How much did Vitalik and Ethereum Foundation lost?
Vitalik Stopped Posting Tweets Since The Security Bug Was Discovered
Nothing because it's a parity problem.
How is this shitcoin even worth 1 cent at this point?
i've been thinking they hard forked with a 60 million fuckup. right now today's fuckup is like 300 million
Because it is technologically the best cryptocurrency available.
The loss was priced in
He should delete his twitter and focus on not looking like a fucking asshole because some of his retarded friends let a kid do this.
He should be reviewing Ethereum related code all day instead of tweeting bullshit.
He has invoked The Trump Curse. He will die of AIDS within 7 weeks. Screencap.
I believe
This couldn't've happened at a worse time for ETH now that they've got competition as an ICO platform from Komodo.
This guy is toying with the Trump Curse. You ETH bag holders better get your boy.
This AIDS patient needs to push flowers already, libtard faggot.
having the most tech doesn't make it the best
well i just sold all my eth
Ethereum is a shitcoin, buy Factom if you want smart transactions.
So because someone has different values they are retarded? Go fuck yourself you basement dwelling stormfront nazi cuck. What the fuck had you done by 23 besides stretch out your moms cunt and ruin her tits. God, you are the load that should have ran down your mothers leg.
I can't wait for Vitalik's next edgy political tweet
Nothing, he will just roll back the blockchain.
poor skelly got JUSTED
RIP Skelly
kek wills it
>he doesnt know about WAVES
>Talk shit about Trump
>Go broke
Praise kek!
poor Vitalik. all he had to do is not be a commie jew.
Shit talking Trump, hanging out with putin.
Sure deserves what's coming for him.
soyboy activated
Technologically the best cryptocurrency available
an eth newbie ;_;