Map Thread

Can we get a cool map thread of historical cities/kingdoms/countries?

Starting off with Jerusalem

Other urls found in this thread:

Roma of course

Old town in Czech

Praga while I'm at it.


Getting some of these maps under 4MB is hell. This one, for example, was originally 79MB.



interesting maps of the Netherlands from 1800 to now

Massive map of the Roman Empire at its height









If anyone's asking, that's Cesky Krumlov

Breslau - a model Ostsiedlung city













Nicosia ** sorry for the empty post

what's the deal with triangular earthworks on what I assume are pre gunpowder fortifications?

It creates overlapping fields of fire, preventing dead-zones where assaulting infantry could hide.

im glad you posted this.

when I was on vacation last year in Antwerp I visited the famous Cafe Kulminator. The guy who owns/runs the place showed me this map they have on their wall. it's an old map of antwerp. the red point is where the bar would be located.

blue: huh, I gotta climb this wall
red: pew pew pew

ah makes sense, thanks

looks close to the St. Elisabeth hospital if you ask me. I have never been to the cafe before, thanks

In case of Greifswald, the earthworks are clearly a later addition


Here's a map from the same series.



Why were the Low Countries so different from the rest of the Holy Roman Empire?

I'll start a thread for this

Why must you torture me so :'(
