Real talk.
Vitalik shit the bed with the latest Ethereum fiasco. They will be hard forking this for sure.
Does this mean there will be *another* ethereum "classic" chain? What will this do to original ETC?
Inb4 Ethereum Classic 2
Real talk.
Vitalik shit the bed with the latest Ethereum fiasco. They will be hard forking this for sure.
Does this mean there will be *another* ethereum "classic" chain? What will this do to original ETC?
Inb4 Ethereum Classic 2
There will be no hard fork
>300+ million in funds frozen
>they forked DAO with only 50 million at stake
Yeah you're wrong
vitalik will likely an hero if he knows whats best for him
eth and etc will follow closely
what happened to ETH? Wasen't following any news about it
ETC is still the original, hard forking again would only hurt ETHs credibility even more. ETC was not affectrd by parity and they also have a conference this weekend so they are in good shape.
>Vitalik decides he can no longer rely on users and developers
>forks but with a backdoor
>gives himself full access to all ethereum tokens
>restricts users access to only be able to move/spend enough for food
>decides ethereum would work better if he gets to ensure completely fairness in ethereum ownership and spending
Somebody deleted the smart contract holding 300m of value. It's frozen now.
Goofed status: dun
some kid sent kill() and destroy() to random contracts deleting $150M
does that mean people lost lots of money?
>Eth launches from cents to over $20
>DAO gets hacked and lose 1/4 of their 11.5 million eth
>Eth bleeds back down to $5
Not long after the hack ethereum then hardforked to form a new chain that rollbacked the DAO stolen funds
Because the funds were actually stolen compared to this time it was "accidented" I believe, any hardfork should be more of a consensus imo
No.. it only effected 1 wallet and a fix can be shipped with the next update.
Is this true? Doesn't that kind of mean that all platform is done as far as any company (not ICO guys, I mean companies who are into dapps and even employing blockchain developers) is concerned?
Sorry, deleted accidentally. Still sounds like the kind of thing that would make any half-normie company stay away from anything Ethereum or Vitalik. They are already afraid of blockchain since they don't know anything about it.
People lost access to several hundred thousand ETH. The only way to repair the contract is a hard fork of Ethereum's blockchain.
So, yes, unless the Ethereum Foundation plays ball and causes a hard fork to restore access, they have lost lots of money.
I guess this will drive the price up because now there are less coins in circulation. This is not an Ethereum's flaw, Parity is developed by a third party.
Why are all these wallets frozen?
why can't this happen to bitcoin or other altcoins?
I hope he forks. And at some point we can start thinking about a lawbook / fork regulations and a working governance system.
Everything is better than the PoW consensus mess that Bitcoin is
>muh miners fork
>muh users
>muh dev group
>muh other dev group
Better have a centralized governance with rationality for now until the code is mature enough for full decentralization
No one is developing smart contracts on BTC because the coding for it is way too ugly right now. But it's pretty much guaranteed that once that starts happening, and someone fucks up a BTC smart contract, there will be forks to resolve it.
Once you give power to a group of cunts they wont ever let go. Give me chaos.
>is this true
Yes. Thing is, it is a legit command. You just usually prevent it from getting externally triggered in your code. The idiots of parity forgot to do so. So no, not everyone is affected as all other smart contract creators knew how to code
Stick to servicing call centres please, you pajeets are either trolling or just incredibly stupid.
DAO was because 10-15% of the ETH supply was STOLEN, the funds in this case are just locked.
They don't need to cause any additional hard forks, they can just make adjustments in the upcoming hard fork meant for the update.
Good point. But in this early stage I think the chaos / no governance option could likely kill a project. Look at the s2x mess. Such a simple fork and how fucking political it gets
Yeah, but when the DAO happened, Eth was only worth like 10-20 USD. It was forked then because they were concerned about a potential 51% attack. Now 50 million USD worth of ETH is only a drop in the bucket compared to the total supply.
Oh, did you fall for the ">shitalick forking to bailout his friends" meme?
>it only effected 1 wallet
no. it affected a shared "library" smart contract that a lot of other wallets were using. that smart contract got turned into a wallet and was deleted. any wallet that was using that smart contract now has all of its funds completely inaccessible
>a fix can be shipped with the next update.
if the next update involves another hard fork, sure
Most recent example: Metropolis
Upcoming update: Constantinople