Bend the knee Veeky Forums, and I'll bring you gains

Bend the knee Veeky Forums, and I'll bring you gains

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Women should never be in positions of power.

No thanks lunges are inferior to squats

We do not kneel

B e n d

t h e

k n e e

I wonder the smell of her pousey...


watching games of thrones is quite irritating when you're british you know.
all i can hear is their stupid posh nonce accents / faked accents

i wish i could temporarily be american while i watch it so i don't CONSTANTLY notice it

theyre not british u fucking reatrd theyre from westeros

um the show takes place in WESTEROS not Britain so it's technically a Westerosian accent dumbass

stop watching this garbage show

I only follow the one true king of Wheysteros

Um but Emilia Clarke is British so.....?


yes and all i can notice is her middle class accent forcing an upper class accent
it's just weird like people don't talk like that irl i don't know

literally the only normal one was sean bean in series 1 because he talks like that all the time and it's a normal accent

What about ygritte

lol she is posh asf irl like literal royalty look it up
she's a good actor but yeah i can tell that scottish accent is not real

Yes, my Swoleesi

I'll bend two

>game of thrones
Move over fatty, there's a new meme show on the block


Yeah and I wish I could be British when your countrymen try to fake an American accent. No matter what we tell you, you guys all think we sound like Texans.

What ever happened to this guy? I liked what he was all about.

I would, really, but too many squats have left a crick in my knees so kneeling it's sort of out of the table.

Stannis burnt him

Jon saw it as torture and mercy-killed him.

>bringing gains
No thanks, i'll earn them myself

>implying Danny isn't just going to end up being more insane that the previous Mad King

Tyrieon is with her so she might be safe

>a song of ice and fire
>they're just going to make fire insane

I don't think so lad

Eh, as long as Varys is there to assassinate her ass when she does, she'll bring some good years of prosperity and dragons.
The island needs a new magical source, or the fucking zombies will get out of the reservation, it's either dragons or god of fire, and at least with dragons you get to arm everybody with dragonglass.

yee nor noofin

You underestimate the pottery user

>Danny helps fight off the spooky Ice zombies
>gets crowned
>believes in her own hype
>it happens against

Jon Snow is obviously the one who's going to end up on the iron throne in the end because he's the only person who doesn't want to be there

fuck off slut. i actually wish jaime killed her

Nah.. Too predictable. George Martin said the ending is not going to be the one people want.

Mfw its going to be Sam or little finger on the throne at the end.

My guess on what he meant by that was dany getting killed in the end by either jon or some other thing because she's an awful ruler. I don't know how her character was thought of when only the books were out but I don't think he intended on everyone loving her, or if he did then that's pretty smart because the audience is unaware at how bad she is as a ruler and that's his entire message. Make everyone watching think they are on the good side or supporting and cheering for the good side when this whole time they were in the wrong.

Its going to be stannis, hes getting swole at the golden company atm and will make a comeback when cersei hires them. It is known.

Pray to the Lord of Light for he shall give you competition tier tan and burn your fat

She'll be killed by the King of the Friendzone

Is Drogon natty? That much progress over 6 years is kind of ridiculous.

Or you know that bastard that squires for Brianne?
That guy has a legitimate claim, doesn't live in the great game, and every major faction will accept him thinking he'll be a good pawn.


There isn't even enough space to plot out Denny going crazy.
They have to defeat sersei and the white army and they have to plot how everyone gets together to do so too.
Literally no space to start anything about Denny going crazy.

Nobody has to defeat Cersei AND the white army.
The plot with the zombies will be resolved because otherwise the crippled Stark has no place in the series, but there's no reason to actually resolve the political mess in the south.
The worst that can happen is they go full post-apoc, have the zombies eat the whole island, and then have the dragons/firelord/faceless/all other factions together by the power of friendship and zombies/whatever counterattack them

Also it's described in the books that Podrick has a huge cock

Denny won't bend the knee, but she WILL bend over!

She really is the perfect example of why that is true.

She fucks up at every turn, only has power because she lucked into it, is constantly on the edge of going full 'burn them all' genocide and already would have if she hadn't been talked out of it multiple times.

And yet people still love her because 'muh empowered womyn'

Dany supporters are trash

Do you think he has enough balls to deny her the throne with all the SJW feminism going on?

Dressed like a slut. I dig it!


Yeah, but if I was as good looking as him I'd dress slutty too

That's right!
We'll pay the iron price for our gains!

Beware of the Champion of the manlets pits of Mireen.

MFW whitewalkers are the good guys and Night King claims the iron throne.

Dragon need to do more squats

She has such a great mouth. I bet she's a fantastic kisser

She's good at browjobs too.

i dont think so thot.


Where the hell were her other two dragons.

Varys is collecting their semen

You guys were all wanting Jamie to succeed in spearing daenerys in the latest episode right?

(Also for Bronn to hit Drogon with the ballista, and disappointed that it wasn't a kill shot)

You don't think the crazy, inbred woman using her pet monster to burn people alive, while they also get slaughtered by foreign barbarian invaders was actually the 'good guy' right?

Are there any 'good guys'? Varys is the closest we get, but he has the honor of a turnip.

>in spearing daenerys
Yes, if you know what I mean

stannis saved him

Stannis is seriously the best character. Made the sacrifices and was always out front leading his men. Only reason he died is because feminists forced it into the writing.

Jon Snow is about the closest really.

>Doesn't want power but will take it when needed to defend his people. (And will probably bend the knee and give up power because it will be the only way to save lives)
>Always does what he thinks is right, even to the point of it leading to his death at the hands of men with short vision
>generally just a good, unpretentious guy who is in his position because of capability.
He has failings, but over all he's definitely a 'good guy'

Varys seems to be overall, trying to do the right thing and help people, but he still does it in underhanded and dubiously ethical ways a lot of the time.

little finger becomes king

changes westeros into a republic.

becomes CEO/president

GoT is shit and so is the fanbase.

He's a manlet. If you wanted a manlet king, well, there's a better one waiting in the wings.
Fuck, put one on top of the other and you'll have a proper king.

That's Jon Snows job. She's gonna get his 'long claw'

Stannis was overall a good guy with his heart in the right place, but he was an idiot who was getting manipulated by a witch
Also it was retarded that he kept on about "muh line of succession right to the throne" when the only reason his brother was ever king was because he took it from the people who had the "right" to it


The dwarf sitting on the bastards shoulders would unironically be the best government system Westeros ever had.

Pic related

I bet manlets watch the show and get little boners watching Jon in a position of power. It is a fantasy show though, so whatever.

Jon is the obvious correct choice, and the fatfuck author has already said that he's not going with that.
He's so fucking going to die again you just know it.

He is going to get his ankles chooped off, and then Sam is going to do height surgery on him. Then he will take his place on tbe iron throne.

>King Vincent of House Adultman, first of his name

Why have Sam doing the surgery when we have a bonafide mad scientist on cast, and he's already got the job making abominations out of manflesh?

it's funny that someone who is pretty much highborn irl plays someone who is the complete opposite in the show

this bitch will be bending the knee to chad snow soon enough

What's Veeky Forumss pick of Twenty Good Men?

He's Brad Snow

jesus i remember him looking much more jacked, now he looks dyel

How could Unsullied be good warriors when they have no test whatsoever?

LF gets killed this season sorry m8

The Rape TM has tought Sansa more things then LF's advices. He might have been removed from the show after saving the day in the BastardBowl without any value lost.

Reminder that Jorah had his Corprus cured so he's immortal now. Or wrong universe?

arya kills him

Just call me Hound of house Cleanbulkane cuz I'm going to eat every fucking chicken in this room


Is he on the list?
Arya's party is a very private affair, and only the best men and women in the kingdoms are invited.
>who am I kidding, it's a free for all killfeast, come and be slauthered! Blood for the blood god, faces for the face obelisk!

nah sansa figures out with bran that he's fucking with her / killed ned, then arya slays him

>tfw doing squats without bending my knees

Hot implications.
House and Horns are a GOAT show and movie respectively. Seeing Harry Potter as an American is weird at first, but it grows on you.

Never happened

Is this Tony Soprano between Hercules, Conan and Sarevok?

yeh i wish he killed danerys

jorah kill her?
i dont think so. but i hope she dies soon. and i hope euron lives until the very end as he is a better bad guy

im not gonna lie I was really rooting for that dragon to get a bolt to the throat, idk i just hate how cocky danerys is because of those dragons

i mean i just hate how she always answers everything with "DURR I HAV DRAGONS!"


Fuck it. I've done dumber shit for gains.

Podrick is not Gendry

Well, she HAS the equivalent of 3 wonderweapons and complete aerial superiority on every battlefield.
She's the default winner of any battle, the only way the others can get her is by politicing and somehow fucking with her dragons.