For every 1$ you earn someone else looses 1$... this system is truly fucked... even BTC.
We all fucked
nvm... found a spelling mistake... continue on your journey.
Welcome to financial markets.
True, but what can anyone do about it?
thats not how it works at all you fucking commie
inform me
Not necessarily, maybe new people are just joining.
They're going to throw it anyway, better in my pocket that in someone else, you know...
not really you faggot
i bought BTC at $2000
so how the fuck did i lose money ?
it's called buying lowing selling high
go back playing minecraft
die in a cave, commie
what about every dollar thats fractional reserved into existence?
An illiterate communist, imagine my shock. Something has to die to put meat on the table, kiddo.
No,no,no. YOU are fucked. I´m getting my fat cock blown by qties.
You get the point... we're just competing against each other. An infinite scramble.
the economy grows because there is more people on earth
in simple terms, a home is worth x month this generation, next gen there is still y ammount of homes, but there is z more humans, therefore y/z = more demand which raises x.
the same is true for all commodities, supply and demand.
>Thinks he is intelligent
>Eats meat in the 21st century and thinks it's necessary
to add to that sorry,
i buy my home for x, i grow old, want to retire, sell it for 1.5*x, they grow old want to retire, sell it for 2*x.
We need to get more pajeets into crypto to buy high and sell low.
That's how market works, nigger.
This is a zero sum game. When you win, the other one loses.
Stop whining and exit all cryptos.
>Scarcity as a motivator is flawed
That's literally the foundation for nature itself. Money is just a proxy.
Couldn't that proxy be replaced with hugs...
What happens when machines can provide for basic needs of all humans.
It's only this way because you think in terms of Fiat. Come back when deflationary currency replaces inflationary currency
Whenever you sell high someone is buying high. They are losing money. It isn't difficult to figure out.
How about you go remove that sand from your vagina, you worthless commie cunt.
No one is forcing them.
Just like no one is forcing people to go to casinos.
No one is forcing people to do drugs.
No one is forcing people to buy brand products.
People are retarded, deal with it.
What are you willing to pay for a hug?
Your country is piece of shit on brink of collapse. If anyone know it's biz. What goes up must come down.
one hug
deluded huggies
Only because we let jews immigrate here, and then let the jews open the gate for others immigrants.
Countries are their people, and you change the population of a prosperous country by the low-IQ one from some random shithole, and a random shithole you'll get, you fucking subhuman.
I bet you think wealth comes from gold and other shit, and not from the average IQ of a given political area you human-shaped trash.
>unironically states the current century as his argument for being an effeminate soy boy.
Just give it up, my dude.
In the year 3000 post scarcity will make capitalism obsolete.
>Person A buys bitcoin for $500
>Person B buys Person A bitcoin for $1000
>Person B sells his bitcoin for $1500
>Person A and Person B have both made $500 in profit
Who lost money here?
is money being created from thin air? No? Then one person had to lose money for someone else to get more.
Economics isn't a zero sum game, you fucking brainlet. Let me guess, you're also a Marxist?
everyone is breakeven then
the retard bagholding air who paid 1500 for it
>1800 BTC mined per day
>Money continuously printed
>Values and prices rise for real goods and commodities.
>More gold and silver mined every day
Wealth can certainly be created, why do you believe it is a zero sum game?
>the retard bagholding air who paid 1500 for it
That retard would be $6000+ up right now. So who lost money? Be specific. You fucking Marxists don't understand basic concepts such as subjective value and productivity.
lol delusional cuck wtf
Not an argument, brainlet. Come on, you can do it. Joggin that noggin and muster up a single coherent argument proving that economics is a zero sum game. Protip: You can't.
>For every 1$ you earn someone else looses 1$... this system is truly fucked... even BTC
I'd sell children into slavery if it meant I could get into lamboland.
look at who are you talking with, i just came into the thread and saw your posts and you made me lol
i am not going to educate a hopeless brainlet like you
protip: money doesn't make out of thin air, oh yes maybe you burgers have been doing that for awhile now but some people pay for the price, eventually. finance is literally a zero sum game.
lmfao you are an idiot. Such a simplistic view. You should be ashamed.
This is not true in any way.
You didn't think we were all coming out winners now did you OP?
> He thinks it's a zero sum game
Pro-tip, it's not.
I dont care if some millionaire wants to pump some of his "interest" into bitcoin speculation.
Audibly laughed
money =/= value
There will always be a bagholder
you need to think outside the box a little bit more both in the sense of where btc is on its potential adoption curve and the amount of leverage it would take to be able to "tame" it as the CME hopes (and the implication on price). it's also worth considering that while trading is zero sum in nominal terms, wealth is not zero sum and has only increased over time
>edgy teenager who hasn't taken econ 101 yet
yes there are some zero sum situations like derivatives trading and cryptocoins (like you mentioned) but most of economics and civilization is about trading time and resources dependent on demand and supply. if I pay 1 dollar to mcdonalds to get a burger, i dont have that dollar anymore but now I have a burger. I didn't "lose" the dollar, I traded it for a burger.
I must have hurt you at your core.
What part resonated the most with you ?
The brand part ?
The drug part ?
Look, i see that this shaked your self-perception, you seem to think that i don't think you are people, that you are complete trash that, if genocided, would result in a much better world.
If you think that way, do not worry, this is exactly the case. As soon as discriminating, self-replicating desintegrating nanoswarms are in my reach, the joke you call your life will end, you worthless subhuman.
No offense.
>effeminate soy boy
I would put money on you being a skeletal frogposter
The person who lacked foresight and bought Bitcoin right before the crash ends up paying for everyone's profits.
I'd be spending all day on Veeky Forums and masturbating to anime.
Good luck holding Bitcoin when the price crashes down to $100.
Muh cow milky mommy muh tendies
..already do
For every dollar fiat you spend, you loose one dollar
For every dollar fiat you make, someone looses a dollar
What is your point?
You earn 1$, you feel great. A hundred people lose 1¢ each, they feel like nothing changed
For every dollar the bank prints, someone has to pay that back plus interest.
For every dollar you put into a stock market, is a dollar someone else can take out.
Can you convert that value into gibsmedats?