The absolute STATE of atheism

We're winning the culture war Veeky Forums. Christianity is rising and atheism is falling. This was just another temptation in the long struggle to salvation that has been defeated by the righteous.

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Reminder that he cucked out when he was pushed on his ideas of God in the bible being the most digsuting scumbag character in fiction

he's not wrong though

I thought Christianity embraced pedos?

Christians are just cucked out THOTS for Jesus.

What the fuck does "mild pedophilia" mean? I'd ask you to post the article, but

>Christianity is rising
I think you meant Islam.

Thats old news, recently he is been off defending the ethicality of canibalism

Say it with me


But being horrible is irrelevant to whether god exists. Believing in God makes people better, but it doesn't make God real.

Age of consents are arbitrary and authoritarian anyway. Is there a magic number when a child suddenly turns into a adult?

... But in traditional Christian societies girls as young as 10 were frequently married. OP is a /pol/ bot trying to bait.

This is a myth.

Biologically there are. For girls, it's when they start bleeding. For boys, it's when they start ejaculating.

>hey goyim, look at all this social progress weve made.... you can be homosexual or transsexual and well accept you!! but why be against pedophilia? its consensual! and bestiality is okay as long as its consensual, and necrophilia, and cannibalism......

so 12?

If you're a late bloomer, sure.

Sure buddy.

It was coming anyways. The Jewish "poet" Allen Ginsberg was a major figure in the counterculture and homosexual rights movements. He was a pedophile. He was never ostracized for being a member of NAMBLA (National Man Bou Love Association.) We live in a very strange world if "racism" is grounds for losing your job, but the media adores child rapists.

It was Jewish-feminists who compelled the state to raise the age of consent to 16 and higher in the first place.

Gas the kikes right?
BASED maga!

>We're winning the culture war Veeky Forums. Christianity is rising and atheism is falling.
>This is what Christcucks actually believe

Why do you have to be so gay, OP?

it’s objectively true. See pew research on religous growth.

Why do Yeshuan judaists always use this obnoxious "ATHEISTS BTFO" shit?
To silence the voice in their head that tells them they're fucking retarded?

&Humanities is basically /pol/-general these days. They post nothing of value or even citation, instead just emotional language, inflammatory content and shitposting that somehow isn't immediately deleted. Not even the SJWs circa 2014 were as vocal and annoying as these incels.

>Yeshuan judaists
fuck off to tumbler, brainlet

In Africa

Everywhere except the West.

What? Christianity is that sect of judaism that believes Yeshua to be the messiah. It's objectiveky a subform of judaosm

Except this isn't a good thing from a Christian standpoint. You do realize a majority of North American Christians are for-profit evangelicals or worse, liberalized Christians with gay ministers?

>European societies become atheist
>they become cucked liberal shitholes filled with nihilism and decadence destined to die out

Gee willikers bob I'm sure glad the Libyan Civil War, Iraq, and the loose immigration restrictions imposed by G*rmans are surely the result of less Christianity. Speak for yourself you Catholic/Protestant fuck head.

>american poster
>thinks secularism started in 1945

Yes, goy. The only evil is political evil. You can indulge in your wildest and most depraved appetites as long as you don't offend the powers that be while doing it.

get off Veeky Forums gramps

It's literally the churches that push for more immigration.
Why do fucktarded /pol/mericans think christianity is rightwing?

How about you mind your business and stop being a totalitarian? If you had the chance you'd do exactly what your Jewish boogeyman is up to, just to fit your own narrative.

>in the current timeline people larp as christian fundamentalists by posting hit pieces on atheists from far left magazines who dislike criticism of islam


This is the state of the left. Decency is totalitarian, but child rape is not. All restrictions on human behavior, it seems, are outrageous abrogations of freedom, but thought needs to be policed and persecuted.

>Christianity is that sect of judaism
fucking brainlet. Christanity is a composite Med religion.

Imagine living in self-induced nightmare reality with no basis in the real world.

Denial: the closest the left ever get to reality.

It's a jew religion with some roman flair to convert 5th century sub-80-iq simpletons.

its been shit since its beginning

Modern Eruo "Christianity" that bent over to appeas secucklarists is hardly Christianity. Its a side product of secularism and all those libtards are actually secularists in church robes. Nice try.

>t. dumbfuck american who doesn't know the meaning of the word "Liberal"
Truly the saviors of the white race.

I have no idea what you are trying to say but yeshuan judaosts claim themselves to be the prophecised state of judaism
There are two types of judaists: those that think yeshua is THE messiah and those that wait for the messiah

>Jew religion
Fucking no
>Roman””” flair”””
Became state religion of Rome for a 1000 years. A lot of Roman aspects.
>5th century
Spread from the 1st century, was legalized in the 4th century
>80 IQ simpletons
Early Christians were educated urbanites

You might want to actually read the bible sometime sweetie.
Jesus ' teachings don't quit align with Hitler's

user, Christianity is the epitome of cuckoldy. Jesus was brought up by cucked soyboy Joseph. Joseph getting cucked is the most important part of Christianity, Christianity wouldn't exist if Joseph didn't get cucked.

The beast cries, for it is afraid in its corner.

>jew religion
>fucking no
this is the type of person that rants about secularism

it's a fact that christianity started out as a sect of judaism

and admitting it syncretized with other religions doesn't speak very positively about its authenticity

It's easy for the ignorant to call Christianity is a "Jew religion" (even though the New Testament specifically rejecting Judaism) but if you reflect on what Christianity is from a non-biased perspective it's pretty obvious that it's not just a sect of Judaism. It's a multitude of divine entities lead by the Queen of Heaven, under her Divine Death-Rebirth son who's an avatar of the Word of God, topped by the boss God who made everything and assist humans in the battle against Satan and his demons who attempt to lead men into temptation and evil. Catholicism and Orthodoxy, which amounts to most Christianity worldwide, also has aspects of tribal totemic religions, with emphasis on local identity, local custom, local tradition, tied up in ethnicity, territorial denominations, linguistics and cultural fields of belonging. as well as possession of superstitions and morals.

Every religion is "syncretized" you psude.

Jews literally created Christianity.

/pol/ can't into history

What the actual fuck? Did you get this from Jordan Peterson or something?

nothing of that means it's not a sect of judaism
The NT specifically says you can not remove one letter from the older jewish canon

>Christianity is rising
This is objectively true because atheists don't procreate.

The letters of Paul mostly are him going around converting Gentiles, and the New Testament is filled with positive portrayals of non-Jews (The Samaritan Woman, the Roman centurian) while exposing Jews as being corrupt and rejects Jewish teachings in favor of something more akin to Greek philosophy.
This is theology, not history.
It was the Roman government in collaboration with the Christian Church which put together the New Testament in 325 AD during the Council of Nicea. Before then, there was no New Testament. If the New Testament is bound by the Old as you imply, despite there not even being a a New Testament until centuries after Christianity's beginning, is pretty remarkable.

I think he is trying to say thst the influences from history and the need to appeal to the masses has changed it so much that to call it Jewish is an oversimplification even if its origins are undoubtedly Jewish.

Let me tell you about a country named china

The council of nicea had nothing to do with canon you dan brown moron

Chinese atheism is a meme. They might call themselves atheist, but they still have a very mystical worldview governed by spirits and superstition. Chinese atheism is nothing like Western Atheism.

The council of nicea is what put together the fucking canon you brianlet.

Its derived from jewish ideas of morality its a jew religion.

Where Christianity is the fastest growing religion?

So atheism is not the determining factor in birth rates? Glad we agree

reading comprehension

please be bait

Well Judaism as it existed 2000 thousand years ago. It hard to deny that thousands of years of divergence and outside influences would not change both Judaism and Christianity to the point where equating the two is exactly accurate.

It's funny how you have a bunch of witless one liners but no actual rebuttal.

>Protestants are heretical
>Catholics are corrupt
Daily reminder that if you aren't an Orthodox Christian who has held onto the same belief set and practice for millennia, you have been mislead by the demiurge.

>an Orthodox Christian who has held onto the same belief set and practice for millennia
Blocks your path

I don't need a rebuttal. The council of nicea was about arianism and both fractions had the same bible canon.
You literally cannot read about the council without acquiring this information.
God fucking dammit just when I thought /pol/larpers couldn't be more retarded

>reading comprehension
You did say China.

>This was just another temptation in the long struggle to salvation that has been defeated by the righteous.
Righteous africans and chinks? I don't see any increase of Christian religiosity in the West. You don't mean larpers like Peterson and DEUS VULT-memesters, I hope?

About atheist birth rates...

>The council of nicea was about arianism
It was about a lot of things. Including, finally, agreeing on a canon.

>So atheism is not the determining factor in birth rates?
It clearly is. Just accept it.

tbf christian africans seem chill

Please name me a source except Dan Brown that claims this
Assuming you're not baiting and just mentallly ill please read the wikipage about the council in the meantime

China is experiencing an overall decline in birth rates so I don't know how that will save you.

I'm not sure what your image has to do witj our debate but since christians in the west have a reproduction rate of -0.5 while atheists in China above 2 I'm pretty confident in saying it isn't. If you claim otherwose substantiate your claims

>since christians in the west have a reproduction rate of -0.5
Source: your ass

From what?
Also if they have falling birth rates while becoming more christian how does this make a case for atheism being the determining factor in birth rates?

that explains it. Here is a source

But this is something I learned in school, not fucking wikis.
If you have a better I'd be happy to hear it. Since unlike you I'm not emotionally attached to my positoon

Then why is atheism set to decline by 3% of the overall world population by 2060?

why would i believe anything that salon writes?

Romania and Poland are religious as fuck, yet their birth rates are below "degenerate atheist" UK and Sweden. There are more factors here than just religiosity, m8.

Nice try but I'm not only talking about Christianity and since atheism is opposed to all religion it shouldn't matter which one is increasing.

Because of African birth explosion?
I didn't claim western atheists don't have low birth rates. Calm down and reread the subject we are discussing

>UK and Sweden
That's because they do have population that is "religious as fuck" just not Christian. Also Poland has a moderate birth rate and Romania has wide spread abortions.

>modern western atheists and modern western non-atheists have declining birthrates
>atheism is the determining factor
Assuming the best of you I hope this is a misunderstanding. But yes.Theistic religions going through the same declinematters if we discuss whether atheism is the cause of the decline

>I didn't claim western atheists don't have low birth rates.
>So atheism is not the determining factor in birth rates? Glad we agree

Western atheists have low birth rates
Western non atheists have low birth rates
Hence atheism is not the determining factor in these low birthrates
God are you dense.

>Theistic religions
>what is Islam
All this meandering about is so tiresome. Just so you can pretend you intend on procreating...

Yeah, and that's where it matters. Europe is fucking dying and the future belongs to the places whose populations actually reproduce at a non-self eliminating rate

>Hence atheism is not the determining factor in these low birthrates
It doesn't matter if atheism is the determining factor or not, most of the atheists are located in the west, and the west is the place with the declining birth rates. The only other place with a high amount of atheists, China, is experiencing a high growth of Christians.