Rank your favorite 3 lifts

rank your favorite 3 lifts

1. overhead press
2. squat
3. pullups


>Muscle up
>Pull up
>Chin up

1. seated db press
2. pull ups
3. incline db bench

1.zercher deadlift
2.reverse grip bench w bands
3.farmers walk

1. Dips
2. Dips
3. Dips

Tbar cable pulldowns
Incline DB press
Cable-rope curls

Dumbbell Bench Press
Overhead Press
Seated Cable Row

alex pls go

1) Neutral grip weighted chins
2) diddly
3) used to be bench before my hand injury, now I gotta go with weighted dips

1. squat, the king
2. ohp
3. deadlift

Incline dumbell press
Front squats

least favorites - pull-ups, prob because my upper back is weak as shit. also i don't really like bench, because for some reason i feel like i cannot give my 100%, unlike after my top three ones. also after a good set of squat or DL i feel like i am about to faint (or at least used to when i started, now i feel just like after a good, strenuous exercise), while after bench i don't feel like my pulse spiked all that much at all...

Pull ups
The Press™

Weighted pull ups are just so goddamn fun and rewarding


1. OHP
2. Squat
3. Bench Press

Snatch press
Push press


1. Deads
2. Deads.

1. Bench
I don't do any other lifts

i did all three today

1. Romanian deadlifts
2. Squats
3. Pull ups

>1 clean and jerk
>2 snatch
>3 frontsquat

1. Ohp
2. Incline dumbbell press
3. Rdl

>Rack Pulls Above the Knee

1. Squat
2. Leg extension
3. Bench braaaaaaah

1. concentration curls with extra forced reps (using other hand) for crazy bicep burn
2. hip thrusts because I like intimidating soyboys with my unapologetic brute male sexual power
3. lateral raises because steroids have given me crazy strong delts so I can do at least 2x as much weight as I've ever seen anyone else use

1. rack pull above the knee
2. rack pull below the knee
3. rack pull behind the knee

1. diddly
2. dumbbell incline bench
3. weighted pullups

1. Squat
2. The Press
3. Pendlay Row

strict press

1. Deadlift
2. Clean and jerk / press
3. Bench

1. tricep cable pushdowns
2. deadlifts
3. face pulls

1. flat bench, dont really like it but getting stronger at it and tweaking tech and crushing big sets feels too good

2. rack/block pulls from slightly above the knee for that stress free ROM and yoke overload

3. seated one arm lateral raises, lets you really search for and hone in on that side delt in a way that doing the bilateral version doesn't

Incline db press
Weighted pullups
Trap bar deads

>ywn suck on natasha's 3 inch clit

The person that did this flag has no knowledge of history.



Chest Flyes
Hammer Curls
Pull ups

I guess Bench Press because I don't really have a third

How do I learn to love squats? I do them, but I hate them. Is it because I am not a manlet, so the range of movement is more intense?

zercher holds
cheat underhand rows
incline benchpress

1. Clean and Jerk
2. Sumo DL
3. Snatch pulls