Are these jerkoffs serious

Are these jerkoffs serious

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Figuratively who??

Who the fuck is that mongoloid on the right? He literally looks like a caricature of the gymcel meme.

They talk all the time about what muscles you should train to look good and "alpha", yet they look like absolute dogshit. Why do people take them seriously? This is really weird

to be fair alex really doesn't look like shit when he has no clothes on. he looks retarded in clothes though.

The only thing of value AD had to offer for the fitness industry is that cheat pulls and dick pulls are awesome for back size. Everything else is just cringy "hur dur imma man bc i shit fart and drink burr (why did my daddy leave me!?)" and a rip off of Eric Bugenhagen.

Hodge twins are lookin THIKK

What a fucking loser.

this is a man that had to use the word alpha in his youtube name

He was compelled to use the word alpha for his web zone

He was compelled to use products to cultivate facial hair that he's clearly incapable of

Look at his scared, boyish doe eyes sitting atop his childlike 5'5 stature. 66 inches. What does a height of 66 inches, by a generous estimate, mean?

This is a picture of the Looney Tunes Lodge at Six Flags. The website describes it so

>Little ones can explore, climb, and slide in this giant kids’ playplace!

What is the height requirement to be considered a little one, a child whose infantile brain could appreciate the Looney Tunes experience?

>54" maximum

12 inches is what separates this adult from a drooling child. The length of a ruler, if you're generous with your estimate of his height. The length of your cock if you're not.

54 inches is not the age at which a child ceases to be a child, simply the beginning of puberty when they may begin to cause trouble for smaller children. Less than a ruler is what separates him from a middle schooler.

And he knows it. If he didn't put any amount of muscle he would look no different than a child in a Minecraft shirt. It suits him too. It's so easy to place the Minecraft shirt on him in your mind's eye or one of the Five Nights At Freddy's shirts. Imagine seeing him in one of those, standing in line at a McDonalds staring into an Ipad next to a taller, older woman. It's his natural element

the post

He's not wrong though

Lelelel sick bantz user! You sure showed him!


Are u ok user? :(

Blaha, please go

> being so insecure that you define your masculinity over shaving your head as a diffuse way to elevate yourself up from society.

Poor guy. Really.

manlet in the op pic, please go

I mean, the guy is obviously a tool but what a fucking faggy post

>now with shitty islam beard

Tweedle Dumb and Tweddle Dipshit.

Does Veeky Forums only like Eric more than Alex because he's handsome/not a manlet?

Phil is alright when he isn't roped into Alex's bullshit, has his own channel with some good videos.

I mean, their advice is the same for training

Monkey Prick 2.0 on the right, Janoy's long lost brother.

kek islam is true alpha religon for them

Phil ( the guy on the right) has pretty solid lifting advice.

hi autismo

this. and he actually looks big. all these other faggots r shredded, cut, ripped, but not big. PHIL IS BIG!

alex and phil give out some of the best fitness advice on youtube, why the hate

Nigga on the right bout to join ISIS by the looks of it.

hes catholic


Eric is awesome because he doesn't worry about others and is just himself. Alex is clearly insecure and tries to hard to be "alpha"

something happened 4 sure, right bro is regretting smt

That sounds pretty superficial. I totally agree Alex's marketing methods and "alpha" personality are cringeworthy as fuck but rack pulls work for big traps.

hes on the other side of the spectrum of tumblr fat acceptance cunts lmao just as bad

ITT: Bunch of confused pretentious faggots who even if miraculously lift, still don't look like it. Next time post a picture of yourself and your stats before projecting your low life insecurities on someone who actually achieved a lot in the gym and on youtube considering his age.

chives and his right hand man cletus

He is a manlet.
And by manlet i mean real fucking small.

Alex is literally the most autistic fitness youtuber there is. Even my boy Hemingway are at some level aware of their own lies, but not Alex. He literally made a video where he asked his subscribers to help him come up with a new name for "bearmode" because he found out that in the gay community fat/overweight/slightly muscular men are called bears.

His butt cheeks clenched up tighter than a virgins cunt and he suggested the brilliant idea of calling it "orcmode". He later went on to disable ratings and comments on the video when he was called out on his absolute autism.

I'm not saying his fitness advice is bad, but his personality is fucking insufferable.

What an idiot

Lets see what you look like faggot

Alex seems like a decent dude desu. I'd hang out with him, but I feel like he'd always try to one up me

No homo am I right ?

>rack pulls work for traps

Good, because I just started doing them and some of the free weight neck work he suggested.

Made me chuckled

Phil from fit world exposed

someone post this in his comment section or his next q&a stream

Those play areas were really fun to use as a kid.

Lol someone is triggered that we're mocking his boyfriend.

Remember to hold the weight at the top for at least 3 seconds. If you do backoff sets do 5 secs. You'll get insane doms.
Your traps won't grow as much if you just drop it as soon as you lock out.

His persona is a joke and he comes across as an unintelligent tryhard.

> 5'5
>66 inches

pick one

>go bald because hair makes your neck and traps look smaller

Thanks, mate, will do.

What are you mocking him for? Having a fast growing youtube channel? Having his own self built business in early 20s? Being yoked? Helping others out to achieve their goal body? Already being an elite level powerlifter at his age?

What have you done with your life besides browse Veeky Forums and fap to trannies day in and day out? I know your type, a kid or a manchild who doesn't look like he lifts, but browses Veeky Forums or misc mostly just to talk shit that he himself obviously can't back up because that's all they have going on in their lives. "Mocking" someone behind the anonymity of the internet yet can't even look another man in the eyes in real life. You're just a no life bitch.

this is actually fucking hilarious copypasta material

Although I think these posts are getting a little shit tier now, most people are more insecure than Alex is posting this shit.

it's only alpha by accident, see all the goat fucking and clit cutting

> calls self made man a kid because of his height
> posts the faggiest and saddest self projecting autobiography only a kid or a retarded adult would even think about doing.

Can you imagine a man who is satisfied with his life post all that bullshit on Veeky Forums about another man whom he never met? Me neither. Lmao go back to fapping to hentai in your moms basement you no life amoeba.

Sorry your waifu got posted

HomeSeductionDirect Dating Is Not Disrespectful!
Direct Dating Is Not Disrespectful! Alexander Leonidas September 28, 2015 Seduction, Success 39 Comments
Direct Dating Is Not Disrespectful!

Last week, I was conversing with a female friend of mine at the bus stop.

The lineup was large, and few people were engaging in conversation. As a result, my voice was pretty loud, and most people just stood there in awkward silence listening to me.

Anyhow, here I am having a nice chat, when suddenly this Lebanese chick decides to barge in on my conversation.

She looks at me and says “You sound like you could be a guy on the radio”.

I thought this was kind of random, but I replied with “Oh really? That’s interesting. Although I’m not a guy who speaks on the radio, I do engage in online videomaking and public speaking. Perhaps this is why you would say such a thing.”

When I’m done speaking, this woman puts on a smirk.

“So you’re the big man, eh? Think you’re tough? How about you show me how to act like a man?”

At this moment in time, my nutjob radar went off. How come I always have to land on the crazy ones?

“Why do you care, and what do you want to know?” I asserted.

She pauses and starts giving me hard eye contact. “Give me some body language tips. What can you teach me?”

Playing on to her little game, I state “Well, I can tell from looking at you that you are quite comfortable in your own skin”.

Before I can finish my sentence, she cuts me off. “What makes you say that? You’re a mind reader now?”

I smile, and gaze directly into her pupils. “You seem quite intruged by me, you know that?”

Not even a second later, this girl is letting me have it. She’s screaming and bitching like there’s no tomorrow. “You’re so cocky! Who the hell do you think you are? You honestly think I’m attracted to you?”

Fast forward a week later, and I once again have to take that same bus.

I open up my backpack, and pull out a copy of “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli. I begin reading, when suddenly I get a tap on the back.

I turn around, and there’s 4 chicks staring at me. One of them was the Lebanese girl from last week. Great, I thought. Not only do I have this psycho bitch, but now her friends are here too. I knew right off the bat that I was going to get verbally gangbanged.

One of the girls points at my book and says “What are you reading there?”

I tell her “It’s The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli. Mainly a political book, but it’s pretty good.”

Next thing you know, this girl rips the book out of my hand and starts staring at the cover. “Ohhhhh this is like Tupac! You know, Makaveli! This is what inspired him!”

After she’s done talking, I grab the book out of her hands and say “Yeah that was one of his inspirations. Anyways, it doesn’t matter. I’m going to read now.”

I open up a page, and begin reading. Not even one sentence in, and these chicks are already busting my balls.

“Hey, why don’t you stand here instead? You can read that later.” one of them exclaimed.

I sighed, and realized that no matter what I did, they wouldn’t stop annoying me unless I confronted them.

“What do you want?” I responded.

The Lebanese girl starts talking. “Well, I wanted to discuss what you said to me the other day. I don’t think you should be talking to women that way.”

Her friends nod. “Yeah, you come off as a disrespectful asshole.”

I stretch out my arms and look left and right. I realize everyone in the bus is quiet, and are all eyeing in on the conversation. I knew I would soon be the center of attention, but I didn’t care.

That was the point, islam is alpha for those who are far away from being alpha irl.

So I open up my mouth, and boldly declared “So what would you prefer instead? That I be full of shit? That I fill you in with things that I don’t care about? When I talked to you the other day, I was being very real. If you ask me, the fact that I was so honest should automatically be rendered as respectful behavior.”

The girls laugh. One of them then tells me “Yes you are being direct, but the problem is that the way you are speaking is disrespectful. You shouldn’t use profanity when talking to women, nor should you brush them off or make bold assumptions that they’re into you. You have to slowly ease into things, not escalate so quickly. Treat them with respect and be nice. There’s no need to talk the way you did.”

At this point of the conversation, I was getting annoyed and pissed off. I began squeezing my palms and clenching my jaw. That’s when I let them have it.

You girls say this nonsense because you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You’re young, inexperienced, and quite frankly don’t understand how attraction works in the real world. Here’s the facts.”

“If, for example, I want to fuck you (points at one of the girls), I will let you know very fast. I’m not going to talk about the weather, your cat, your job, your school classes, or anything like that. I don’t give a flying fuck about any of those things. If sex is the only thing I desire, then that’s what I will express to you. I’m not hiding anything back.”

“And if you don’t like the fact that I am being direct, guess what? I don’t care. If all four of you rejected me, I wouldn’t lose any sleep. For instance, just in this bus right here there are many of women who would love to spend time with me. I know this to be true. I also know that there are women who go out specifically to get laid. For this reason, why should I suppress my desires and interests just because YOU don’t like it, when there’s all kinds of women who DO like it? Why should I waste a second of my time catering to your bullshit?”

“Besides, you know what happens to men who go indirect? They end up in the friend zone. The advice you women are giving me is exactly what’s caused me to get rejected and have my time wasted in the past. You become a woman’s dog, and she uses you to flatter her and listen to meaningless stories and gossip. To ensure that the dog remains faithful, what do you do? You dangle your pussy right in front of their god damn face. But they never get a bite.”

I know what I’m talking about, and I know your kind. I’ve been there and done that, and have zero tolerance for any of that stuff. If I want to fuck you, that’s the only thing I shall express. And if you’re going to give me that bullshit that it’s disrespectful, how about you look at yourselves first? Leading guys on who you know are attracted to you, only to reject them weeks or months later? How bout those free meals, ladies? You like being spoiled? You like getting free shit? Well not with me.”

I take a deep breath, and say one final statement.

“I also find it amusing how you’re calling me out for being disrespectful when in fact I’m one of the few guys you will meet in your life that has the balls to not lie to you. Almost all women that I know complain about their boyfriends and husbands being dishonest, manipulative, and unauthentic. Hence the infamous saying that communication is of utmost importance in any relationship.

“Thus, why would you be attacking me? How about you attack the manipulative men who have you believing they want a long-term monogamous relationship, but in reality only want to fuck you? You’re seriously going to compare me to these men? If you want to know who the real asshole is, it’s the person that breaks women’s hearts. Me? I leave women happy and fulfilled. I don’t lead them on, and I sure as hell don’t let them fall for me when I have no romantic interest in them. I respect them on a level that you will never understand, because I’m a real motherfucker.”

I remember watching Alex and taking him serious a while ago but damn this guy is a retard. Desperately tries to convince everyone that he looks good like that because he's to lazy to fucking cut down his BF. I won't even mention Phil, he's a clown.

These chicks all look at me in amazement, with their mouths wide open. One of them (who was mad hot) looks at me and says “You know, he does have a good point. I’m tired of men saying they only want to watch netflix with me, even though they deep down inside want to get in my pants. I also don’t like it when men treat me like a one night stand even though I wanted to be their girlfriend. Sometimes it hurts.”

I turn to her and say, “You see? This is a good girl. Exactly my type.” I give her a little tap on the back, and grin.

I look over to the group one last time, blow them a kiss, and start walking towards the back of the bus. The doors open up, and I walk away into the horizon, with a big smile on my face.

you sure riled up a lot of manlets with this post keep it up

I don't understand why all he does is talk in front of a camera. I dont really care how he makes his videos but to me, videos that show people actually demonstrating what they are teaching are much better than seeing some ISIS looking guy sit in front of a camera and talk like hes a scholar.

Woah that guy on the right is huge, he must be like 6'6 and 350lbs or something

5'11 230

no way, that guy on the lefts shoulders are almost as wide as that tv in the background

>channel is fast growing
>too bad he stopped growing

projection was strong with this one

this is Veeky Forums bitch, go suck alex's cock and cry on his shoulder faggot, what do you even care mr successful? aren't you busy mr entrepreneur?
what a cuck

Holy shit, that's hilarious. He can't write fiction at all





this is why fit is the best board by far

I hate manlet destiny because some little faggot ruined the ONE good power bar my gym has doing rack pulls above the knee/cheat shrugs and dropping the bar on the pins. I heard about it from another gym goer, fuck I'm mad. Every other fucking bar is either A) also fucked up or B) lacks center knurling.

the isis looking guy has a channel of his own and he does some videos where he shows the exercises

Did he actually say all this?

I hate betadestiny as much as the next guy but this shit is cringey. I could say 3 rulers seperates Shaq from a child who plays at a playground, but it means nothing. This shit is just autism.

“Mikey, get off your phone it’s time to go!”

“Just a second mom, I’m building my brand!” said Alexander Leonidis, fitness guru, self-made man and above all else, Alpha Male. Alex quickly made a few more posts on a Chinese fitness board accusing users of being neuroatypical.

“No more second Mikey! You agreed to this! Either you came with us on vacation or you help daddy in the shop.” Alex’s mother went over and put a baseball cap on her son and dabbed his nose with some sunscreen, the entire act making it impossible for him to continue posting.
“Alright! Anyway mom, I told you to stop calling me Mikey! It’s MICHAEL and anyway, I want to go by Alexander now. I TOLD you to call me Alexander before.” Alex’s mother applied some sunscreen to his cheeks and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

“You will always be my sweet little Mikey to me. I’m sorry. I will try to remember. You are so handsome Alex, I wish you would shave. You are the only one in the family to have such fair skin! You shouldn’t cover it! No time now, we are already late. All your uncles and aunts will be there and so will Tomtom! TomTom is very excited to see you again.”

Alex was aghast. He’s been trying to get his mother to remember his true name for months on end but she already knows to call Tommy TomTom?!

“I thought Tommy couldn’t make it.” Alex stated as his mother gently took his hand and led him to the car.

“Artour decided to fill in for him. It was very nice of him, TomTom has been working so hard at the shop and making videos so he hasn’t had much time to himself or his fiancée.”

Alex reeled from this discovery. How could that numale cuck get a fiancée? The door slamming shut snapped him back to reality.

Today was to be an awful day for Alex. Every 5 years all the family that made it to the USA gathers at Six Flag Magic Mountain and every time Alex has to chaperone the children. Tommy used to join Alex until the group of children had to be split between teens and preteens.

It was a short drive from their motel, only enough time for Alex to make sure his perfect physique was on the front page of popular fitness image boards. Upon leaving the car Alex scoped out the crowd confirming to himself that once again, he is the alpha male of the pack. As always, Alex made sure to walk as alpha as possible before his mother stopped him.

“Hold on” she cooed. She tied his shoelace for him. Alex’s expression soured.
“You have to be careful sweetie.”
“Thanks mom.” Crawled out from his alpha cheeks.

At the ticket gate a young man in thick hipster glasses waved to Alex and his mother. There was a beautiful woman at his side and she waved too. They both hurried over, the young man was surprisingly mobile despite his tight jean shorts.

Alex’s mother embraced the two and they both turned to Alex.

“Alex now, right? I’d like you to meet my fiancée Karen. Karen, this is my cousin Alex! He’s practically my brother, we went to the same school and grew up blocks away from each other.”

Just before their arms were fully raised to embrace him Alex jutted out his hand for a handshake, like the alpha male he is. TomTom smiled warmly and Karen shook his hand.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you! TomTom said you were his only real friend in high school.” She beamed at him.

“I heard 50% of marriages end in divorce.” Said Alex with dead fish eyes.

In an instant Karen’s expression changed to that of perplexed horror. Alex’s mother shielded her face with her hand in shame. TomTom’s smile remained, utterly unphased. Alex had established his dominance as the alpha male. Girls love men that tell it like it is. Girls love assholes. Alex knew by the end of his day he’d have cucked Tommy.

“Are you fucking ser-“ began Karen before TomTom placed his hand on her shoulder to placate her.

“Ha, ha! Alex, you’re too smart for marriage! Wow, you’ve got a beard now? It’s really coming along. I’m sure it’ll be as thick as mine in a week.” Chirped TomTom, towering a good foot over Alex’s head. He ran his hand through his rich, thick, luxurious beard for effect. Alex was satisfied, once again that numale cuck had been intellectually checkmated. Alex knew such a weak excuse of a man couldn’t challenge him.

“Y-yes. I’m sure Alex’s beard will be just as handsome as the rest of him.” Stammered Alex’s mother.

“Don’t you think my son is handsome?” She said to Karen with a hint of desperation. Karen paused.

“sure” In this moment Alex knew she wanted his dick. Just as Alex was about to use his surefire 100% kill line of “What’s your dad like” to take TomTom’s woman, a cute petite girl walked up to the group holding water bottles. Alex began his ocular seduction technique immediately. For the fraction of a second she smirked when she saw his face before she regained her composure.

“Oh yes! This is Kat! Karen’s friend, she happened to be in the area for a shoot. This is Alex and his mother Arev.” TomTom stated, ever smiling and cordial.

“Sorry I didn’t get you guys water. They only had these tall bottles so I couldn’t carry that many.” Her eyes darted to Karen slyly.

“Maybe if they packed those itty, bitty shorties I could carry more.” She looked directly at Alex and softly giggled. Karen did the same. TomTom’s smile cracked for a moment and he looked disappointed. Alex began to wonder if he could fuck two girls in the amusement park without anyone noticing.

“Anyway, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” She did an exaggerated curtsy in her summer dress, so much so she could get at eye level of Alex. Karen had great difficulty stifling her laughter. TomTom’s smile had shattered and he struggled to maintain a neutral expression. Alex, feeling invigorated, puffed out his chest and raised his head slightly bringing his eyeline to the level of TomTom’s nipples.

“Well uh, everyone is already inside. I just wanted to be the first to greet you Alex. Nowadays the kids are all teens that want to go on the rollercoasters so you only have to handle little Becky. Be sure to call Aunt Azniv and Uncle Dan when you get in so you can watch Becky for them.” TomTom spoke as quickly as possible, in hopes of cutting this encounter short. A grin formed on Kat’s face.

“Alex can’t rider rollercoasters?” Kat pried.

“Yeah, the last time I was on one the safety was way too high above my legs. I was getting rocked around so much I would have been thrown out if I wasn’t you know” Alex made direct eye contact as he practiced and as expected Kat was smiling back.

“An alpha male with the strength to save his own life.” TomTom grabbed his cackling fiancée by the hand.

“wellwebettergofindthosekidsandgivetheparentsabitofabreakcatchyoulater” TomTom took off with Karen in hand, his face red. Kat trotted behind them. Alex knew flight was Tommy’s only option when faced with his raw strength.

Alex’s mother stuffed $120 into his fanny pack and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

“Mommy is going to find uncle Samvel and the others. Samvel just made it out to the states and I must know where he’s been staying. I will call you when we are all going to dinner. Have fun sweetie.” She too, walked over to the ticket office.

Did he really invent that story ? If so, what a fucking looser

Yeah, it's on his fucking website

This was just boring to read