How much BTC do I need to ass fuck this chick while I squeeze her fat nips?

how much BTC do I need to ass fuck this chick while I squeeze her fat nips?

Escorts cost $180 CAD where I'm from. So literally 20 mbtc

Not much. Penis transplants are pretty cheap

Alley way with a ski mask. Dont waste any shekels off this faux pouting hussy..her face screams : im a fucking asshole. So fuck her in the asshole

how long are your arms that you can squeeze her fat nips while assfucking her?

how do you know she has fat nips?
Also, high end escorts are around 200 dollars an hour.

You can get paid to fuck her if you're in the porn universe.

I don't have to use lube right

Depends whether you like rough or smooth pegging

These girls are not Asian.

gtfo my board

>"High end"
Nope. Unless your criteria for high end is one that gets std tests on the regular.

This is not a high end escort, where I live hookers are way hotter then this ugly peace of shit

you mean short is his stroke....

100$ in btc
If you wouldve went all in with 200$ in AC's last pump you'd be fucking her right now


This broad could prolly take everything I have from me

For 1 bitcoin you can get 70 of them here in the Netherlands.

Nah, I want this one instead. Who is she?

500 BTC net worth and she will let you paint her face

sauce is 0.00028122 BTC xx

>Clearly never ass fucked a woman
There's a million ways to skin a cat