What do guys know about the Benin kingdom ruled by the Edo people of pagan Nigeria I hear Benin impressed even European visitors
African kingdoms
Situated on a plain, Benin City was enclosed by massive walls in the south and deep ditches in the north. Beyond the city walls, numerous further walls were erected that separated the surroundings of the capital into around 500 distinct villages.
Pearce writes that these walls “extended for some 16,000 km in all, in a mosaic of more than 500 interconnected settlement boundaries. They covered 6,500 sq km and were all dug by the Edo people … They took an estimated 150 million hours of digging to construct, and are perhaps the largest single archaeological phenomenon on the planet”.
Barely any trace of these walls exist today.
Benin City was also one of the first cities to have a semblance of street lighting. Huge metal lamps, many feet high, were built and placed around the city, especially near the king’s palace. Fuelled by palm oil, their burning wicks were lit at night to provide illumination for traffic to and from the palace.
This sounds neat
Benin bronze
Made of lead copper and brass
They impressed the Europeans too
>2 posters
Too bad I know nothing of Benin to add to this thread.
Where are the MODS?
Benin :DDD
West African Empires are pretty neat. The Oyo Empire particularly.
A lot of the art was looted and the historical record isn't nearly as complete, so in some ways it's more like studying ancient history in that there is a lot more gaps.
Sorry for not knowing enough to contribute much
These fake history threads are destroying this board.
Would you prefer another thread on how every major civilization was Nordic Aryan Blue-eyed and blonde Indo-Aryan Indo-European Viking elite that subjugated all swarthoid peoples until they had enough of building cities that they settled in Scandinavian cuck sheds? Because we've already exhausted all our primary knowledge on that based on the jpgs showing all the golden blue eyed statues and the ones showing fat ugly Turks
rooster, nigeria, edo; court of benin 18th century?
we wuz civilization?
Yes. Since they don't have a history they have to invent one. And pollute the whole board with this crap.
more cocks, next picture corresponds to bottom description in pic related
I'm Latino, Tyrone.
plaque- warrior chief, warriors and attendants, court of benin 16-17th century
maybe if the british hadnt burned benin the the ground we'd have more to work with
altar tableau- queen mother and attendants
court of benin 18th century
>16-17th century
Okay, now compare this shitty artifacts with China and Europe in the 16-17th century.
court official with cross pendant, court of benin 16-17th century
You can't burn what never existed. Wakanda is not real, Tyrone.
>Okay, now compare this shitty artifacts with Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC.
They had a written language. Low-IQ negroes never developed one. And the Greeks were white, btw.
>Greeks are considered white
Only in muttmerica
see above pic for description
Ancient greeks were indo-europeans.
Holy shit, are those severed dicks?
I'm not Irish
No but I don't blame you for seeing that
The behavior of the blacks never ceases to amaze me. It's like talking with a 7 years old child.
Yeah, all these (((artifacts))) are #fakenews places by CIA Soros-funded Clinton shills, am I right or am I right fellow #redpilled polack
After the contact and trade with arabs and europeans, they developed artifacts on the same level of other civilizations 3000 years earlier. Very smart.
pretty funny how in their own art they made themselves look like monkeys. how cute, a few of their "empires" were four-five centuries behind europe at the time of colonialism. wow a few had small amounts of metallurgy. such advancement. the fucking native americans where more advance than 90% of the black tribes in africa. china could have easily enslaved africa.
>how cute, a few of their "empires" were four-five centuries behind europe at the time of colonialism
They were millennia behind the europeans. And all these artifacts are pretty modern, some of them are from the 19th century. And they were in contact and trading with the arabs for many centuries when they made these artifacts.
Stop being such a cunt, contribute, learn something or get out
I hope one day you learn to love your own life enough to stop belittling other people. It’s really sad watching people like you try so hard to put down others, when you’re very clearly projecting your own insecurities. There’s really two paths from here, stay in the ditch and keep being an asshole and having a stale boring life, or get out, have an open mind learn something and become a better person than your parents. Make the right decision, although we all know you won’t. Good luck
You sound pretty jealous of Tyrone fucking all the beautiful white women. Why not try to better yourself instead of complaining anonymously online?
bucket leopard and prey, court of benin, 16th to 19th century
its one thing to be skeptical that black americans are all descended from the pharoahs, its another to simply call records and artifacts fake
the world is bigger than you realize, and you dont know everything about history
now fuck off back to WWII thread #12987391872082109
hip ornament
hip ornaments
>muh dick
Elephants have bigger dicks and are more intelligent than blacks.
plaque 16th to 17th century "two portuguese" court of edo
two portuguese with manillas
correction: meant court of benin in above post
>muh dick
Elephants have bigger dicks and are more intelligent than blacks. And don't sell drugs.
What are you even talking about at this point? Get a grip man
stool: oba and chiefs 19th century
carved ivory altarpiece
another oba head