ITT: reasons why builtfat is objectively the best body mode

ITT: reasons why builtfat is objectively the best body mode
I'll start

Reason 1: all of them

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not though, it's objectively worse than being leaner.

Why it's not
reason 1: Fat is unhealthy even if you gain it with perfect nutrition

Better to be big with some fat than small with little fat. No one ever described Ronnie Coleman as "lean", he was "huge" or "jacked". Fuck being lean and grow you pussy


What you guys think? Leaner or Builtfat?

>biceps bigger than delts

Hmmm looks fat fat at the moment

>Better to be big with some fat than small with little fat

It's not mutually exclusive though. Not sure why you think that being fat somehow makes you look better, healthier, perform better or stronger.

Enjoy your shortened lifespan fat fuck

How do I get like op

>No one ever described Ronnie Coleman as "lean", he was "huge" or "jacked"

That's because Ronnie Coleman was over 300lbs at 5'11, with clearly visible abs. He actually had muscle, not just a fat gut and lovehandles.

Builtfat only looks good if you have a lot of muscle mass

It'd look even better without the fat. There is LITERALLY no reason to be fat unless you're a lazy piece of shit. It just harms you in pretty much every way, why do it.

You don't become stronger by having an extra 30lbs of bodyfat. You don't look better with zero definition. You're not healthier. Your testosterone is lower due to aromatization. You have a negative feedback loop where you're more likely to put on fat than muscle. Brain issues are very related to excess fat. Why do it .Why. Yes you look bulkier in a sweatshirt but you have a fat fucking face so it looks shit.

fatso btfo

Test levels are optimum at 12%-15% in most adult men.

"builtfat" is not 12-15%.

diet isn't strict, get to indulge more than once a week.
women like your mass and strength but still want to be able to claim you are cuddly too

>You don't become stronger by having an extra 30lbs of bodyfat
weighted training!

As a homo I find built fat most aesthetic desu

Isn't builtfat just bulk without a cut?

No home but God I just wanna see him with his qt wife and two kids walking a dog on the beach

Sauce plox

Oh and not sauce on the fatty. Sauce on the facty

i wish i was less fat

I think the only reason is so people don't freak out when you take your shirt off. Also, there are a lot of people that hate the lean and muscular guy.

>Also, there are a lot of people that hate the lean and muscular guy.

That's just jealousy

Yeah, but that's still shitty.

>homo bro fist

(Because saying homo fist sounds like something else entirely)

Amen bruh. Give me a lil thicc over 'shredded' anyday

king kobra mode

Actually it's better to have less muscle and less fat than more muscle and more fat. Both health wise and sexual wise.

*outruns you*
*teleports behind you*

Should've invested in DEX, kid

You should only become builtfat after 35. Stay lean (strive for 10%) if you're in your twenties, espcially if you don't have a gf.

fat is absolutely healthy.

too much fat, on the other hand, is unhealthy.


Why? Why not just stay lean forever? It makes no sense not to.

is this guy really builtfat? looks to be around 15% bf

>stay lean


hes a lot higher than 15% and so are you fatty

sure are a lot of asians in this thread

>muffin top
>no visible abs
>average chest
>probably no legs
>ZERO delts

This body is fucking terrible, looks like a fat curlbro

You forgot

>tiny twig forearms
>baby hands
>average chest if average is the actual average and not a lifter's average

But basically yeah, fat curlbro. Nothing wrong with builtfat sub 20% though as long as you're over 30 and actually look symmetrical and you know, lift.

Reasons why it is not:
1) OP pic has an unhealthy amount of fat(probably high levels of visceral fat)
2) no abs
3) look like a fat slob when you lean forward or sit down.

You're LITERALLY a fag.



eat mcdoubles everyday.

>people getting this defensive about their leanness
There's nothing wrong with either body type you tards.
That picture of superman everyone creams over is pretty fucking builtfat

You are coping very hard here.
If built fat is really your physique of choice then go for it, but you know on the inside its not for, thats why you made this thread so you could cope while bashing others.

Mirin, big traps are my dream

t. twinkus spunkus

used to be 'builtfat'

now I'm leaner the facial aesthetic gains from a lean face outweigh literally any benefits


you must have at least 3 red plates on each side when deadlifting

tis guy goal body

cutt then, you'll look amazing


Objectively the best body type is bigger than whoever you are comparing to but lean

best mode if you're dealing with normies, only a decent mode if you're dealing with lifters.
>tfw normies say I'm so jacked and ripped
>tfw lifter friends say I need a cut
mixed feelings tbqh

I'd rather see my abs and not feel ashamed when walking around topless

only insecure manbabbys feel ashamed when walking around shirtless
insecure manbabby

then i'm sure you will post a picture of your shirtless body along with your next reply

i am also insecure manbabby
but atleast i admit it
just admit u have insecurity issues and need abs to feel good about urself and u'le be happier.
defensive reply means ur insecure, if u didn't care u wouldn't be so defensive.
why r u so insecure?

big and thick arms
big and thick chest
big and thick legs/ass

no abs
bad shoulder/waist ratio
no shoulder definition
no back definition
no shredded jawline

you forgot your picture fatty


>fat the moment

>big and thick arms
fatceps isnt a pro

People with robust frames can get away with higher bodyfat if they have muscle mass. But even then they'd look better muscular and lean

If your frame is shit and you just are fat and lifting heavy, everyone knows why you dont cut. You wont be as strong and you'll look like shit. Its just like people with hats in the gym, everyone knows

Looking like that would make ME happy. It might not make bitches happy, but I spend 10 days a year shirtless outdoors anyway.

Is it achieveable through 5/3/1 without much assistance?

how dense are you? It depends on your muscle insertions, hormonal profile, ability to put on and maintain mass, body proportions, ankle and wrist breadth, bone density, and a shit ton of other factors
Have you never noticed that people following the same routine look differently? Jesus fucking christ there are some low iq niggers on this board
How many of you oblivious retards ask this question every day? Dont you have any selfawarenss?

yes or no?

I'd say no. Maybe you'll look better, maybe you'll look worse. Keep doing it, eat well, sleep enough and compare yourself only to how you looked a month ago
Otherwise, you'll just end up unhappy. Start roiding and do Arnie's routine and see when you'll end up there

ITT: fat faggots attempting to cope with the fact that they'll never be lean

>1- with a shirt on you dont look super steroidy
>2- cuddle factor, more fat makes it more comfortable
>3-less threatening appearance, you look like you gym but you dont take it too seriously

- cuddle factor, more fat makes it more comfortable
am I getting maimed or do virgins actually believe that. My gfs could never keep their hands off of me, especially the shoulder area and ass. If your Veeky Forums and lean, they grab everything. Forearms, biceps, upper back, hamstrings.

If your clavicles arent visible, you are fat.

If you are thicc, you can still have visible abs. Its just muscular guys with big frames that arent shredded. If it jiggles, its fat.

Just cut, man. Its not that hard and you'll look better facially

>You don't become stronger by having an extra 30lbs of bodyfat

Ofcourse not, but losing that extra mass will result in some muscle mass to be lost as well. Even with proper diet and training regime.

>roiding for this

user plz

this all depends on genetics


Anyone who doesnt want to shove their face in that ass is a homo

And I thought my traps were huge, mirin hard

he looks good but you just know he looks like shit from the shit. That gut would be sticking out the the tits would sag
>those love handles

from the side*

>can't run 2 miles
Yeah nah cunt

udderlated bost

Lol you're fucking cancer m8.


>itt angry twinks


Lean guy here, I just got described as being itty-bitty by some fat guy at work

post a pic of yourself so we can compare your physique to pic related. He doesn't have nearly any flab at all.

btw west african guy here. I want to into DOOMFIST modo but I don't know if getting there is possible without spending some time as built fat before cutting again

I feel like this pic was just taken at a really good angle while the guy had a pump.
If you look closely, there's fat spilling over every side of his shorts, you can't see any trace of abs, and his biceps are very obviously exaggerated by the amount of fat present.
Could you really call this builtfat? Kind of just looks like fat fat that's been lifting for a year or two while permabulking

Is it even worth going for buildfat if I'm 5'8" with a small frame?

found the fatass

>be fat flabby fuck

The Veeky Forums equivalent of tumblr whales and their orbiters appropriating "thicc"

>Reason 1: all of them
that doesnt make sense