Everyone on Veeky Forums should own AT LEAST 100 LINK.
You simply cannot completely be immersed in the zeitgeist of memery if you are not at least somewhat invested in ChainLink.
Come meme with us, noLINKers.
Everyone on Veeky Forums should own AT LEAST 100 LINK
why dont you give me some
1000 bitbeans reporting in, hodling since April
Oh shit, beaner memes were fun.
Are nolinkers even human?
That's a no from me
I mean lik that's literally 18 dollars or so.
I'd rather have a decent lunch
delet this, noLINK scum
>mfw 26k LINK
tfw poorfag LINKlet
at least I am rich in memes
how many you got?
I have never seen so many desperate losers on a single thread... LOL
a lot
And some I won't release until the time is right
t. Retard who has no idea how important smart contracts are gonna be
Lmaoing @ your poorfag ass
what makes you think this link coin will be used... what makes you think ethereum will be nothing but a meme in the future? i will just sit on the sidelines and laugh, as I watch this massive crash party... XD
-Coin with no use case (anyone can make oracles)
-don't even have team yet
-haven't started building out whitepaper "a few years out"
-CEO has questionable health, could have heart attack at any moment
-Price exists from desperate Veeky Forums pump, going nowhere
-"Link Marines" Military meme army formed in desperation to save the coin
wtf stronk fud, just sold my golden ticket
Please someone answer me... I'm tired of it all.. I've been wronged so many times.. will LINK set me free... I just want someone to to tell me it'll be okay if I buy this coin
>confirmed for no idea what LINK even is
Dirty pajeet bitch bastird!
I think captcha is telling you something.
Read the whitepaper, its all there right in front of you.
LINK is the best investment you could possibly do m8.
I‘m not worried at all.
just sold all my eth bags and went all in on LINK
feels great
That guy is such a fucking homo
Whoever posts the best Link meme gets .001 BTC
Time for the red pill Linkies.
>only 300 link
Should I just max out my credit card
o shit i made this
I'll post big version
send me some links pls i dont have LINK it was always on the top and now down
This thread is so sad. 1 person or 2 people post disgustingly bad memes replying to own posts. Jezus is it sad to watch.
After you fags spammed Veeky Forums with very low quality shill of link before/during sibos DUMP, nobody is going to buy this shitcoin. Nobody walked into your obvious trap before, yet now you try it for second time. Must be really desperate.
And jezus christ up your shill game this is so fucking sad to watch.
>low quality shill
>giving high quality fud
I think you got things reversed buddy
Wtf where did I get this pic of you?
It's hard to read, isn't it? Low quality shill before sibos. This might explain why you guys suck so bad at meme
You're proving the point of bad memes
Low quality coin, low quality whales. Figures.
Only have 80, wanna send me the other 20?
unironically did the same about 5 hours ago. 3650 LINK and Hodling till 2020