What would Australia be like if WWII was won by axis powers?
Post WWII Axis Victory
A lot Whiter, more conservative and more Christian than it is now. Maybe closer ties to a still enact British Empire. perhaps even the odd increase of Japanese aesthetic here or there. That's about all.
Logistically Japan couldn't invade Australia, just cut it off from foreign trade and force it to become a neutral state.
Following a Man In The High Castle like storyline, would there not be a japanese puppet government of some sort, even if australia was left alone generally? I cant imagine it would be any different from any of the other conquered countries
Should the Japanese have conquered the entire continent their empire would likely be far too unwieldy to support for any real length of time. Eventually Australia would just regain its independence.
To the people saying that it's "impossible" for the Japanese to conquer Australia, you're wrong. The population wouldn't be willing to go guerilla in an Axis Victory scenario where the British have fallen and once you've occupied the major cities and installed a puppet government then people would just roll over and take it, just like they did in Japan after the war.
Politically and culturally the Japanese occupation would have a light touch. I'm thinking an American satellite like Pinochet's Chile, not Vichy France. I imagine that unlike in China and the other territories occupied by Japan they'd be no brutal massacres, which would definitely help them cement their rule, but they'd definitely run our economy to their benefit, shipping our raw materials to Japan proper at Co-Prosperity Mates' Rates.
I'm not sure how much communism would survive an Axis Victory, but they'd definitely portray themselves as liberators from some imagined Chinese menace and British/American Imperialism. I can imagine them spinning some story about how Australia and Japan are geographically natural allies, islands of civilisation sandwiched between Chinese barbarians and the Imperialists, friends whose economies were devastated by cruel, exploitative capitalism of the Brits and Yanks, personified in our mutual deprivations during the Great Depression. The Japs were the first to throw off their chains and now they've come to liberate their Australian nakama.
Just my hundred yen.
Australia would be forced into a vassal like state to the Japanese Empire. Not fully conquered or directly ruled, but forced via isolation and the ability of the Japanese navy to blockade its ports, they would essentially do as they're told by the Japanese government possibly to the point of being a puppet government.
Depending on if the British empire survives a Nazi Europe, Australia could either become a republic or owe allegiance to the Nazi aligned royal family.
Japan would lose millions in fruitless invasions of the mainland, and the yellow menace would force us to put our massive supply of weapons grade uranium (the largest int the world) to good use.
Or more likely we wouldnt be affected at all because Hitler wouldnt let a white country be taken over by asians
You are fucking deluded if you think for one second that 40s Australia wouldnt fight tooth and nail against japanese rule.
Of course this is all pointless because japs feared the American and Australian warrior, and surrendered like the subservient monkeys they are
>america gives up its physical presence in the pacific but still hates japan
>covertly supplies australia with nuclear technology
>australia uses its vast uranium supplies to build a nuclear arsenal
>reclaims political independence and forces japan to end any blockade
>over the years tensions ease and australia becomes a major trading partner with the co-prosperity sphere
Pretty based desu.
Australian comfort women sugoi
>Hitler wouldnt let a white country be taken over by asians
Hitler himself said it was a pity that the White Race will be expelled from asia and oceania, but nothing to do about it
Well Australian army totaled about 800,000 in WW2 and Australia is literally a continent so a blockade by the IJN would be impossible.
It's very unlikely Japan would successfully invade Australia given their army size and technology plus familiarity with terrain. Furthermre i assume they would still get supplies from the US as an Axis victory is only feasible if the US doesn't join.
If anything Australia would be more dominated by the US than Britain (now presumably forced to surrender its empire or worse, occupied)
It would be overrun with Asians. You could walk through certain towns and see no English signage. All the property would be owned by Asians. I can't go on. It's too horrible to imagine.
Listen up kiddo, just being alive in the 1940s is not enough to make you into Corporal Jacka. In the event of an "Axis Victory," which necessitates the Americans, British and Russians being beaten at the very least, Australia would have no chance at fighting off a Japanese invasion, yet alone the will to after seeing the Mother Country go over to the Nazi fold.
In the "best" case scenario for Australia, the Nazis would have allowed the British to "keep" their empire, meaning that we would probably follow suit, capitulating to the Nazis and accept a subservient place in their new hegemony.
Also how do you supply an army through an hostile desert continent
Even with perfect foresight there’s no way the axis could have won the war /thread
If they started work on the atomic bomb before Britain and USA
>desert continent
Stop posting.
>In the "best" case scenario for Australia, the Nazis would have allowed the British to "keep" their empire, meaning that we would probably follow suit, capitulating to the Nazis and accept a subservient place in their new hegemony.
The Nazis and British are irrelevant by this point. By 1942 Australia had stopped caring about Europe, knew that the British had no power to help them and that our future lay in the Pacific and with the US. Even if the Nazis decisively won in Europe there's no guarantee of a decisive Japanese victory in the Pacific.
You fucking know it is cunt
>the same year that Australian and American soldiers fight on the streets of major cities around the country
>the second the Americans effectively halt the Japanese Curtin reverses his position and goes back to talking about how important our ties with the Brits are
>Australian government literally pay for hundreds of thousands of British immigrants to come to Australia after the war
I think you're exaggerating just a tinsy bit. Like I said, if the Americans withdrew from the war and the British went over to the Nazis, there would be nothing stopping one of the Axis powers from pulling Australia into its net. The Japanese would have to work harder to get the Australians to accept their hegemony, but it's definitely a possibility in a timeline where the Axis wins.
You're a fucking retard,
Yeah but my point was if the Nazis made the British sign a treaty which was disadvantageous for Australia, I see no reason why we wouldn't have just said fuck that and declared independence. If Japan was going to steamroll us then maybe, but if that wasn't looking likely then there's no the Germans were going to sail across half the planet to pull Australia into line.
Jesus christ, what kind of fucking gun is that
Australia was already "independent" by the start of WWII.
Even then a clean break with both Britain and the US would be help the Japanese a lot more than it would hinder them. Look at the propaganda the Japanese directed towards Australians and you'll see that they're playing on the same feelings of exploitation that were prevalent in history that would only be aggravated by the loss of Australia's allies in the event of an Axis victory.
Either way, considering the panic in Australia during the Japanese high-tide and understanding the huge amount of pressure that isolation from both the Americans and England would put the Australian government and people under, I do not believe that we would take any option other than capitulation. The real question is to whether we'd fall in line behind the Nazis or the Japs, but that depends on the circumstances.
Doesn't matter since Australia is part of China now
We fought them off in kokoda, id like to see them take australia.
I didnt mention nazis, i said that Australians would never surrender to yellow subhumans
>We fought them off in kokoda
We won at Kokoda because the Australians and Americans had won at Coral Sea and were fighting with the Americans at Guadalcanal. You're adding nothing to the discussion.
The Japs never intended to conquer Australia as far as I'm aware.
Who would want to invade those Oz cunts? Far more trouble than it'd ever be worth. Miserable cunts would complain if you hung them with a new rope.
it'd be logistically impossible to invade Australia
Why would they want to?
The Australians don’t even like it there
There is NO situation is which the British fall, why can't you fucking stormfags get this through your heads?
Do you think that Philip K. Dick was a neo-Nazi?
Australia was going to use chrmical weapons on the Japanese.
Churchill was going to anthrax bomb Germany