>weak men create hard times
Fuck yes. Does Veeky Forums agree?
>weak men create hard times
Fuck yes. Does Veeky Forums agree?
is that way
Can you back this up with any facts?
I see this posted a lot, but what exactly is the proposed solution?
kaiser wilhem ii creates good times, good times creat weak men (republicans), weak men create weimar republic, hard times create strong men (NDSP), strong men create good times (THIRD RAICH)
it's easy bro
>kaiser wilhem ii creates good times
fug you
What about in Russia? Stalin was a strong man. He didn't make good times.
How about anywhere in Africa? There are plenty of strong men there. They never seem to lead to good times. Nor do strong men lead to good times in South America. There are more strong men that lead to bad times than ones that led to good times.
>good times (THIRD RAICH
by what metric was the 3rd reich good times?
>What about in Russia? Stalin was a strong man. He didn't make good times.
Yes he did
bruh. have you never even seen the greatest story never told?
Weak times create hard men
it's already been debunked as alt-right propaganda: imgur.com
And Strong Times create Good Men. I like this.
I concur.
>strong men create good times (THIRD RAICH)
Only applies to white people.
He industrialized the country while also killing millions of his own citizens. Other countries managed to do so without a Holodomor. What the fuck kind of metric for good times is millions of your own citizens starving to death and a life expectancy of 45
ok now show me a single evidence that proves Holodomor either happened or was caused by Stalin. (photos from famine that happened 12 years before arent evidence)
ITT: shit brainlets say
State mandated hard times. Spartan living with a military and/or pioneer culture. All men ages 16-40 conscripted into the militia where they go though bi-weekly forced marches, MMA matches and ideological indoctrination.
An early Antiquity life style with modern technology basically.
So North Korea?
It applies to China, perhaps more so than to White People.
It's a matter of perspective. Stalin et al probably thought it was fantastic times.
americans themselves said Kulaks did it
You are a phase off
>Hard time creates strong men
>Early Weimar
>Stong men create good times
>Late Weimar
>Good times create weak men
>3rd Reich
>Weak men create bad times
Compared to other countries at the same time it wasn't.
Other countries managed to industrialize without killing themselves through starvation
Did you miss #16?
Kinda but without the dumb Gommunism that leads to famines, the weird despotic monarchy, and pointless gulag sentences.
>strong men create good times (THIRD RAICH)
The Third Reich was a pretty shitty time, mate.
>The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles
>grand theories of history simple enough for brainlet high schoolers to understand
into the trash it goes
The original trope originates from medieval arabia and refers to the rulers or the ruling class, not the general populace (who generally had little influence in politics).
It applied to the middle east at various times, but far less so to christian europe. Perhaps, in very grand strokes, to the end of rome and the end the west (about now). Perhaps there were similar, minor cycles with some houses/dynasties/polities, but again, that applies to the rulers rather than the populace. The common man always had hard times and no influence, excepting, again, imperial rome and the modern west... perhaps the reason their downfalls were/are/will be so much more significant.
You're acting like dumb children who found a hammer and can't but apply it to anything you find, be it a nail or not. The differences in affluence and cultural mores within these periods you posted are far too small and the influence of them on the downfall of the respective culture absolutely insignificant.
This guy gets it.
Nah. Don't you know getting drafted at 14 and getting killed by Russians defending Berlin is a great time.
I'm pretty sure the original guy he meant before the war, or at least before the war went to shit.
Time creates hard times. Strong or weak it doesn't matter who is at the helm what matters is how they deal with specific problems as they arise. A "strong" man can be good for one problem but introduced to a different man that same strong man might make things much worse. Strong and weak are relative terms, one situations strong can be another situations weak and vice versa.
Honestly, how is dead Ukranians bad? These were great times for Georgia.
If you get full employment by drafting everyone, and sustain it by nationalizing assets, that's logically unsustainable
Because they are starving to death.
This is sophisticated bait
>hard times create strong men
>strong men create good times
>good times create weak women
>weak women create hard times
>there were similar, minor cycles
We can see a very good example for this in the history of brandenburg/prussia/germany (that I happen to be familiar with, no sympathy with saupreissn implied).
>Prussia barely survives thirty years war and second northern war
>Becomes one of the most efficient bureacracies and military in europe ("the prussian army has a state") (1650-1700)
>Frederick stomps the austrians, weasels himself out of a triple front war and creates a new grand power (1740-1763)
>State and army become inflexible due to lack of energy and impetus (late 1700s)
>Roflstomped by napoleon, barely survives as a french vassal(1807)
>Some clever guys figure how to deal with it, pic related
>Part of the victorious alliance, gets the rhineland and increases in power(1815)
>Reasonable politicians and military, efficient military, economic boom(1815 onward)
>Stomps austria and france, founds the german empire(1871)
>Wilhelm II. kind of an dumbass, pretentious and arrogant elites (military and politics)
>Gets themselves into a double front war with shit allies, loses the war(1914)
And I'll stop here because it gets less clear afterwards.
What we see here is that the cycle does apply, in a manner, but again, it applies to elites, structures, organizations rather then the common people. Also, it can be more complicated than being "weak". The german empire 1914 was efficient, advanced, unified and motivated such that it probably had a greater war-making potential than any other state at the time (fite me bout that, you know I'm right). It's weakness was a rather minute flaw in it's political culture and attitudes, enough to lead to its downfall.
Also, the reasoning as for why these strengths and weaknesses develop are more complicated than the cycle implies. Success has many fathers - loyal and diligent aristocracy, the economic potential of the german states, kings that happened to be reasonable, individuals with good ideas...
If you are willing to ignore and make up enough shit you can fit history into literally any pattern scheme.
Food leads to starvation
Starvation leads to food.
The standard of living wasn't much different than Weimar; better in some ways, worse in others.
I'm sure if you were purged for no reason you thought it was a good time.
He's the main character of his own life. He wouldn't be purged he has plot armor.
t. retard
Fucking this.
>there are faggots on this board RIGHT NOW who shit on Jared Diamond and think The Fourth Turning is remotely good or even intelligent
loving. every. laugh.
England gotten good times when they were at their most Jewish
America never really had hard times
Russia never really had good times no matter how strong they gotten
Strong men always created tough times in Germany (vote big, strong nazis and have you country divided, cities bombed, and women raped)
Nice bait. You got a lot of yoos
Only works with the Romans and Ottomans really
>kaiser wilhem ii creates good times
Disastrous war and collapse of the economy.
>good times creat weak men (republicans)
Postwar Germany. Good Times. You, sir, are an idiot.
>weak men create weimar republic
Stabilize economy and the state in general somewhat.
>hard times create strong men (NDSP), strong men create good times (THIRD RAICH)
Even more disastrous war, than previous "good times creator" managed to pull through.
>Good times
>Strong Men numero 2
Thank you for posting this, do you mind if I save it?
More like
>weak men create hard times
>strong men create hard times
>moderates create ok times
>ok times create good times
>good times create great times
>random bullshit creates hard times
No I think there’s an equal amount of weak and strong men, and other circumstances give way to good or bad times. People are always gonna be people, doesn’t matter when they were alive
Good times do create weak men but the rest of that is bullshit.
>strong men create good times (THIRD RAICH)
Veeky Forums in 2018
>third reich created good ti...
the Germans were mentally weak for allowing Adolf to rule over them
Those Germans look like they're having a good time
What part of the cycle are we in right now?
weak men turning good times into bad times, the peak was 1999
note how he didn't even spell Reich right
that's how you know he knows his shit
He's obviously being ironic, there wasn't a single use of the term Judeo-Bolshevik
Doesn't really work unless you tie it to your personal ideology and what you define as good/bad men/times.
that or it's a common typo for RAICHU
strong men do own raichus
>System works
>People benefit
>System becomes stagnate
>System doesn't work
>People suffer
>People improve the existing system
>System works
much better cycle
I'm tryin' Woody, i'm trying really hard to elect a good man. Please help me.
so we're in hard times you say or hold weak men in a good time?
>Kaiser Wilhem created good times
you mean Otto Von Bismark
after he was out of the picture Germany only declined
This dynamic was broken due to the Nazis
after the Frano-Prussian War Germany was in [strong men, good times], and it was good for a few decades, than after the majority of the earth was colonized and the Germans realized they need more land to compete with Britain France, and Russia they where in [weak men, hard times], than strong men arose and WW1 began while still in hard times, but loosing it only further delayed the hard times, and when the depression hit strong men arose again to reclaim lost and and to rebuild the German Empire for a 3rd time.
the only problem is when the 3rd Reich arose war had all ready lost its glory and was mostly horror at this point, but ww1 only brought to horror to the battlefield and not the civilians, but Germany changed this dearly.
Kingdom of France after 7 years war
French Revolution
French Empire under Napoleon
Republican France, French Restoration
German Confederation after HRE
German unification under Otto Von Bismark
Franco-Prussian War
German Empire under Kaiser Wilhelm II
World War 1
Wiemar Republic Rise of NSDAP
Nazi Germany (while the rest of the world was having a depression)
World War 2
Divided Germany
>Hard times create strong men: seven kings, early republic, sacking by Germanic tribes, Punic wars
>strong men create good times: Roman civil wars, imperial administration, Nerva–Antonine dynasty, empire reaches it apex
>good times create weak men: 200 AD to sack of Rome
>weak men create hard times: the sack of Rome by Visigoths and birth of feudal Europe
retarded, this usually goes on for several decades
so, literally invite a civil war?
>Third Reich
>Good times
You wanna see a real example of a strong man creating good times? See Konrad Adenauer.
That all sounds terrible.
This sounds like the stupidest, most disastrous idea I've ever heard of in my life. The ideological indoctrination part in particular makes this idea sound like something out of full fledged totalitarian regime.
Ibn Khaldun agrees to an extent.
Hey dude its all about creating strong men to make the good times!
There must be good men in your nation in the first place, or need I come in and find one for you?
Any time is a good time with a little indoctrination!
Only libercucks disagree.
Thats the spirit.
Won't know the difference if you dont know you're being indoctrinated anyways.
This is something people tell themselves so they can blame someone and imagine it's not blind and screaming luck dictating circumstances
Hodl weak men. Have heavy bags of weak men.
They're going to the MOON
Don't you know starving to death and getting killed in a purge is good times.
>this is the 54396943rd time this thread has been made
Those aren't ties
>being this retarded
I don't want to be a "strong man".
I just want to go to the gym, smoke weed, torrent shit, and fuck my wife
You're all delusional