Why does Veeky Forums hate Britain?
We made War of the Worlds and that was pretty good.
Why does Veeky Forums hate Britain?
Because Veeky Forums feels the need to constantly be contradictory and shit on anything that’s remotely well-known, celebrated or respected. Happens with pretty much every single historical figure and country and event.
Jealousy. They're mad that their country never had anything comparable to the British Empire.
Same reason there's a lot of US hate on the internet:
"Hate us cuz they aint us"
Its the source of all cancer in this world.
The English are a fairly unlikable people.
Veeky Forums doesn't hate Britain.
Nu/his/ is infiltrated by /pol/ retards that get their info from TGSNT.
>Still banging on about achievements from 200 years ago as if anyone cares
>inability to come to terms with the fact that you're now an irrelevant backwater
But Britain isn't England
>banging on about historical acheivments
>on Veeky Forums
wtf I hate anglos now!?!
Any historically significant country will have assblasted faggots shitposting about them.
Germany for example
It basically is.
And on /int/. And /sp/. And whenever anyone makes you feel insecure.
Veeky Forums is pro-bong
/int/ and /pol/ hate the uk to be contrarian
there is a mentally ill frog and a paddy that spam anti bong threads here
even the mods have admitted the it
Are Germany and Britain secretly brothers in arms?
The Royal family is literally German.
206 years later and frogs are *still* mad.
>Cant even use knives.
Um sweetie, her majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second defender of the faith can trace her heritage to are Alfie.
lol how you're so O B S E S S E D that you assume I'm french.
>this level of delusion
Nobody wants to be a britshit
I sexually identify as a Saxon.
Better than whatever third world shithole you're from
s e e t h i n g
Am just boiling with anger
I think it's to counter the overrating of Britain's history by American dominated mainstread media
But as always, Veeky Forums goes to far and underrate Britain instead of putting it back to its right place
>back to its right place
Most relevant country in history?
Nobody actually hates you, british shit just became too popular/spammed on Veeky Forums for a while so people start poking holes in it. Once any nation starts getting a little too uppity on Veeky Forums everyone sort of bands together to bully it. Happened to Vikings, Rome, Spain, Ireland, Germany and now you guys. Looking like France is next on the list.
that image is so old, the economy is good, pound is at pre-bexit levels, unemployment is still at record lows...
That would be America
Literally only been relevant for 100 years
Veeky Forums loves England and Lindybeige and can't stop talking about them. FACT.
I'm calling the police