Who would win

Who win in a all-out war the African forest empires or the Inca and Aztecs by forest I mean Benin Ashanti Yoruba Oyo

Benin Benin's tactics were well organized, with preliminary plans weighed by the Oba and his sub-commanders. Logistics were organized to support missions from the usual porter forces, water transport via canoe, and requisitioning from localities the army passed through. Movement of troops via canoes was critically important in the lagoons, creeks and rivers of the Niger Delta, a key area of Benin's domination. Tactics in the field seem to have evolved over time. While the head-on clash was well known, documentation from the 18th century shows greater emphasis on avoiding continuous battle lines, and more effort to encircle an enemy (ifianyako).[9]

Fortifications were important in the region and numerous military campaigns fought by Benin's soldiers revolved around sieges. As noted above, Benin's military earthworks are the largest of such structures in the world, and Benin's rivals also built extensively. Barring a successful assault, most sieges were resolved by a strategy of attrition, slowly cutting off and starving out the enemy fortification until it capitulated

Aztec warfare concerns the aspects associated with the militaristic conventions, forces, weaponry and strategic expansions conducted by the Late Postclassic Aztec civilizations of Mesoamerica, including particularly the military history of the Aztec Triple Alliance involving the city-states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, Tlacopan and other allied polities of the central Mexican region.

The Aztec armed forces were typically composed of a large number of commoners (yāōquīzqueh [jaː.oːˈkiːskeʔ], "those who have gone to war") who possessed only basic military training, and a smaller but still considerable number of professional warriors belonging to the nobility (pīpiltin [piːˈpiɬtin]) and who were organized into warrior societies and ranked according to their achievements. The Aztec state was centered on political expansion and dominance of and exaction of tribute from other city states, and warfare was the basic dynamic force in Aztec politics. Aztec society was also centered on warfare: every Aztec male received basic military training from an early age and the only possibility of upwards social mobility for commoners (mācehualtin [maːseˈwaɬtin]) was through military achievement — especially the taking of captives (māltin [ˈmaːɬtin], singular malli). Thus, only specifically chosen men served in the military. The sacrifice of war captives was an important part of many of the Aztec religious festivals. Warfare was thus the main driving force of both the Aztec economy and religion.[citation needed]

Africans all da long

What the hell is pic related? some kind of sword?

Yes yes it is

I don't know shit about the Benin but I'm a mesoameriaboo, ask me questions about the Aztecs

Who'd win in a war

Assuming these 2 empires went at each other from across the Atlantic, what kind of navy firepower did the Aztecs or other close empires have.

both used types of war cannoes

I'd say a land war

id say the Forrest Africans the ability to quickly create earthen fortifications and usage of horse and high grade iron weapons is a massive advantage in combat

Sorry it took so long for me to reply. The Aztecs and Mesoamerica in general was pretty primitive in terms of maritime ability. People meme that they are stone age level, which is bullshit (they are bronze and iron age tier in most respects), but maritime abilities they really arguably were chalcolithic or stone age level.

I made two posts about this here and here the other day, so i'll link those. In short, they didn't even have vessels capable of navigating the ocean without keeping coastlines in sight.

what about on land

so was most of Africa too they were middle to late iron age level

the Oba of Benin could field as many as 180,000 soldiers

this thread is starting a flame war

Oh no not a VS thread again.

These threads are racist by nature because we want to know who is "superior"

No it's just a military comparison

It's just a what if nothing to do with race

What weapons did each culture use