>not allocating as much bitcoin as possible into factom below 50 dollas
are you a literal retard user?
This coin is a sleeping giant and it's about to wake up.
>not allocating as much bitcoin as possible into factom below 50 dollas
are you a literal retard user?
This coin is a sleeping giant and it's about to wake up.
Factom is a solid pick long term
You fucker trying to ruin our profit, why the hell do you have this information if you're just going to throw it away. Do not post any more if you want to live.
I pay genuine fucking money to get this information and you retards come along and spoil it for me. I make a living for myself and my girlfriend by investing in crypto and when you fucking morons do this shit all it does is slice the profits for those who deserve it and usually you cucks do not even get anything out of this. Grow a pair and stop leaking.
You two are retarded
The House always wins.
what the fuck is this shitcoin? shill it for me user, I don't want to google
>tfw I have over 200 fct
lmao. the delusion is strong
you waste money weekly or monthly or however frequent on a self-fulfilling prophecy from some crypto "authority" when you could be figuring it out for yourself.
this teemo guy is making a KILLING off you man-children who are too lazy to do research and just want to throw money at things
ASIAN Whales VIP put out a signal earlier. They haven't released it yet to their pajeet normies yet. Buying in now before the the pump
I love FCT, but it's done me wrong several times - but looks like i'm going to give it another go
was going to buy before the fork but since you fags are leaking i have to buy now
Thanks for your info user. Later pajeets gona regret it haha
Veeky Forums gonna buy after this pumps, then gonna pink wojack
rofl fuck off this shit is not going anywhere, ATH at $30+ and now look at it lol
send me over your discord group name so i can join in earlier
this is so dumb... every alt is below it's ATH
Pls continue to shill. Got some seriously heavy bags i am going to release on you
>learn to pump
exactly you dumbass, you dont pump a coin with alot of bag holders
>Do not post any more if you want to live.
This is actually true.
Last time, it was STORJ taht was pumped with the internal doscument being passed around, and i didnt listen.
STORJ has a lot of bag holders.
I should have listened anyway.
FCT will give you heavier bags than any other coin. This shitcoin literally NEVER has news. Obvious pump and dump attempt.
whats ur rank famalam I elo boost.
I see right through you guys
It doesnt have news because it has NDAs
Fucking retards in here.
Buy and hold for at least a year and shut your fucking mouths.
Buy Tierion instead, its the superior product.
Given a supposed pump and the fact that it's gone down severely from its high, I definitely can double from here.
stay mad faggot