b-b-but the Bible
>takes out 2 books from it
>church created it
b-but there is n-nowhere written that priests should be celibate and that women and homosexuals can't be priests
Other urls found in this thread:
I unironically think it was a racial issue
Catholic faith was never for the Germanic man
we Germans are a simpler people, spiritually speaking
we need simple instructions, and do not let us start analyzing and dissect the scipture itself
disbanding inquisition was a mistake
>Implying Benedict is not currently the Head of the Office of Inquisition.
>Calvin and Hussites were Deutsch
Classical Protestants were more stringent than Catholics of their time and did so in response to their laxness.
Martin Luther writing about days in the monastery -
"I was a good monk, and I kept the rule of my order so strictly that I may say that if ever a monk got to heaven by his monkery, I would have gotten there as well. All my brothers in the monastery who knew me will bear me out. If I had kept on any longer, I would have killed myself with vigils, prayers, reading, and other works."
I unironically think we should sterilize all Americans to stop their stupidity from spreading
7. He took 7.
Shutup he only removed the Greek Ezra and placed deuterocanonicals and unsubstantiable rubbish to the back of testaments like most bibles presumably do today.
Wisdom of Sirach is the best book of the OT you pleb.
Included in the apocrypha according to this chart. Luther did nothing wrong.
Taking out of canon, regulating it to mere apocrypha is a highest level blaspheme against the True God.
Your pope is not the true God
It's not in the OT though.
It was never in the bible, so it cannot be taken out.
It was added there during the 4th century, when the rest of the OT was compiled.
They sure think they are, though.
Pope Pius V blasphemed, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.”
Pope Innocent III said “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.”
Pope Leo XIII declared, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
Stop samfagging
The word Apocrypha means hidden. It is used in a general sense to describe a list of books written by Jews between 300 and 100 B.C. More specifically, it is used of the 7 additional books accepted by the Catholic church as being inspired. The entire list of books of the Apocrypha are: 1 and 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, the Rest of Esther, the Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, (also titled Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, The Letter of Jeremiah, Song of the Three Young Men, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, The Additions to Daniel, The Prayer of Manasseh, and 1 and 2 Maccabees.
No Jew thought those were scripture, and they were right.
Even though Calvin was a frog, his biggest followers were the Dutch.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
That's kike shit. Catholicism is Latin and Orthodoxy is Greek. They don't have time for Jew shenanigans.
I've been thinking about this for a while.
The devil does not know when the end is. He cannot see the future. He only knows that there will be an end, and when that end is triggered, he ramps up his activity and unleashes hell on earth.
So he always has to have an antichrist and a false prophet on deck, because he never knows when he's going to need them.
And what have we had, solid, for 1700 years? Politicians and popes. And I would posit that there was a pair of servants belonging to the devil every single day of that time period.
They don't have allegiance go God, either.
It's sad that you'd rather go to hell with the worst Jews on earth than go to heaven to meet your maker.
Both of these are Euro corruptions, twisted for the purposes of the Imperialist Euros through the ages. Orthodoxy is the true way.
>Greece isn't Europe
Not a pinch of difference worth mentioning.
Russia and Greece are both Europe, amigo.
Sorry, I meant Oriental Orthodox.
Euro Christians are WE WUZ tier when it comes to following Christ's word.
Both are idolatrous, both exalt men over God, both want you to earn your way to heaven...
Yup. Two legs of iron on the same statue of Daniel's dream interp, the west ruling for a thousand years, and the east ruling for a thousand years.
You fail at shitposting, user.
Most English were Anglican and it took a central position within British politics, whereas with the Dutch, the reformed calvinist church formed the dominant force in the Netherlands and its membership was a requirement for a public position up untill the mid 19th century.
Of course you had groups like the Quakers but they went to the United States instead.
catholics ignore the divine-human in Christ so that the pope can replace him.
their understanding of the trinity, if you can call it that, is a heresy -even to themselves - in dividing God and claiming it is such a sophisticated mystery, then effectively ignore it. Realize the divine correspondences, and acknowledge Jesus our Lord is a trinity in one.
>b-but there is n-nowhere written that priests should be celibate
why should priests be celibate? god keeps talking about multiplying and marriage and all that good stuff and priests are not allowed to it? why should the most obedient followers of god be punished like that? it's absolutely disgusting. All humans must marry and breed that is the proper christian way. I am orthodox but im with the protties on this one.
I wish this accusation would quit getting thrown around so willy nilly. The east had bloody iconoclasms and all kind of struggles regarding trying to avoid being idolatrous and find what that means but that doesn't matter to you: only that they still have pictures of heavenly things to inspire reverence and remind people of the nearness of the nearness of spiritual reality of the kingdom of heaven. Most protestants have a picture of Jesus too you mook. Most of the time crosses are symbols, icons if you will, of the spiritual reality of the Christ's greatest miracle just the same.
>exalt men over God
Saint's are just a manifestation of the end goal, which is partaking in the divine life: they're our forebearers. The saints are only so important by their nearness to and exaltation of God. The saints are alive in Christ beyond physical death. Impiety towards them consequently is little different from impiety towards Christ. They're our brothers and wonderful allies to have. Anyone with a right understanding of saints doesn't worship them or place them above their own God.
>want you to earn your way to heaven
Yeah, you have to try. Faith without works is dead. Saying "I'm Christian" means nothing if you don't walk the walk, even if you believe all the things that make you fit the definition of the word Christian. That said, you ought not to be like the pharisees who walked the walk and did all the ritual bits just fine but had no real love of God in their hearts either. You need both.
Celibacy isn't a punishment but I get what you're saying. That said just be married before being ordained. and that was how the Church has done it from it's earliest days. The Latins did just the same before the council of Trent.
Bishops are expected to be celibate on account of the rule that they be drawn from hieromonks, so they're single men and widowers only. I doubt there'd be some huge catastrophe if one was married though.
>they still have pictures of heavenly things to inspire reverence and remind people of the nearness of the nearness of spiritual reality of the kingdom of heaven
Worshipping pictures will never be Christian and no Christian will ever do it
>Most protestants have a picture of Jesus
And that's a sin, it's a sin to make a similitude of God.
>Most of the time crosses are symbols, icons if you will, of the spiritual reality of the Christ's greatest miracle just the same
Symbols are not likenesses, and nobody worship's their crosses.
>Anyone with a right understanding of saints doesn't worship them or place them above their own God
So you don't invoke them in prayer? Good. Those who do are idolaters, though.
>Yeah, you have to try
See that of all is most intolerable, what proves indisputably that these are utterly false religions created by satan, within which men cannot be saved. You have mixed the gospel of Jesus Christ with deadly poison. To "try" and save yourself is to fail, it is to attempt to keep the whole law perfectly. To try is to present your own righteousness before God and not the righteousness from the precious blood of our Savior Jesus.
The Church of England used to be extremely Calvinistic
>t. fucking retard
>18 And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.
>19 And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof.
>20 And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.
>21 And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee.
Is sad that the other user just go full retard trying to speaking to a idiot like you. You and all your similars need to be debunked fast.
>>My particular variant of a popular superstition is better then yours!
More like the absolute state of christards in general.
I don't see anything about worshipping those statues user, mind pointing out that verse?
> the idolatrous state of American protestantism
I guess it's more accurately a western Euro thing. Both Catholics and the Protestants who are derived from them have their similarities, perhaps one example being the tendency to be more absolutist. It doesn't mean the Orthodox are universalist rather they don't feel the need for a doctrinal belief that is as precise and exhaustive as those of western churches and they make do with what's been handed down to them. For all the Cathodox unification rhetoric that goes on the relationships between Catholics and Protestantism and their views of which some may be absent or different in Orthodox Christianity are being overlooked. Likewise Protestantism is attemptingly being disassociated from its Catholic roots.
Still nothing about worshipping...
Adoration of 3 dimensional and carved objects are stupid and an even greater deterioration of biblical tenets than probably any of the alleged "shamanism" in Orthodoxy. I personally can't fathom icon worship but have far less of an objection to aniconic veneration of the figures that are venerated with them along with other traditional customs.
Do you think it might be a Roman overhang from deification of mortals posthumously?
Pope Saint Gregory I correctly defined vainglory as a deadly sin. Only an intense narcissist would glorify his own worship in such a way, let alone record his own bowel movements in specific detail.
Jews don't think the NT is scripture either. What's your point?
Luther removed several books from the OT, wanted to remove several the NT (like the ones that said justification isn't by faith alone) but knew that wasn't going to fly. That is in fact the end result of Prottie ideology, logically speaking. If the Christian church as institution was never infallible once the apostles left the scene, then why is the Bible? The Bible as we have it today is a subset selected by churchmen from a much larger variety of writings floating around in early Christianity. How can one be sure the right selections were made?
Protestants didn't go full heretard until around 200 years ago.
There were Jews that did think of them as scripture who were responsible for copying them and having them found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint. The exclusion of those books appears to be a neo-Pharisaic rabbinical development. There are probably no examples of any mandates or practices excluding those books before post-Christian Judaism but I'm not completely sure. Maybe someone who knows more about other Greek and ancient translations could give more info.
>the catholic church is evil because it's corrupt and dishonest
>in other news, fuck the jews, let's go burn down their houses
The "hero" Martin Luther standing up against oppression.
t. schlomo shekelgoldbergstein
You dont have to be a total /pol/ stormfaggot to not see the jews as innocent little lemmings.
> the race of Kant, Hegel, Stirner, Marx and Nietzsche are simpletons
You tried and you failed.
t. /pol/
The point is that the Apocrypha was written between the end of the OT and the beginning of the NT, and no Jew ever thought it was scripture.
Because it wasn't.
He was ethnically Jewish.
They were never referred to by any of the NT writers.
They're just books, like Moby Dick is just a book.
Yes, the pagans (Catholics) hate Jews.
>no Jew ever thought it was scripture.
>citation needed
Do you think the book of Enoch is scripture?
Your theology is a book or rather a pamphlet.
>loving Christkillers
>that's kike shit
It really helps to stop and think every now and then what we say.
Yup. The antichrist will come from within the church.
>"I was doing all the monk shit" = "I am so awesome"
A look into the thought process of a papist
>Who are the Puritans
>homosexuals can't be priests
I'm quite sure there is something SOMEWHERE that says people in a perpetual state of unrepentant sin cannot be priests
yes but surely a celibate homosexual would be okay?