Is it just me or has there been a vast increase in /pol/ack and stormfaggot posts recently in the past few days?
>Inb4 "shutup tankie/libtard/goyim/commie"
Is it just me or has there been a vast increase in /pol/ack and stormfaggot posts recently in the past few days?
>Inb4 "shutup tankie/libtard/goyim/commie"
No, it's not just you.
Times are changing.
Surely you didn’t think your early 21st century liberalism would go unchallenged forever?
Maybe the vast increase you're experiencing is the total lineal footage of cocks in your rectum.
Nope, it's just you
shutup tankie/libtard/goyim/commie
shutup tankie/libtard/goyim/commie
hey leftypol
I actually feel it's been the exact opposite. WAY increased concentration of unironic commies, international cosmopolitans, and Germany-hate threads.
shut the fuck up /pol/larper.
Massive amounts, the neckbeard larpers are retreating from /pol/ because with all the baby boomers, it's basically anonymous facebook for your racist uncle dan.
See, they're right here in his fucking thread
I can see your huge nose from here
this is still one of the least tainted boards by /pol/ thankfully
It goes both ways, both group are intolerable faggots
>he/she/xe/zhe/hir isn't aware that Veeky Forums exists ONLY because /pol/acks kept pestering the mods about making a history board
Way to show your newfaggotry, butthurt reddit SJW.
>the board that routinely shits on the eternal boomer is full of boomers!
Nice revisionism, leftypol shitter.
you are the newfag it appears, as /pol/ was created as a containment board for all the natsoc dick riders
not even left leaning faggot, I'm a right wing nationalist. I'm just sick of you retards infecting everything with your moronic sentiments that all the ills of the world are because of kikes or niggers.
the top left argument doesn't exist.
even if it did - what matters is not the repressiveness, but what's being oppressed.
the lefty government wants to repress family values and white pride - to the point where fat sloths exist, like the /pol/tard who realizes he's been cheated - where the third reich celebrated it and pushed natural selection to it's glorious conclusion.
i render props for the rest.
sage for meme culture.
it's not revisionism, he legitimately thinks he's talking to old people when they tell him to pull up his pants and demonstrate nazi cleanliness.
people bitching about /pol/ has gotten fundamentally more obnoxious than /pol/ themselves. they're on every board making threads like these with the same fucking images and acting surprised when /pol/tards reply. it's like they don't even take part in the actual topic of the board and just go there to bitch about /pol/.
I've seen quite a few more schizo tier posters recently yea.
I never once thought there wasn't a problem, my issue is that /pol/faggots are pretty much unanimously just like OP's pic, while also worshiping fanatics who brought ruin onto Europe.
Nah, business as usual. To be honest they got raped in so many WW2/Holocaust threads that I can't believe they are still actually trying to ''redpill'' people here.
Not to mention even if they aren't baby boomers, they are most likely a bunch of fat nerds who worship war, and death because video games allow them detachment from the reality of war but would never be seen fighting these conflicts.
Can someone give me a quick rundown of The Greatest Story Never Told? My /pol/ friend wants to watch it with me and I need to know what to expect as its pro-Hitler arguments
t. Schlomo Shekelburgerstein von Kikenkutkock
>make a board about topics inherently political
>durr why r righties here? mod pls ban
Nah since Christmas
Probably just ban expiration but only you can report and ignore them
I don't mind them as long as they cite actual scholarly sources to back their claims up, not shit like wintersonnnenwende, fuhrerbunker, or random infographs that inevitably get trotted out whenever topics on the Third Reich are discussed such as the Danzig """"Massacre"""".
>having IRL friends who visit Veeky Forums
>having IRL friends with whom you discuss about Veeky Forums
shiggy diggy
Typical /pol/tard response, can win with words so you resort to insults. Also fuck Israel, and fuck Zionism.
>anyone who criticizes Israel's foreign policy is a Nazi
Really meks u think...
If they read actual scholarly sources (or even fucking Wikipedia articles), they wouldn't be Hitlerboos.
>Danzig massacre
It did happen but was a pogrom
And a Haredi welfare leech besides. Hypocrisy comes naturally to your "people"
You will hear its pro hitler arguments when you watch it.
Unfortunately, the focus on (((academic credentials))) makes this board an easy target for the JIDF, and this board has been thoroughly judaized and niggerized. It needs to be bathed in cleansing flames and revived from the ashes. Only then can we truly discuss history, free from Jewish bias and Jewish lies.
No, it's literally holocaust denial, and fanatic worshiping of totalitarianism/sympathies for people who spent the better part of a decade slaughtering Europeans for their fanatic worship of ethnoidentitarianism. If all it was, was criticism Israel for the destabilization of its neighbors/jingoist actions I wouldn't mind.
>shutup tankie/libtard/goyim/commie
proving my point for a second time faggot
You don't even use that right you retard.
>rich far-left elites are mostly jewish
>they hold a lot of power and influence by THEIR OWN ADMISSION
>lol just a conspiracy and if you question my beloved elites you are a le evil stormfag!
Nobody believes you anymore, lefty banker buttlicker.
Well, this certainly explains why neo-nazis can just make up shit on the spot. When the concept of evidence is a Jewish invention, the less of it you have the easier it is for you to be believed by /pol/tards.
And I'm not disagreeing with you on that, it's certainly a problem that jews are the only ones who hold most of the worlds power, but to act as if its some widespread conspiracy among all Jews to kill of the whiteman is schizophrenic, and moronic.
>When the concept of evidence is a Jewish invention
Nice projection, lefty SJW fuccboi.
no, I've taken the week off actually
>Unfortunately, the focus on academic credentials makes this board an easy target for the JIDF, and this board has been thoroughly judaized and niggerized
>but to act as if its some widespread conspiracy among all Jews to kill of the whiteman is schizophrenic, and moronic.
Of course not ALL of them engage in that goal, they are not a hivemind. But a lot of powerful ones and even "normal" ones do and it's not even like they hide it.
Not just you. It's probably some organized raid.
So your evidence is a picture of a kike, and stats showing jews to hold alot of wealth without context is proof? Wow, it's almost like none of you took a moment to contemplate logic in your whole self-apologist fucking life.
Which I'm not even arguing against, but if you'd ask most stormfags they'd believe the only answer is the whole sale genocide of these people.
S this is your evidence? A literal nobody said something stupid responding to Spencer?
It shows the attitude a disproportionate amount of them have. Nothing like reading straight from their social media feeds.
Nice non existent evidence, faggot.
>a disproportionate amount
The non stoping posts of haploautists and race realist are rubbing me the wrong way.
The threads are becoming worse than Holocaust denial threads.
The ironic thing being that "race realists" are not realists at all, since they're only solution to the racial problem is to deport all the non-whites and kill anyone who won't comply.
It's going to happen sooner or later and could be started by either side, much like every other ethnic conflict ever.
Threads about history of India are also terrible.
>It's going to happen sooner or later
And you say this because...?
Only because rather than trying to create allies with the majority of minorities who don't hate white people. We try to shut ourselves out, and become ethnically homogeneous. Thus making the globalist plan for global domination, work via divide and conquer.
>not being gene realist master race
>not euthanizing everyone with less than 120 IQ regardless of race
>performing retarded eugenics to kill off other races while not addressing the issue of low IQs outbreeding high IQs and turning your once glorious high IQ race into another retard race
Not him but I think some good old intuition should tip you off.
I don't spend all my time on twitter, most of the black people I've known in real life are chill people who I've gotten along with.
>is on the history board
>doesn't knows the common causes that lead to ethnic conflicts across history
Goddamn leftypol brainlets, at least try.
>muh allies
It's a losing defensive strategy. Yeah, I'm sure white South Africans right now really appreciate the few le BASED black guys in MAGA hats while the vast majority of the black population wants to at the very least disenfranchise them, at the worst outright kill them.
This. The opinions of REAL normies on social media are a good indicator of where things are going.
Oh, are those "chill blacks" the ones in control of the media and institutions manipulating people's beliefs?
Yes those blacks know you, the ones who dont see you as white boy bleed alot.
That's fine, good for you and your friends I honestly wish everywhere was like that. Doesn't means that's the case everywhere, especially the places where whitey is NOT in charge.
I already told you I don't spend much time on twitter, so I only know what I see in real life, not the stupid shit people see online.
>I don't care what happens outside my village, everyone fucks pigs because that's what we do here
So your source is twitter? /pol/ brainwashed you. You live in an alternate reality.
The internet is not reflective of real life, people do all kinds of stupid and weird shit on the internet that you hardly see in real life.
You dont live anywhere near blacks.
I live with blacks, one in my house, and another five or six in my dorm.
>black people blaming white people is /pol/ brainwashing
Neckbeard, just go back to Veeky Forums or wherever. The real world might be too scary for an autist such as you.
And a couple black people surrounded by white people is not reflective of the notions the majority of black people have.
>know a couple black people who are fine
>drive 30 minutes away from majority white area
>bullet holes in windows and blacks complaining about whites
Nice lie.
shutup tankie/libtard/goyim/commie
>black people blaming white people is /pol/ brainwashing
Black people wanting to exterminate white people based on few retarded tweets is /pol/ brainwashing. It's like posting /pol/ memes about day of the rope and saying that the majority of white people want this.
>off-topic political discussion is only /pol/ when it offends me
I live in Michigan, black people exist over here user.
Sweet jesus you live in the state with Detoilet and Flint and say this nonsense about blacks being chill.
>The internet is not reflective of real life
Outdated thinking when almost everyone has internet access now. It's not 2004 anymore.
True, but one thing everyone overlooks is that blacks didn't suddenly decide to become so radicalized and be all "fuck whitey everywhere, even in their own lands" recently. Someone is encouraging them, gee I wonder who?
Maybe he's from upper Michigan which is pretty much even whiter than Cucknada.
Corporations and political groups are sure as fuck trying to make them believe that the only reason Wakanda isn't real is because of white people and that whites being killed in South Africa is a good thing.
I'm so fucking glad the constant BLM riots stopped everytime a criminal got shot but good thing the handlers of their brains have sicked them on jacking off about South African whites dying.
>farm attacks are about race
You do realize a third of the farm attacks are on their "fellow black" farmers right? They're soft targets with shit security compared to the cities where a PSC will blow you the fuck away
>Outdated thinking when almost everyone has internet access now.
You misunderstand me user. People don't act the same online as they do in real life. Online life is basically one big LARP fest.
There are bad blacks, they do exists. But there are enough good blacks that I can't see a race war happening anytime.
Good blacks are a myth you clearly have no interactions with the most common black in our country the ghetto savage.
You're right, but still it's naive to think they leave these attitudes and thoughts as soon as they log off twatter. And that applies to everyone, regardless of views.
You are comparing two completely different situation and you base all your shit on few tweets. So how many radical anti-white black organizations are there? How many black terrorist organizations? How often black people kill whites because they are white?
>influx of newfags posting reddit & discord level memes
>t-the problem with Veeky Forums is /pol/
I have some saved threads from when this board was new.
The difference between this board when it was first created and today is night and day.
Even my saved threads from late 2016 aren't too bad.
Things went to shit in 2017.
>Good blacks are a myth
But I already told you I know good blacks.
>tfw reactionary
>tfw actually like Marxist-Leninism
>People in your pic are not Marxist-Leninist in any sense of the word.
The problem with Veeky Forums is definitely /pol/. At least when it comes to the history of Germany or WW2.
They dont matter, the ghetto savages do thats why we focus on them.