Starting to cook for myself since I'm moving out, any meal sugestions?

I haven't started my muscle diet yet but I've read the sticky and figured out that one of my meals is gonna be the classic chicken breast whole rice broccoli thing that you fuckers eat.

Now, I find this meal agreeable, however, I have no idea what to and when. I've decided that having three meals per day is something that I'd like to do.

The problem is that I don't know what to have for breakfast, what to have for dinner, and what to finish the fucking day with. I'd like some suggestions for that.

I also need meal suggestions to get a good rotation of meals going.

My first instinct is to include some of these ingredients.

>Turkey and chicken breasts especially.
>Ground turkey, chicken, beef or pork.
>Virtually all forms of fish
>Whole eggs
>Whole grains
>Whole grain breakfast cereals and muesli

Other urls found in this thread:


Breakfast - Eggs, oatmeal, milk

Lunch - Chicken, rice, broccoli

Dinner - Similar to lunch

This actually helps me a lot, since I have no idea about meals, so thanks.


if you start eating tasteless chicken you will soon hate it

I am from Greece and this is the way I prefer eating it:

The reply below pretty much nails it imo.

found a picture of an attempt from some time ago

>Buy a slow cooker / crock pot.
>Add any meat
>Add either tinned tomatoes, wine, or water and spices
>Serve with rice

I know that eating the same thing every day is fine, but I don't really like repetition in my meals too much.

But since it's the perfect three meals then I'd like to ask if theres an arrangement of eggs, oatmeal and milk that will give me the amount of protein, calories, carbohydrates and fat without it being five million eggs or some shit.

I'm from Montenegro and I've eaten lots of meals that look like that, they're pretty good.

Don't cook octopus, they have a sentient society that browses Veeky Forums and seeks vengeance on those who consume them.

Other seafood is fine though. I'd recommend catfish due to its excellent macros and micros, assuming its available/reasonably expensive where you live. Baking it turns out well with proper seasoning, you don't need to cook it in oil or butter if you're cutting.

Since I will be going to university, anyone know how to pack my meals?

In high school I just went to supermarkets and bakeries for snacks.

literally me:
breakfast: oatmeal with berries
lunch: something with eggs and pork, often on a toast
1/3 chicken/meat/fish
1/3 broccoli/spinach/something else
1/3 potatoes or rice, beans or whatever, never pasta

also there is no need to make your food "boring", just look up any recipe but modify them if they are not Veeky Forums enough


protip on chicken

self made garlic sauce
allows you to down more than 500g of chicken breast in one sitting
not that high in calories if you use yoghurt, use mayo if you dont care that much

make it strong af, for dem test boosting properties of allicin
littlw bit of pepper and pic related
keeps the gains goblins away

recommending steam cooker, saves time and shit, just put some mild seasons on the breasts itself

even a retard can make a good meal out of this

Add veggies of choice as a carb source (or go low carb) for example green beans, tomatos, leafy greens (go well with that garlic sauce/dip)

what the fuck is the difference between a steam cooker and a pressure cooker?

pressure cooker involves metal container that is closed tightly which creates high pressure and temperature allowing for fast cooking of meats into soft state

steam cooker is basically a small thermal pad that warms up water, said water turns into hot steam that warms up meat and veggies placed on top of that steam cooker.

both have different applications

steam cooker main thing is that nutritients arent boiled away as opposed to regular boiling (cook broccolli both ways and see difference)

but you cant fry things in it or grill them. Temperature is limited.

Pressure cooker is used mostly for tough meat cuts to make them very soft with a lot of flavor within relatively short time (for example an hour as opposed to few hours required in non pressure cooking)

so I don't need a pressure cooker?

also they make a pretty decent bomb

So, got a few that are nice:

Tuna Patties: How i make them.
-185g Tuna in Springwater
-Finely diced Onion (Gordon Ramsey method)
-2tbsp flour
-2 eggs
-Jalepenos (I use quite a bit)
(Mix all in bowl, then fry on high heat, i use vegetable oil sparingly). Good for Lunches, 469Cal: Fat:11g, Carbs:28g, Protein: 65g

I'll continue posting some recipes, but what i'd like you to conisider is learning how to use herbs and spices when making foods, it'll enhance and change the flavor a lot.


Brown Rice with Chicken:

Simple and easy, but i make it so it goes further:
-2 cups brown rice
-1kg~ chicken (I use thighs because it's cheaper)
-Paprika (smoked)
-Onion (diced)
-Lemon juice (a few squirts, 1 lemon juiced)
-Mushrooms (1.5cups, diced)
-Jalapenos (optional)
(Cook rice as this is happening):

-Cook chicken for a little bit at high temp. Then broil it in lemon juice, turning the heat to a medium heat.
-Add Paprika, Cumin (I use a lot), Tumeric (again, a lot). This will soak up the lemon juice, making it somewhat dry, mushrooms and jalapenos help alleviate this a bit.
-Add everything else in now, turn heat back to high.
Serve over rice, serves about 4 large portions, good for lunches and dinners.

Honestly, this is my favorite meal, I have a tendency to use too much oil however, my suggestion is to slowly find the right amount of spices, tinker with it a bit, play with what you put in (jalapenos are great for a bite with cottage cheese. But so is just paprika with wholegrain mustard without lemon juice.)

It's simple, easy, and is completely modifiable. It's literally cooked chicken + sides on rice, but how i do it. 676Cal: Fat:23g (less oil will alleviate this), Carbs: 65g (Rice), Protein: 58g (All because of chicken. To bump this up, add unflavored whey at end.)


I love cooking. Lots of good chicken dishes you can do. A simple roast chicken is a good staple; just shove that shit in the oven with garlic, lemon juice, rosemary, and maybe a bit of butter.

Another dish I make a lot is an easy white wine sauce. Coat the chicken breasts in flour, brown them on both sides in olive oil using a sauce pan and take them out. Then make a quick sauce using maybe a fourth of a cup of chicken broth, a third of a cup of white wine, lemon juice (and a few lemon slices), a couple tbsp butter, and capers. Let the alcohol simmer off and throw the chicken back in, and cook until done. Good with rice to soak up the sauce.

Ground beef/pork you can use to make bolognese sauce, which is pretty basic but takes a long time to cook. There's a million recipes online you can look up. Also meatballs usually use both of those, or turkey.

Steak is obviously fast as fuck - sirloin if you're cheap. or flank/t-bone are good cuts if you can afford them. You can make a good marinade using brown sugar, sesame oil, veg oil, red pepper, soy sauce, and whatever else you like. Spice rubs are also quite easy: cumin, paprika, pepper, salt, garlic powder, cayenne, etc... basically everything in the spice cabinet. I usually make with pilaf, which is just rice fried up and cooked in stock.

If you like chicken livers you can do a jerusalem mixed grill, kinda messy cause of the turmeric but livers are god tier macros as long as you don't eat them that often. Two medium onions, a few chicken breasts chopped into small pieces, and 3/4 of a pound of chicken livers and/or hearts. Brown the onions in olive oil, take them out; brown the chicken in olive oil, take it out; brown the livers, then throw everything back in with a few tsp turmeric and a tsp baharat (middle eastern spice mix, might be hard to find) and some salt.

Don't fall for the Veeky Forums meme of eating the same bland shit meals day after day after day. Cooking is awesome once you get into it

Don't believe the people that want you to eat rice, lentils are a way better staple food because they're higher in protein and micronutrients while being lower in calories.

Mushrooms are high in protein and low in calories. Mushrooms also soak up things, so I recommend you use spices.

Use soy milk instead of cow's milk because cow's milk is loaded with mammalian estrogen and other hormones.

Add nuts and seeds to your oats in the morning.

Eat plenty fruits and vegetables, I usually go for 300g fruit per day and 500g vegetables.

Use something like Cronometer if you aren't already.

Yo how do you make whats in your picture? That shit looks delicious

This, OP. Beware of the Octopus conspiracy.

Literally anybody can cook decent meals though. All it takes is the 5 minutes to google the proper oven temperature and time for the type of food you're cooking. Even if you're not making Michelin rated tier food, it should still be good so long as the quality of ingredients are strong and the recipe wasn't a troll.

Chicken and Lentil Soup: Serves 10+

This one is great, goes very far, good at all times of day (imo), and at most costs $30, with the lentils and Pearl barley going very far (multiple uses).

-2 cup Lentils
-1/2 cup Pearled Barley
-1kg Chicken (again, using thigh because it's $9 per Kilo at Aldi)
-Celery sticks, completely optional, but recommended
-1 can crushed tomatos (or real tomato (2))
-2 ltrs Chicken/Vegetable Stock, Reduced Salt (I prefer vegetable)
-1 Cup diced onion
-3 chopped potatos (cut small so it goes further)
-2 carrots (peeled and sliced)
-2tbsp Oil (to cook Chicken)
-Tumeric (optional)
-Cumin (Optional)
-S&P (Optional but definitely recommended)
-Cardemom (Interesting and optional)
-Basil (Tastes really nice)

-Cook chicken in big pot (at least 4L) (can broil in lemon juice, tastes good); boil lentils + Barely in pot.
-After chicken is browned, throw in onion and soften.
-Now, literally add in everything else. When using the cumin, tumeric, S&P, cademom, etc. Use it after boiling for a while, then taste after every addition, it helps gather an idea of where you're at, what to add, and you'll reign in whether you like it.
-After it's been boiling, lower to a medium heat, do not cover with a lid and let simmer, reducing the volume and enhancing the flavor.

This goes into as much as 12 portions. It's fucking delicious, and is absolutely fucking amazing. However you can't get lentils and Pearl Barley at Aldi (RIP). So you'll have to go elsewhere for that.

422Cal: Fat:11g. Carbs:45g, Protein:33g.
For fairness, you can add and subtract soup ingredients as you see fit, add more chicken, reduce vegetables, etc. But it's really fucking great.

For note, Lentils and barley in seperate pot obviously. Then add them when you add the stock. Forgot to add. :/
If you guys want more, tell me. But I'm honestly not sure whether my recipes are "good", they're just what i do usually~

It's chicken with carmelized onions and cardamom, from this cookbook (which is once of the best cookbooks I've ever used). It's fantastic and actually easier than it looks. Here's the recipe in the NYT


I don't bother with the gay tea towel shit at the end, and you can leave out the garnish if you don't like dill for some reason. Currants will be far easier to find than barberries and basically taste the same, and if you can't find currants you can use raisins or craisins or something similar. Whole cardamom and cloves are expensive but like most spices they'll basically last forever and you can grind them in a spice grinder (or coffee grinder, same shit) for recipes that call for them ground (which are generally more common).

Basically you just brown the onions, take them out, brown the chicken with the spices, throw the onions and berries in with the raw rice, cover everything with boiling water and cook for 30min. It's also a good dish to impress girls since it's delicious and looks about ten times more complicated/fancy than it actually is. Nothing gets panties wet faster than cooking; it's basically my only appealing skill but it's enough to secure a lay every now and then.

This cookbook rather

So I've read multiple articles that report soy inhibiting testosterone synthesis. Long term, what would the worse damage be, from soy or pasturised milk?

Hey, my mom has that same book.
Do you watch calories/macros when you cook or nah? I know this stuff is gonna be relatively healthy anyway, but still.

get 1 or 2 chicken breasts and slice them lengthways so that they are just as long, but thinner.
Put in a bowl, a tablespoon of oil, some garlic, some lemon juice, chives or seasoning of choice, let it sit and soak up the juices for 20 - 30 minutes, turning them around once.

Cook that shit, add steamed broccoli and boom, good tasting and healthy food.

What articles? The research doesn't seem to support that claim.

Cow milk is also higher in calories, trans-fats, saturated fat and cholesterol, but lower in protein according to Cronometer.

I'm having greek yogurt with frozen berries for breakfast right now. You can buy the berries pre-mixed in a bag at the supermarket.
Try using for a day or two, it will show you how much you gotta eat.

Nope, pain in the ass and honestly I don't know how people have trouble hitting macros unless you're eating like total shit and/or eating the exact same thing every day.

I'm taking screenshots of every recipe posted. More is always appreciated.

stick with the basics and don't complicate shit

eating the same thing every day (or most days) will make your life easier, cheaper, and you'll enjoy the special occasions even more

is a good start

pic related

i tend to keep it simple. i do IF so my 'breakfast' is actually at lunchtime, at 1230 or so. it is a big one though, usually:
- 300g of 2% fat, 10% protein greek yoghurt
- 100g flax seeds
- 50g whey protein
- banana
- 150g or so blueberries

make it into a 'smoothie' like thing using blender. i tend to vary some ingredients, sometimes using mix of other berries, sometimes 50g oatmeal 50g flax, sometimes i'm out of yoghurt / banana, and sometimes i just eat leftover dinner / eggs / whatever instead.

for dinner, i generally either make a big portion of beef stew over the weekend that lasts for like 3-4 dinners, or get salmon / make bolognese / chicken piccata / tom kha etc. i count calories and if i don't hit my protein goals, i'll have another protein shake. sometimes i am lazy and eat just rye bread with tuna / tartarre / lean ham etc instead. and have cottage cheese.

>eating the same thing every day (or most days) will make your life easier, cheaper
And more miserable. Not enjoying food just so you can be a fucking kike and obsess about your gains is retarded. Learn to cook you faggot, look at the shit this guy posted and tell me that doesn't look delicious as fuck

god I hate people posting stupid shit like this. You can enjoy food AND get big without eating chicken and rice every goddamn night

Not everything has to be exciting and amazing and new every time you do it.

And like I said, have a "basic" meal set and you will enjoy the special occasions even more.

t. philistine brainlet who is too lazy to buy a cookbook

t. plato worshipper who is probably too dumb to shame people going into a brothel and then when they give you money, use that money to buy prostitutes at the brothel

>Not everything has to be exciting and amazing and new every time you do it.
Nice strawman. How hard is it to just learn how to cook? Like christ why just fry chicken in olive oil without any sauce? No spices? No garlic? No garnish? It's not like it's difficult to throw that shit in there and have a dish that actually tastes like something. You act like your goal in life is just to eat exactly what you need to not die.

>You act like your goal in life is just to eat exactly what you need to not die

So I've got my cookbook out, there are a few recipes I haven't tried, but might interest you.

Creamy Mushroom Soup: Serves 4

-Button Mushrooms, sliced 400g ($8 woolworths)
-Swiss Brown Mushrooms, sliced, 200g ($5 woolworhts)
-Brown Onion, sliced, (usually buy a bag, $5~)
-Garlic, crushed (usually $3 ALDI)
-Plain Flour (1/4 cup) $2 homebrand woolies
-Vege stock, reduced salt (4 cups: 1L) $4
-Light Thickened Cream (1/2 cup) $2.40

1.Fry mushrooms, until softened. Remove and set aside.
2.cook onion and garlic till soft (for a lot of flavor, cook in butter) though I would use oil.
3.Add flour and stir to coat.
4.Add stock + shrooms. Bring to boil. Reduce heat (low-medium) and simmer (without lid) for 10-15~ minutes.
(Prefacing, step 5 seems weird to me, doesn't seem necessary)
5.Blend soup until smooth. Stir in 1/3 cup of cream. simmer. Add rest of cream. Serve.

256Cal per serve: Fat:7.9g, Carbs:29.2g, Protein:14.2

It seems good for a cut, nice for lunch and easy to freeze. Though with 1L of stock, i highly doubt it serves 4 well, most likely 2 big bowls. I'd double the stock and cream personally.


Perfect to take to work.

>Slow cook some meat
>Spice it up how you like (many recipes online)
>Shred the meat, let it absorb the flavours, add some beans and let it cook in residual heat
>Portion out and freeze
>Cook some rice and veggies night before/day of
>Defrost your pulled meat/beans in the microwave
>Chuck all that shit in a burrito (Look up how to properly wrap a burrito)
>Make as many as you like depending on your goals

It's so fucking easy, tastes great, and contains all your macros, depending on your construction.

This one was kinda weird, the ingredients aren't your typical ones, but once you buy them, they'll last a while.

-Unflavored Whey, 1/4 cup.
-Buckwheat Flour, 2 tbsp, ($5.90, Woolworths)
-Large Egg, whole, ($6 for carton, woolies)
-Psyllium Husk Powder, 2 Tbsp (weird one, not sure if it's even necessary desu) ($7.65 for a kg)
-Milk, 1/4 cup (I use skim, $2)
-Salt & Pepper
-(any spices you want, i'd use sweet paprika)

1.Blend everything (in food processor preferrably, but blender would work).
2. High heat pan, spray/oil it
3. Pour 1/4 mixture in, turn heat to medium
4. Spread mix with spoon till thin (i'd try to make a circle, don't worry about covering full pan)
5.Flip, cook.
6.Repeat 1-5 till gone
7.Let cool to warm (not stiff), and then place whatever you want on it

64Cal: Fat:1.5g, Carbs:5g, Protein:8g

I haven't tried this, getting psyllium husk is out of my way. But honestly seems pretty ok for lunches or even dinners if you want.

I'd put tuna on it, with some cottage cheese and jalapenos, with a dash of sweet paprika and pepper.

Now, less about recipes, more about saving money and making meals.

Bulk meal. Simply put. It's cost effective, lasts a while, and if you do multiple types of meals at once, you will not have to cook and still have variety. This is critical to keeping a consistent diet, and not blowing your cash needlessly at shops.

Also, when buying, buy in bulk. DO NOT BUY one off ingredients. That psyllium husk? Yeah that's not necessary, maybe don't buy it, substitute or when you have the money, get the kg bag of psyllium husk powder and you'll save a lot.

Then when it comes to meals, i cannot stress the importance when it comes to simplicity. The best meals are simple ones being perfected. Don't burn your steaks, cook your chicken dry, or eat plain. Add some spices, experiment with them, get an idea on the internet what works with what. It's simple, and will save you a lot in the long run.

Spices. They are a godsend, i spend more money on spices than i do on everything else i cook. I buy big containers of cumin and tumeric, because i love me some curry spices. I would suggest you do the same with spices you love. bulk them up, use them wisely, and look for deals.

But basically, the idea is you want to not waste your time, making one off "chef" meals that you find in a lot of cookbooks. If you're near a fish market, good for you, use it. But if you're like me, and not near any fish markets, not near any "quality" butchers with some variety in meat. Get simple. Get really, really simple. Con carne, chow mein, stuffed chicken breast, etc. etc. All simple to do, packet stuff helps give idea, try to recreate. And then you'll bulk those meals into lasting a while.

Best luck to ya mate. I'd add more, but they're more recipes my dad cooks, and are all packet shit, which you can find in any supermarket.

>Pic may help

>Eat your bland meal
Slowcookers are a meme

I dunno mate, I've had some nice melt off the bone lamb from a slowcooker. I think it's important to add spices to it though, and marinate your meat before cooking it if you want a good slowcooked meal.

I just use random Tupperware, but the sort with the locking kids so shit doesn't spill. If you're prepping multiple meals and fridging/freezing them, rice will need reheating unless you like grainy hard rice. Leafy vegetables will tend to die. Stews based on root vegetables and meat are easy to prep in bulk, and tolerate storage. I'm fond of cucumber/tomato/meat salads due to living in a really hot country, myself.