Was the New Deal beneficial for America?
Was the New Deal beneficial for America?
Yes, it provided work for the unemployed, food for the hungry, and pensions for the elderly. This is both ethical and has practical benefits in the form of preventing serious internal unrest.
the new deal literally encouraged farmers to grow less food.
And yet more people were eating after the policies were enacted then beforehand.
yeah no.
and yet there was no famine, it's almost like overproduction is a thing
I really like the economic bill of rights proposed by him.
You are wrong.
Niggas talking about FDR constantly but can we appreciate Cordell Hull for a second
No. The depression was ended by WW2
Absolutely not, unemployment didn't return to pre-depression level until war mobilization started.
yeah. Since america is owned by jews it was good for them
The billions of government spending made the life of the white trash middle class a lot better
I don't understand this line of logic.
WW2 was an extension of the New Deal. It meant more government spending, more government intervention in the economy, and more Keynesian stimulus.
Because the previous system had flooded the market with food, making it unprofitable for farmers to work, despite the fact that people needed food.
Veeky Forums will never admit but the WW2 saved the american economy and the keynesian plan. Not saying WW2 happened for this or anything but a lot of corporations grew thanks to government funding. Who do you think that build those shit wood houses and buildings for the blacks and white middle class? corporations. Who provided ''cheap food''? corporations. The massive expending in social security? who provided the ''services''?
Marxists, keynesians and even neo-liberals love debt economy as long as it is stable and ''under healthy levels''
Is there truth to "Hoover's policies stopped a potentially worse economic collapse" or is that a meme?
Yeah, because they ended most of the programs when they didn't need them any more. Unlike today where government programs never get disbanded.
It also left the United States as the sole industrial super power.
>All of those guys were viciously anti-Catholic
>Some Catholics symbols are on the wall
Doesn't make sense.
>Marxists, keynesians and even neo-liberals love debt economy as long as it is stable and ''under healthy levels''
There's never been an industrialized society without it.
OPEC could produce all of its oil in a few years if they spent all their capital on it.
I’m sure that’d be super intelligent!
WW2 was literally a de-facto (and de-jure) nationalized socialist protectionist interventionist economy where unions were banned and all resources were rationed.
I didn't know people denied this.
The economy collapsed nonstop under Hoover, and it only bottomed out under FDR in 1934.
Hoover’s policies simply did not work. FDR was no economic genius either. They only really began the “New Deal” in 1935. And it created immediate results.
How exactly did the worst economic event in human history “cause the New Deal to succeed”?
The 1945-1948 period saw GDP decline 30%. Why? Well, because the boom years of WW2 were producing (relatively) meaningless products (for peacetime) at a high-cost to productive capital.
The economy in 1948 only was 25% larger than in 1939 (before war spending began).
WW2 is a great example of why GDP is not the end all be all of what constitutes a “good economy”.
So no, the world economy getting destroyed and every American having to devote 50% of their free money to forcefully paying for the war did not “save the New Deal”.
>Stalin was anti-religious
>Arguably anti-Semitic
>Purged Jews from the party
>Literally burnt down Rothchild refineries and organized strikes against them
>Probably was the biggest threat to global capitalism to ever exist
But he was a jew puppet!!!
The way my grandfather spoke of him, you'd think he was the second coming of Jesus. The effects of his policies are debatable, but I honestly believe he held the country together through hard times in a way few others could have.
>because they ended most of the programs when they didn't need them any more
the supreme court actually shut down most of them because they deemed them unconstitutional.
Not after 1937 they didn’t
FDR dominated the Supreme Court from the grave until 1974.