ETH is a bad product and all its developers are SJWs.
How many times do you have to be warned?
ETH is a bad product and all its developers are SJWs.
How many times do you have to be warned?
BTC is pozzed, ETH is a clusterfuck, XMR is private. Is Bitcoin Cash our savior?
BCH, LTC, VIA and VTC are the four best alternatives to faggotized BTC and ETH.
people only care about BTC now because all the normies and major banks are pushing the price to such a high fiat level. but this is a time to sell it, not buy more of it.
this is the absolute best time to buy alts that are either rising with BTC, like VTC and LTC, or have been oversold due to irrational fears and irrational fomo into btc for that new shitcoin 2x.
If half of the SJW rumors of ETH are true, I'm investing $100k
Polcucks screw themselves out of opportunities because they are too hung up on their feelings
/pol/ need to virtue signal to each other how right wing they are, even if it means losing money. Pathetic.
What happened to ETH
ETH has lost half of its value since May and is continuing to drop. It is not a good product, it has no use cases beyond scam ICOs.
It also has had three major hacks in the last three years because Solidity is a shit language.
ETH was fine for a year but it will eventually fail since it is run by SJWs.
>it has a $30 billion market cap but will fail because it's developed by people that don't hate refugees enough
It's hilarious how the /polacks/ express how Jews are bad when their doing the shit Jews do.
At least acknowledge it's a natural thing but the Jews are just the best at it.
> only a ~7 on hotness scale
> vehemently supports "SJW" causes
> $100k in the bank
> smoking hot and smart partner, we browse /d together while doing it
good luck white supremacists
What a stupid fucking straw man argument that is
Its 2014 again!!
Eth is a dumpster fire.
As opposed to durr durr hurr durr (((JEWSS))) like anyone with a brain gives a fuck. It's about the money dipshits. Go jerk off to Mein Kampf faggots
Eth is sjw
>Drinks coke or whatever shit without even knowing where it's from
Very true OP. Why are mETH heads such faggots and when will ETH be torn apart by diversity?
Eea disagrees
Stay poor polcuck
no use case beyond the ICOs which themselves have many use cases? look now son, i don't know just how small that little dick is, but you need to relax and understand that the "sjw"'s aren't going to hurt you, and its ok to fuck a tranny if u really want to, just ease up man
Oh boy, murican politics in a nutshell. 2 hated faggots being as EXTREME as possible, with no sane people in the middle.
I think I'll go with Ripple and you know, make money, instead of trying to channel my delusions and autism into a fucking coin.
The person on the right is having fun. The person on the left is advertising murder. Yeah, they're both extreme. :/
Don't worry, the fag on the left is a much bigger autist than the one on the right.
But since I cannot understand ponyfags and people who likes to ridicule themselves in general, he's extreme in his own way, albeit not edgy.
Just give me people I can actually trust and do not push their retarded political ideology.
There are plenty of sane people, who just don't have the same appetite for shitposting all day every day that the brainwashed loony toons around here do. You're not getting a representative sample on Veeky Forums (which is really being completely taken over by /pol/). Turn this off, go outside.
I do that already.
But to be honest, America is looking more and more that way. Clinton and Trump were the most hated candidates in their history, and Facebook or Twitter are now battlefields for political wars, which would be okay if that was not spreading all over the Internet.
Leaving in SEA at the moment because of business opportunities and I really enjoy the chillness over politics.
* The "person" on the right is advocating the decay of society and the return to Weimar culture which in turn brought about further decay in society.
Everyday it's Jew greed this, Jew greed that when everyone here is fucking greedy.
I think historically, putting person in quotation marks has led to much more societal decay and murder.
You know what's bad for a society? Adopting fascism, evidently - world doesn't seem to like that so much, tends to cause destabilizing war, regardless of any philosophical strengths of the thing, which are besides the point.
Source on ETH SJW connections?
Fuck that AIDS infested fag
ETH is a mess, worst fanbase. Vitalik is not a strong leader. If you made money move on to something else.
>even if fascism is good it's still bad because other countries won't like it and will want to go to war with you
Please just kill yourself you fucking spec of dirt. You are worthless
Facist or communist, user has a point. Other countries refuse to leave them alone.