I recently acquired 25,000 I need a safe way to invest it so that I can pull it out later and use it in about 2 years. Does anyone have any suggestions on a safer way to invest these funds but with a decent ROI?
(NON CRYPTO) SAFE ways to invest 25k
Buy these 3 essential stocks:
inheritance? how did you just so happen to "acquire" 25k
and try a CD account... you won't make shit but maybe 3%
literally crypto lmao. whats your % for decent roi? just go invest in bitcoin instead of shitcoins so its "safe". if you want ~20% gains over 2 years then go for ETFs or whatever. the fuck is this question really. youre on biz and youre still afraid of going on crypto, wtf. esp with your 2 year timeline thats like a nobrainer
I have some in Crypto already just want to be super safe because I need the 25k for a new car shortly.
In a sense
Also are CD guaranteed?
Where would be the best place to purchase gold?
Also are you retarded? A US CD is probably the safest thing you could invest in. Interest rates are trash though. Go to your bank and talk to someone about this. Just putting it in a high yield savings account might make more sense in such a short term.
>25k for a new car
Is that an unreasonable amount? Not sure if you are making fun of the 25k for it being too much for you or a waste of money
What about I-bonds?
Buy cvs and
50% MSCI World
25% S&P500
25% TecDax ETF
Thank me later
Go to Casino go to roulette table when it rolls a seven the next spin bet the exact opposite side
>decent ROI
>safe way to invest
Choose 1 senpai, I take it you don't want to put your money in a bank? That's honestly the safest bet which will still let you pull out. We've been due for a crash for some time.
If that is the case then are bonds a bad idea?
I have 0 experience with bonds as this has been a mad bull run the entire time I have started investing.
If you want a safe place to hold your money, your best bet at the moment is a bank account. Bonds and treasuries are safer places for those with money (250k+) who are putting it in long term. And even those don't even beat inflation, but they're safe. If you want to grow your money put it in crypto, and pull out when you need it. Whats your net worth if you don't mind me asking? I'm trying to understand why you want to 'invest' 25k just to spend that 25k on a car in the near future.
I am sub 100K
I just want to get the most interest out of the money that I can while I have it and before it goes right out the window into a new car to replace my almost 20 year old one.
I am still learning alot but from what I understand I bonds were ~2.5% roi currently and can be recalculated twice a year. And you are allowed to buy up to 10,000 a year. I could be completely wrong on that though.
I personally wouldn't spend 25k on a car if I was already on Veeky Forums and knew about crypto.
Got a barely used above-average car for 5k which does its job perfectly fine and hasn't had any problems in three years.
Depending on how much money you have on the side you may as well go for it.
If you decide to invest in crypto definitely wait until the hard-fork is done (in about a week) and buy when Bitcoin has dropped 30-40% from ATH.
why all the greek shipping?
is it because of the recent bad press regarding their pollution and the drop in stock price for a good buy on the long term? or just trolling as those companies are on their way out?
I currently am bag holding on ETH but would like to get in post fork on BTC.
My car is functioning fine for now but I know it wont last that way forever. So I just want to eek out what I can with the cash while I have it.
>want the funds to be liquid in 2 years or less
>want to be extremely safe
Just keep it in cash desu
you are probably going to break down tomorrow just for saying that
Look into AMD
Theyre getting a larger and larger portion of both the home GPU and CPU market, and their marketcap is a fraction of their main competitors (Nvidia and Intel).
You can't afford a 25k car, the most you can afford new is a base model Corola, but realistically you should just get a sub 10k whatever. And unless you're older than 35 I recommend being less risk averse and just putting it in crypto. Do you have a solid source of income? What car was it that you wanted to buy by the way?
the fact that everyone is expecting it to drop means that it aint gonna fucking drop
capped and tapped
Damn, guess I would just laugh at it and be a bit creeped out.
I'm sure the ATH pre-fork will be broken post-fork, but it's gonna correct sooner than later.
Very bullish on BTC in general, but I've watched BTC long enough to know that "everyone thinks it will so it won't" is overthinking.
TA is not a meme and works pretty well on BTC.
Put it all in LINK.
This 25k is not my only savings by any means. I plan to buy a car ~15-20k with that 25 and then save the rest but we shall see what actually happens. I was hoping ot make it to til the new Ford Bronco or Ranger is released (depending on how it looks) and grab one of those after I can find a used one reasonably.
Does no one here have experience with I-bonds? They seem like win-win but no one has commented as of yet.
>sub 100k net
>asking about putting 25k in bonds for 2 years
>considering buying 25k first generation vehicle
Just what advice are you expecting to get here
I see no problem with the first two points. I cede the third. First generation vehicle would be a poor decision.
walton chain master node
I will hold onto it for you and give you a daily interest rate of 1%.
you can trust me user
Sure thing.
This is why people don't become rich. Seriously your post almost gave me an aneurysm. You want to be super duper safe with your 25k, in order to buy one of the most depreciating assets in the world. You could put that in an ETF and have 27k in two years, Bitcoin and have 40k in two years, or a few Alts and have 100k in two years, sure there are risks involved but at least you have a CHANCE at securing financial independence and freedom for yourself and your kids. Think 10, 20, 30 years down the line. Instead you want a god damn car. I'd understand being safe if you needed to pay for some life saving surgery. But instead a car? I currently have 270k spread across stocks, Crypto, and Oil futures and I drive a 3k car. Jesus christ how long have you been on Veeky Forums, a week?
There's literally no way blocknet is gonna drop. LINK also seems to have found its floor.
Buy LINK and BLOCK. There's no way you'll lose money on these. Instead of a $25,000 car you can buy a lambo next year.
> exchanging crypto for a depreciating asset
Truly a Veeky Forumsnessman
If your not willing to lose that 25k, then you shouldn’t be investing in the first place...
If you want a safe investment, your ROI is going to be garbage.
Well said, my net worth is ~2-3M (family business), I have about 700K liquid, and my car is worth ~12K. The funny thing is a lot of my old college friends think they're doing better than me because they have expensive apartments & cars. I'd rather retire early and spend time with family.
>mommy and daddy's welfare money
Why are communists on a Veeky Forums board? Also whats wrong with mommy and daddys money? Is this some sort of /cope/? Why the fuck are you even think I'm in crypto if not to secure financial freedom for your kids.
Being a true ideological Gommie who rejects all money is one thing, but to be on a board dedicated to making money but also shit on people who want to leave that money for their kids reveals you to be hedonist scum who only wishes to make money for physical pleasure. Sad.
Seriously, it's that simple. Edgelords son't like it because that's too easy and not hipster enough, but it's incredibly safe, and returns are nothing but good.