I have a question about black people in the U.S.A, cause I just realized something that may or may not be true...

I have a question about black people in the U.S.A, cause I just realized something that may or may not be true. So there black people that are really dark and some are lighter-skinned, is the reason why some black people are lighter-skinned due to the fact that some slave owners raped their slaves? Is this a contributing factor?

Yeah most blacks here have about 30% European DNA. I'm sure some of it was consensual but with slavery you can never really tell.

A bigger question is who in their right mind would fuck a West African. Ugliest phenotype in all the world.

It's because white girls are literally slaves to the BBC

>I'm sure some of it was consensual but with slavery you can never really tell.

men are dogs and in a world where porn didnt exist (so 99% of human existence) they'll fuck anything

>men are dogs
Women are the more sexual and sex obsessed gender though.

Some was absolutely consensual as Black girls love White cock.

Its because all the qt blonde Southern girls are getting BLACKED

>implying you wouldn't

And yet they have less of it statistically

You neglected to attach a picture of a delicious brown qt so how can we ever know?

>blacks have 30% European DNA
>/pol/ wants to send blacks back to Africa
>the one time it was tried (in Liberia) the blacks ended up enslaving the local black population and using them on plantations in the same way they were used in the south
Is European DNA destined to enslave everything?

well that and skin tone varies in the africa anyway look at the khosian and igbo.

I'm a Nigerian igbo and I'm only slightly darker then your average afram.

Though your average black american is lighter if they were to come to Nigeria we probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless they are super light skinned or have a jewish nose

Empirically false.


Nigerian-Nigerian or Nigerian-American?

Nigerian-american my mom and dad are nigerian

and I came here when I was young sorry about the same fagging

What do your parents say about life back in Nigeria?

I've visited Nigeria several times with my parents and I vastly prefer life in the smaller towns then the city. Lagos is really corrupt and the small towns less so. The south is alot more stable then the north because of the fulani muslims and boko Haram.

My parents enjoyed edo state (where they were born) but are scared of the extremists in the north so they came to America and had me. We still go back to visit family but don't stay longer then a few months

My ethnic group were in forests (which explains our lighter skin ) and tried to become independent earlier during the 60's. nowadays though because of oil we are doing alot better

Very interesting. Would you recommend a white foreigner visit? Is there much to see as a tourist?

Well right now they are trying to crack down on crime in the bigger cities so I'd give those a pass also stay in the south because it's less dangerous and there is more fun stuff to do anyway.
You'd probably be well received there because tourist equal money. I bunch of people will likely try to sell you stuff at a marked up price. As for places to visit there a several depending on what you enjoy.

If you enjoy looking at man made things Hi Impact Planet is a cool amusement park that we go to.

There is also the Kajuru Castle which was built in homage to a Germanic castle

There is also my favorite place which is the Osun sacred grove it's a national heritage site now

Very cool. Thank you user, I may see you there one day.

A ton of slaves were raped. What you would imagine as "african dark" is a small subset of black people in the usa.
Other people were slaves, here is a pic from my small town.

You could answer this question through 3 minutes of google and your own common sense? For one, yes, there was obviously rape as masters have raped their slaves since slaves existed, there's documented proof of this in the case of the U.S., second of all, there isn't one skin tone of Africans. Even in Africa there are lighter and darker skin tones, in the Caribbean even more so. Third of all, the U.S. isn't the only control to import slaves from Africa and African people of various descent all over the world vary in color and ancestry. What a retarded question.

If gay men vs lesbians proves anything, men have way more sex than women.

How can you be a human on a world full of humans and yet be so ignorant of how humans work?

>mfw when it's historically been the opposite
>mfw Blacks have an inferiority complex since White slavemasters cucked their forefathers
>mfw in a desperate attempt to deny their Whiteness they throw their culture into abject shit

tfw when Nigerian and not an black American mutt

Being serious though I feel bad for black Americans they basically had to build their own culture vastly inferior to their indigenous Yoruba roots

I believe the term you're looking for is BLEACHED

They're not just Yoruba, they're Ashanti/Kru/Igbo/Fang/Kongolese/Kru/English/Scottish; you get the picture

You're not a real man until you've bleached a negress.

I would take a cheap imitation of anglo culture over actual jungle niggers any day

Hey I'm igbo we're forest niggers get it right also I'm somewhat touched I don't often see people defending black Americans

Yeah shit I forgot. I had a black American buddy take a dna test once he had a fuck ton of Scottish Congolese and Akan in him.

Honestly, the biggest problem is with fatherlessness, but most of them are still bad reguardless

They seem to turn out better when the father is white. Mainly because related to your point, dad is around.

i've worked alongside and also supervised members of your trible. the Igbo in my experience were hardworking, professional, and friendly. the women will test you at first, though, to see how far they can push but there is no malice, just normal woman shit-testing.

how did your tribe become so successful? i think the Igbo hold the highest percentage of graduate degrees here in the states according to some measures.

I honestly think it's the hardworking culture that we have and the fact that alot of us are so greedy we're called the jews of Africa. We push our kids to do really good in school and such because education has a large part of our culture.

Also if you wanna see "Islamophobia" ask some igbos how they think about Muslims. Igbos are the most muslim hating people that I've met.

yeah, i don't know if it classifies as greedy but i noticed an emphasis on stylish wardrobes for the girls (lots of Ralph Lauren) and super-expensive shoes and eyeglasses for the guys. expensive but the opposite of the "bling-bling" taste of many others.

>15% of Arab mtDNA is from black females
They were ass men

1. Some people just have lighter skin than others even in the same "race". Skin color only constitutes a few nucelotides out of millions in the average person.
2. It was a combination of rape and consensual relations. It is notable that the African Americans with the highest amounts of European blood are the ones from states where intermarriage was the most accepted. The blacks of the deep south have the least amount of European blood.

it was easier for junior to coerce a housegirl than to venture into the fields and take a fieldhand.

>the jews of Africa.
This. Everyone hates Nigerians. Its the one thing all Africans have in common.

SOME of it was

The average is 20%

Because Nigerians are intelligent as hell ; especially Igbos but Yorubas too.