>The year is 2025
>My neural network verifies my CVC biometrics & links me into my Occulus 4.0
>I re-enter my digital mansion in Genesis city
>List my AF69-Sunstrider Personal Spacecraft on BitBay for 50M
>Check my Golem-run personal AI
>She tells me that my digital rent has come in, 500k MANA this week.
>MANA has been sitting steady at 25k Satoshi’s, since District0x police had eliminated all digital crime in Genesis City.
>All digital crime are held on public trial in the Aragon court-house
>Physical Crime is not possible.
>Think I'll gamble some of my rent money.
>All internet gambling is now run exclusively on the Funfair platform.
>Teleport to the Genesis City FunFair Casino
>Outside I tip some digitally-destitute Arklet some DGB so he doesn't starve
>Welcome back sir, VIP lounge this way.
>Atomic swap this week’s rent income into FUN.
>Put it all on red and double up
Welcome to the future
Other urls found in this thread:
>Paragon addicted pickpocket tries to assassinate my avatar.
>Gives me a moments notice by screaming something about Wraith Protocol and huffin’ jazz.
>Cloud-boosted memory recalls some Dogecoin Dark pump and dump from years earlier.
>Normally, District0x forces would instantly freeze his avatar and ping his IP address for SEC involvement.
>Relay stand-by orders to incoming Districtox forces.
>Download latest version of the Decentralised Jeet Kun Do by famous AI author Bruise L-AI
>Completes just as assassin is about to bear down on me.
>I swiftly flow around his awkward attack, slipping around from behind and snapping his neck.
>A loud voice cries across the Digi-speakers.
>10k Firstblood added to my account.
>I laugh as I watch his shitty avatar fade away in a miniature digital dust-cloud.
>New-coiners who only entered last year when all world governments switched their reserve currency to Bitcoin, now follow my digital movements like I am some sort of celebrity.
>Incoming transmission from GolemAI
>Another 1000 BAT has been credited to my profile.
>Clearly some of my viewers were amused too.
>Briefly wonder what life would be like if I didn't browse Veeky Forums on Veeky Forums all those years ago.
>That reminds me
>Connect to the Veeky Forums blockchain, proceed to shitpost.
Tip Jars;
BTC: 13TMdHbmRNPgusvfBhd9t5vyLobhGfDdE6
ETH: 0x1bE8AA2133358f4580f3D0B5Ea6d57DfEC099076
ARK: AZtoFXfP4ia4JcbjgQCUaQQgSJ1DkyXSex
no LINK no tip bastard bich
Feel free to greentext a line or two, and if it's any good, I'll see where I can fit it in. Then next time you see this thread, it'll have a LINK reference too. This has been a work in progress over several threads already.
I like the rest though nice work
Cheers. Get sick of seeing shit threads with little to no effort put in. Gotta have some fun while we're at it, right?
>plug in my Samsung Vr powered by NEM
what does NEM actually do? Haven't looked into them enough to incorporate them. And does samsung have a competitive VR on the horizon? as far as I'm aware it was between Occulus and HTC vive, until they both shit themselves about the Switch VR source code leaking. Pretty sure it's why we saw the recent Occulus GO release.
i fucking kek'd at the Arklet bit and i hold 5200
it can't all be pink wojaks on this board. glad I made you laugh user.
No one has anything else to add? Come on lads, let's keep this one alive a bit longer.
>check my link stack and its still stale at 1sat after 7 years
>check coinmarketcap and there is an ad for another ico by sergey, his 15th one in 7 years, having abandoned all projects7
I don't actually hold any link. But even I don't think it can drop that low. The memes are too good. Honestly I have nearly bought in several times just due to how good some of the memes are.
Post yfw in 2049, a qt3.14 hologram to trade shitcoins with you
This. I approve of this.
Thanks for the bump my well dressed frendo
>Spend half my enormous net worth on a bitcoin transaction to move my wealth to a new server farm
>It'll confirm within a month or two.
>2 Petabyte block size confirms via Interplanetary File Sharing at greater than light-speed.
>Planning for party later, I buy 100 doses of pure LSD off silk road v13
>Pay with 0.000027 monero, delivery guaranteed by confido smart contracts
>My transaction triggers anti-moneylaundering algorithms in General Bitcoin Mining Ltd. They won't confirm my transaction until I send in a copy of my cryptocurrency license and blood and semen samples.
Adding the first lines. Had a good Kek at the last one, but I'm trying to shill things in this thread, not fud them. Except maybe verge, but only because I sold and missed buying back on the dip.
Awesome thread op
checked and kekked
8/10 OP
You fucked up by not BTFOing linklets
Gimme some 2025 burns to add and we'll see where we can fit them in on the next run.
Kek. Good post.
Thanks. But next time add a line or I'll shoot you in the face. Young whipper-snapper.
Whens dat ICO, anybody know?
Uh, Firstblood is already out?
looked it up...damn thought it was just a meme, my bad.
You didn't know? I already made decent profit once or twice now from it. Buy the dips, sell the pumps. Apparently that last big spike on the chart was from a Dota2 Tournament, and there has been chatter about 2 new game tournaments coming up. Use that info however you'd like m80.
>He doesn't know
Nintendo Switch VR source code leaked.
HTC Vive is also rushing to do a more competitive deal. You think I would go through all this effort just to shill shit? Come on man, give some credit.
It's just a typo
Added some of your earlier lines to the savefile pasta. When this thread dies I think I'll give it until at least the weekend before posting again.
I'm dumb, will fix the typo next time too. In fact doing it now so I don't forget.
I'll be expecting it
>I laugh as I watch his shitty avatar fade away in a miniature digital dust-cloud.
>Feeling the rush of what happened, go to the VIP lounge strip club to throw some KEN at the strippers