared to others.
How did they do it?
*Does everything*
Other urls found in this thread:
More like why everyone else didn't.
Eastern Europe was plagued by backwards cultures and ineffective governments
China was plagued by the fucking manchus.
What the fuck did Finland, Sweden and Norway do?
But you excluded fucking Russia. Nice argument, fuckface.
>Russia is in Western Europe
>Finland is western Europe
Sorry, but your thread is really dumb.
>does everything
What exactly? Because outside of Greece Bronze Age Europe didn't do much. One could even say that some East Asian countries are more successful than many countries on your list.
Britain is irrelevant meme country
>Ireland has contributed more to the world than Turkey
>Portugal has given more the world than Russia
You post this every thread.
Because it's true
what the fuck did Iceland do
You know it isn't.
What has Britain ever done except LARP as an empire that got BTFOd by Germany and Russia
>fucking Iceland
"did everything"
And you didn't include Poland either, faggot post OP
>Carefully omits Greece
Wasn't it Henri Becquerel that discovered radioactivity?
Greece invented western Europe and avoided the iron curtain so other than geographically the Anglos made sure it stayed western
>modern physiology
The guy with the dogs?
Pretty sure people like William Harvey (discovered blood circulation) and Charles bell (discovered nervous system) did a lot more for physiology
>the theory of evolution
>the industrial revolution
>powered flight
>the telephone
>charles dickens
>8 things
Most countries have at least contributed this much
Switerland produced a shit ton of influential mathematicians including Euler and Bernoulli
Those are incredibly significant things, you fucking retard. Did you even read the list?
A Japanese Study concluded 54% of the world' most important inventions were British in origin.
Oh wait, you aren't interested in discussion, just 'lol le ww2 XD'
>What has Britain ever done
Use and spread the language that we're typing in for starters
>LARP as an empire
It's not larping when it's a literal, physical empire covering a quarter of the globe
>that got BTFOd by Germany and Russia
When the fuck did Russia BTFO the British, and even if the Germans damaged the British the British damaged the absolute shit out of the Germans in turn
The compute
Steam engine
>shitting on Belgium
This really rustled my waffles.
Brainlet: the post
Butthurt slav: the post
>A Japanese Study concluded 54% of the world' most important inventions were British in origin
German, Konrad Zuse
>Perfect climate for settling
>Rich and various flora and fauna
>Rich natural resources
>Access to the Atlantic sea
>Much more peaceful than test of the world due to natural barriers like large rivers, mountains etc.
Pretty much combination of all of this
>GG&S is fake because whites are not super humans in it
They were barbarians until the Middle Ages. Time goes on. Yesterday's savages are tomorrow's world leaders. Next, it'll be the East leading the world.
>Sweden and Norway do?
How about discovering the New World, fuckface?
All the East does is copy the West's shit.
>A Japanese Study concluded 54% of the world' most important inventions were British in origin.
sauce or gtfo
ARPANET was British.
Britain also invented television, steampowered transport, as well as BEING THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. HOW IS THIS SO COMPLICATED FOR YOU?!
Vikangz n shiet
t. butthurt white boi
>Belgium does shit that'd make Hitler feel sick
>meanwhile Poland only manages to become a bitch to everyone around them
Also, Belgium was one of the hubs of industrialization on the continent
that was Iceland
Literally just google the quotation.
The actual study is written, but is referenced multiple times as reliable.
"A study by MITI - Japan's equivalent of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) - concluded that 54% of the world's most important inventions were British. Of the rest, 25% were American and 5% Japanese.
The figures offered by MITI are generally agreed throughout the scientific and engineering community. "
he just said it's japanese you artard
>Implying I'm slavshit east european
Greece doesn't belong in Western Europe, it shares religion (and therefore most of its' post-antique history) with Easterners, it shares culture with Easterners, it shares geography with Easterners, their contacts with, let's say, French, Brits and Germans are sparse and extremely shortlived at best and their very own ancient concept of "Europe" was vastly different from our modern one. There's not a single reason why Grease should be included except for your own butthurt and insecurity.
Iceland was literally just another colony
>Greece invented western Europe
>it shares religion with Easterners
It's the same religion, fuckface.
what is considered "important" and is something like calculus or the assembly line process considered an "invention"
What? I can't understand your shitty english.
The point is, this alone proves Britain is not 'irrelevant'.
the colony that discovered the new world
Do you have brain damage?
>ITT: The absolute state of non western Europeans
na, China hit the Americas before they did, and even the nomads before them, but unlike any of them, the Spanish decided to report it back to the rest of us, so they get our credit.
>declares war on Prussia to stop a unified Germany
Well look how that turned out
Typical uneducated post from the average Veeky Forums faggot that doesn't even know the definition of Geographical, Historical and Political orientation. Greece is a country located in south-east Europe, it has historically influenced both western in a great degree and in more recent history, eastern culture. Politically, Greece was split between Venetian and Ottoman Rule until it's independence in 1821 where it orientated exclusively to the West due to European influence and the purge of thousands of communists by themselves and the English, thus avoiding the Iron curtain and being excluded, in every sence from the usually recogniszed Churchillian sense of Eastern Europe.
>B-b-but rapebabies and shitksins!
since this is a meme thread
>act against EU legislations and defy Brussel's demands
I know these DnD alignment meme charts are usually made by complete morons, but come on
its perfect english, sans maybe a comma or two. maybe try reading with different emphasis or inflections?
regardless, no one said britain is irrelevant, but we're wondering what you mean "important". 54% is a large claim that needs some backing.
>Ukrainians: I decided oriental kick in their brains
>Believes that domestic legislation reforms superseded that of the EU
> China hit the Americas before they did
pure conjecture
>the Spanish decided to report it back to the rest of us
Leifur's discovery of the new world was known in Scandinavia
before the age of exploration Europe wasn't really equipped to take on the new world anyway
What's impure?
>no one said britain is irrelevant
Read the fucking thread.
Britain is America's bitch ever since the revolution
We don't speak English, we speak American
>Britain is America's bitch ever since the revolution
How is that related to what I said?
And the US had a smaller economy than the UK until the 1900's.
>it has historically influenced both western in a great degree
Like pretty much every non-balkanlar European country, shit argument
>in more recent history, eastern culture.
Quite the opposite, "Greece" literally BELONGED to Eastern culture group, like it or not. Egyptians and Iranians had vast influence on Greece and vice versa, and until late 14th century Greek state still had holdings in Anatolia, with Greek majority existing on coastal regions all over the region. Yeah, you could argue that meme colonies in Iberia and France existed, but again, they had virtually no influence whatsoever, and the most influential Hellene populations lived in Greece, Egypt and Anatolia, with Sicily and Southern Italy being a token nigger.
>Venice this, Venice that
Is this some 'never conquered' meme? VAST, and I really mean it, VAST majority of Greek population lived in the Turkish Empire, not Venetian trade hubs.
>in 1821 where it orientated exclusively to the West due to European influence
*lets ignore massive Russian influence and meddling in Balkanlar*
>purge of thousands of communists thus avoiding the Iron curtain
Is that it? They killed commies some 80 years ago and therefore they aren't eastern, disregarding centuries of history? You brainlets with inferiority complex are trying way too hard now
These didn't do jack shit, and Greece is not Western Europe. It's only Germany, Britain and France that are actually significant.
>Britain is America's bitch ever since the revolution
Also when France colonised England in 1066, all noteworthy English figures since were French colonists. Only reason England was so powerful in middle ages was because France
>Like pretty much every non-balkanlar European country, shit argument
>Quite the opposite, "Greece" literally BELONGED to Eastern culture group, like it or not. Egyptians and Iranians had vast influence on Greece and vice versa, and until late 14th century Greek state still had holdings in Anatolia, with Greek majority existing on coastal regions all over the region. Yeah, you could argue that meme colonies in Iberia and France existed, but again, they had virtually no influence whatsoever, and the most influential Hellene populations lived in Greece, Egypt and Anatolia, with Sicily and Southern Italy being a token nigger.
>>Venice this, Venice that
>Is this some 'never conquered' meme? VAST, and I really mean it, VAST majority of Greek population lived in the Turkish Empire, not Venetian trade hubs.
Again wrong, the Ionian islands, the Dodecanese, parts of the Peloponnese and Crete were extensively under Venetian rule, most of the listed, even longer than Ottoman rule with little influence from the Ottomans. Not to mention the countless communities in Northern Epirus, the mani peninsula and Klefts that never conversed with a Turk in their life.
>*lets ignore massive Russian influence and meddling in Balkanlar*
Wrong, and retarded. Greek independance was exclusively funded by western Europe with minimal influence from very few Russians, most who were Greek diaspora, the Bavarians literally built the Greek kingdom and showered Greece in Neo-Classical, which btw, the famous Greek-Revival occured due to the rediscovery of Greece and the revolution
>Is that it? They killed commies some 80 years ago and therefore they aren't eastern, disregarding centuries of history? You brainlets with inferiority complex are trying way too hard now
Hurr is that it they avoided the Iron curtain durrr
>Wrong, and retarded. Greek independance was exclusively funded by western Europe with minimal influence from very few Russians, most who were Greek diaspora, the Bavarians literally built the Greek kingdom and showered Greece in Neo-Classical, which btw, the famous Greek-Revival occured due to the rediscovery of Greece and the revolution
Are you retarded? Russians literally aided with their military on some occasions and are known for encouraging the rebels in synergy with their conquests
Real material support is more valuable than "hey statues are cool lmao"
Western powers did actually help them though - I'm not saying they didn't - but the Russians helped them as well.
Belgium isn't even a real country, get fucked Leopold.
>And iranians
Just stop with this meme, Greeks had a civilization which exterted its influence from Italy to Egypt in the bronze age while iranians were savages fucking horses somewhere in central Asia, and the earliest greek philosophers precede Zoroaster (who by the way was NOT a philosopher) by almost 2 centuries, so fuck off.
>, with Sicily and Southern Italy being a token nigger.
A token nigger? Italy had civilizations like the Etruscans who were far older than the Persians, and in the span of a few centuries they cmpletely changed the whole ancient world by changing the world forever with the Roman empire which spread incredibly advanced infrastructure everywhere it went
ARPANET was American and it was tried in AMERICA
Why are you missing the point so hard? What Russia did for Greece in military and moral support, the western powers did ten fold. The English trained their Generals set the Greek economy afloat, the Bavarians literally BUILT Athens from scratch and instated their monarchy, the Americans showered Greece with loans and the French educated their proto-revolutionaries, who after founding the Kingdom, pushed for western education. How is military support more influential than the very obvious shaping of the country? The Russians did more to influence Bulgaria and Serbia in the Balkans, which later fell inder undisputed commie rule.
btw you're not talking to the same person. I don't know what your point is besides lying about Russian support.
I said Russian influence was minimal and it's true
History didnĀ“t started at the xix century or xx century.
Portugal was the first nation in the entire world, to have a global empire owning lands in 4-5 different continents, they mapped and discovered or conquered a great part of the world, their contributions, world impact, empire are top tier in the group i would say with France, England, Spain, Germany, and they had probably not even 1/4 of the population any of those countries.
>can't into industrial revolution
the only thing we lacked
Poland, Russia, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Czech Republic and so on had enormous influence on the state of modern Europe, like it or not
Kill yourself
>Again wrong, the Ionian islands, the Dodecanese, parts of the Peloponnese and Crete were extensively under Venetian rule, most of the listed, even longer than Ottoman rule with little influence from the Ottomans. Not to mention the countless communities in Northern Epirus
Have you ever checked how many people lived there as opposed to the Anatolia and Greece proper? Retard.
>that never conversed with a Turk in their life.
Like almost every peasant in their life under a foreign ruler ever, dumbass, ever thought about that?
> Greek independance was exclusively funded by western Europe with minimal influence from very few Russians
So wrong it's not even funny
>Hurr is that it they avoided the Iron curtain durrr
That's not even my point you brainlet, if your only prerequesite for belonging to "western Europe" is not being a part of the Iron Curtain, then Poland and Russia are also western European countries. Geopolitics of pre-Ottoman Greece always, ALWAYS revolved around Middle-East and Anatolia, with a smaller degree towards South and East Slavs, no matter how much you wish it they were le pure Nordic Aryans
>Eurocentric wewuzzing
Post disregarded, kill yourself
Precisely because of your commerce roots.... you had already gains from them, so you didn't care that much with massive industrialization, a mistake somehow, you did it after but it was a little bite late, and then with the EU you dismantled it again.
>Poland, Russia, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Czech Republic and so on had enormous influence on the state of modern Europe, like it or not
>Kill yourself
Wring either way
>Have you ever checked how many people lived there as opposed to the Anatolia and Greece proper? Retard.
Did I compare populations? It's a mere fact that a high population of Greeks were always under western control.
>Like almost every peasant in their life under a foreign ruler ever, dumbass, ever thought about that?
I have, because Ottoman Greeks payed jizya and Greek communities were mixed with Turkish ones, other than the ones I listed
>So wrong it's not even funny
It's absolutely true, Russian contribution was moral support and military, 99% of the revolutionary effort and the post-revolutionary development was western in every way
>That's not even my point you brainlet, if your only prerequesite for belonging to "western Europe" is not being a part of the Iron Curtain, then Poland and Russia are also western European countries.
Are you seriously saying that Popand and Russia weren't part of the Iron curtain?
>Geopolitics of pre-Ottoman Greece always, ALWAYS revolved around Middle-East and Anatolia,
>with a smaller degree towards South and East Slavs, no matter how much you wish it they were le pure Nordic Aryans
Greece literally shaped Roman culture you retard
the problem wasn't the trade in general, the Dutch had a very powerful trading business and they still industrialized, Spain and Portugal were just too dependent on the Americas' resources, should've just kept building ports instead digging all that gold
and yeah, since Estado Novo fell it has been mistake after mistake, a problem of democracy no long term planning
>outside of Greece Bronze Age Europe didn't do much
What fucking planet are you living on you complete and utter retard.
t. Ivan
It was an independent republic.
>Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary and legal themes and traditions; the heritage ofGreek,Roman,Germanic,Celtic,Slavic and other ethnic and linguistic groups.Christianity including the Roman Catholic Church,[3][4][5]Protestantism,[6][7] and the Orthodox Church,[8][9]has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization since at least the 4th century,[10][11][12][13][14], as did Judaism(particularlyHellenistic JudaismandJewish Christianity).[15][16][17][18].
>A cornerstone of Western thought, beginning in ancient Greece and continuing through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, is the idea of rationalism in various spheres of life, especially religion, developed by Hellenistic philosophy,Scholasticism, and humanism.
>Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of many elements of Western culture, with the world's first democratic system of government and major advances in philosophy, science and mathematics. Greece was followed by Rome, which made key contributions in law, government, engineering and political organization.[23]Western culture continued to develop with the Christianisation of Europe during the Middle Ages and the reform and modernization triggered by the Renaissance.
>It's a mere fact that a high population of Greeks were always under western control.
And it's a mere fact that it was puny compared to the population under Turkish boot
>I have, because Ottoman Greeks payed jizya and Greek communities were mixed with Turkish ones, other than the ones I listed
Most of the "Turks" you mention are quite literally European converts
>Are you seriously saying that Popand and Russia weren't part of the Iron curtain?
They were. But they aren't. Poland and Russia aren't communist anymore, and Poland is a full member of NATO and EU, and both are democratic states (even if democracy is abused) while Greece's biggest party is totally-not-gommunist. And yet both states are seen essentially as "Eastern European", even though, let's take Poland -
>Is historically Catholic, therefore "Western" between 10th-18th centuries,
>Has vast German and French influence, with East Slavic being non-existent outside of obscure, anachronistic words that creeped into the language 200 years ago
>Was a member of the Western Allies, not Communists during WWII
>Is, as already pointed out, a member of EU and NATO
>Considered a member of Mittleeuropa by Germany since the very existence of the term
But the last 80 years under Communist boot somehow dictate it's been "Eastern" it's whole statehood.
In case you STILL don't get it - 80 years of Cold War era doesn't mean anything, because culturally and politically Poland is still MUCH closer to Germany than to Russia, and Greece being recently introduced more recently (still, barely) into such structures as NATO and EU doesn't make it historically "western"
>Greece literally shaped Roman culture you retard
So Greeks belong in the Egypto-Phoenician culture group, given their influence on Greece? Kek, never thought about it that way
Greece is literally the roots of western civilization. Their history speaks for themself.
>And it's a mere fact that it was puny compared to the population under Turkish boot
I still don't see how that disproves anything
>Most of the "Turks" you mention are quite literally European converts
No point here either,probably just a Turk babbling
>They were. But they aren't.
You might be surprised but, even with the recent economic crisis, Greece still has higher wages, median wealth and living standards then both
>and Poland is a full member of NATO and EU, and both are democratic states (even if democracy is abused) while Greece's biggest party is totally-not-gommunist.
What are you even saying
>>Is historically Catholic, therefore "Western" between 10th-18th centuries,
Mexico has been Catholic for centuries
>>Has vast German and French influence, with East Slavic being non-existent outside of obscure, anachronistic words that creeped into the language 200 years ago
Let's just forget about the Russian empire and spout /pol/ memes About based Poland while Karol is still my plumber
>>Was a member of the Western Allies, not Communists during WWII
So was Greece,this makes no sense
>>Is, as already pointed out, a member of EU and NATO
So is Greece, this makes no sense, Greece is actually conforming to EU policy unlike BASED Poland
>>Considered a member of Mittleeuropa
Nice punchline I'll give you that,btw Greece was never considered Eastern European in it's modern political history
>But the last 80 years under Communist boot somehow dictate it's been "Eastern" it's whole statehood.
Yes,also Russian empire
>80 years of Cold War era doesn't mean anything,
It sure did a number on their victim complex
>because culturally and politically Poland is still MUCH closer to Germany than to Russia,
>and Greece being recently introduced more recently (still, barely) into such structures as NATO and EU
Greece entered NATO in 1952 and the EU in 1981, that's decades before Poland in both, and what has this got to do with western europe?
its not a "list of countries" you morons its a region. obviously the larger countries in the region have done a lot more than the smaller ones
No one did much in the bronze age retard, and Europe did more than most of the planet including the Americas during that period
>You might be surprised but, even with the recent economic crisis, Greece still has higher wages, median wealth and living standards then both
Irrevelant to the East-West division, Spain is a shithole compared to Norway but both are Western
>Mexico has been Catholic for centuries
Mexico quite literally wasn't a country 200 years ago, so that's a deliberate strawman. In the Middle-Ages, the East-West division served as Latin-Greek Christianity schism, and back then, as you may know, theology, philosophy and the literate class was quite dependent on whether you're Orthodox or Catholic.
>Let's just forget about the Russian empire and spout /pol/ memes About based Poland while Karol is still my plumber
Not quite getting what's your point, I never mentioned le ebin rapefugees raping roughly 100% of Europe's population
>Yes,also Russian empire
Nowhere as big percentage of Poles lived under Russia as Greeks under Turkey
>Nice punchline I'll give you that,btw Greece was never considered Eastern European in it's modern political history
And Pooland isn't Eastern either. Yet you autists do your best to lump Poland with shitholes like Ukraine while Greece gets a free pass because lmao democracy, as if Phoenicians making their alphabet somehow made them le White and European eksdee
>because culturally and politically Poland is still MUCH closer to Germany than to Russia,
I urge you to visit the country, as I did several times already. Now, if you excuse me, fuck off you retarded contrarian. No, Poland isn't western, and nothing east of Italy-Austria-Germany-Finland belt is western, but Greece isn't by any means somehow different, it's the same hellhole all other Eastern countries are, but they don't deserve any honorary westerner status for something they did 2500 years ago.
>And Pooland isn't Eastern either
Forgot to add, it's not Eastern according to EU
Tf did Finland ever do?
>Mexico quite literally wasn't a country 200 years ago,
Just like Poland
>Latin-Greek Christianity schism, and back then, as you may know, theology, philosophy and the literate class was quite dependent on whether you're Orthodox or Catholic.
Ah so you are going by the medieval East-West religious schism, nothing to do with modern Greece or it's geopolitical orientation
>Nowhere but Greece isn't by any means somehow different, it's the same hellhole
There's your argument mate, finally you stopped beating around the bush. I should inform you that Greece isn't really a "hellhole", let alone anything like Eastern Europe, as most people have the average western luxuries despite the 2006 development of the economic crisis, which has nothing to do with Greece's political status other than an economic lagging that will be overcome like everything else. Greece has literally been a western country both politically and culturally after the 1821 revolution and the instating of the Bavarian Monarchy.
>Just like Poland
If you want to play the semantics game, very well. Poland very much exist as a sovereign state 200 years ago, namely Congress Poland or Kingdom of Poland
>Ah so you are going by the medieval East-West religious schism, nothing to do with modern Greece or it's geopolitical orientation
It's like you are pretending to be retarded. No, 1054 doesn't matter NOW, but historically, it DID. Now, plenty of Warsaw Pact countries were communist, but they are now NATO and EU countries, which is widely considered as combination that is considered "the West", Commonwealth and US excluded. Culturally they are deeply influenced by countries west of them and barely by the ones east of them, and therefore they *should* be considered part of "the West". Greece, is, historically speaking, more "eastern" compared to them than they are, given the French, German and Latin Christian influence they have been experiencing since their Christianisation. Now, you, greasy autist with delusions of grandeur, try to convince yourself that you, and only you, are somehow excluded from the bunch as if being richer (note that Grease is not rich, with or without crisis) is somehow a requirement for being part of "the West".
Western Europe =/= the West