Why Americans didn’t adopt an Americanized form of Anglicanism/Lutheranism instead of creating 51283518235888 denominations?
Why Americans didn’t adopt an Americanized form of Anglicanism/Lutheranism instead of creating 51283518235888...
This is what happens to people and religion when they're given liberty.
A million fucking charlatans start offshoots so they can NOT GIB TAXES. It's funny really. I'm glad I can just sit back and laugh at them all.
Hence the need for the RCC to remove liberty from everyone.
Way to defend tyranny.
Technically the Episcopal Church is Americanized Anglicanism. It's also one of the worst denominations in the US.
>This is what happens to people and religion when they're given liberty.
>A million fucking charlatans start offshoots so they can NOT GIB TAXES. It's funny really. I'm glad I can just sit back and laugh at them all.
I think the NOT GIB TAXES policy is to blame here, not liberty
I'm American, I don't have to live in fear of the RCC.
There would be no offshoots if the state protected one religion. They wouldn't even be able to get to the no taxes part because the religion would be outlawed and the followers jailed or worse.
Why are taxes so important?
>Americanized form of Anglicanism/Lutheranism
They should have applied American Ideals to Catholicism and called a Crusade to dislodge the A*glo from the New World.
Because if you don't pay them you have more money.
I said an "Americanized form of Anglicanism/Lutheranism" because I don't see early Anglo Americans converting to Catholicism.
>I don't see early Anglo Americans converting to Catholicism
You don't believe in Jesus hard enough then.
Ok, let's assume that the state doesn't protect any church and gives you freedom. But you need to pay taxes. Would have this prevented this division?
>You don't believe in Jesus hard enough then.
I'm just trying to be realistic.
New England states still had formerly Anglican state churches for years after the revolution.
Every few generations there is a new reformation, like the Great Awakening or the Second great awakening as young people shake off the dusty old social ideas of their grandparents and replace them with new more modern and progressive ideas. Since the 1960's this phenomenon has been entirely secular
It may have made it less frequent. Scientology almost certainly would not exist.
Keep thinking that. We kept papists out of the country for hundreds of years, but then we let them in and all hell broke loose. One of them even became president. And it has been all downhill since then.
To convert to Catholicism is to go from being ungodly to being unrighteous.
Some states had them early on, even after the Revolution
>Mormonism: America's modern and progressive tradition.
>implying Kennedy wasn't the last true democrat
>implying Catholics are to blame for the increase in atheism and/or degeneracy they historically countered
t. Orthobro
We told you about the eternal potato. But you didn't listen.
We did not take enough measures to sink them at sea. You know, where fish live.
Countered? Countered? They ARE the degeneracy!
Mashallah it is like you know nothing at all about US history
I don't. That's why I'm asking.
Mormonism was technically a shake up theologically from the traditional churches Joseph Smith would've been exposed to in his little New York village at the time. Plus Mormonism had a bit of a liberal streak at some points of Smith's leadership. It went a lot more conservative once Brigham Young took over.
>instead of creating 51283518235888 denominations?
because this had ALREADY happened before independence. a lot of colonial settlers moved to america precisely so they could practice their special snowflake brand of protestantism, and a state church was (as the revolutionaries saw it) thoroughly discredited because the english church had been associated with monarchical tyranny during the colonial crises of the 1760s and 1770s.
Some of it was also due to shortages of qualified clergy. Anglicans and Presbyterians required their clergy to have college educations so they couldn't pump out graduates fast enough to fill every single church in new towns popping up left and right. It left a gap for groups like the Baptists who didn't require college educated clergy to grow.
also state churches were economically dumb because they scared away protestant sects and jews (at least in early colonial history) who were useful to development.
you're thinking of connecticut and massachusetts, which had established churches but not anglican ones i.e. not organized on the structure of the english church and not practising 1:1 the traditions of that same church. they had congregational state churches, which is oxymoronic, but still can exercise discipline on its congregations. also an established church isn't necessarily helpful-- established churches aren't necessarily better treated unless the state government decides to bankroll it effectively, and it also receives derision in a religiously pluralistic society like early america because it is seen as being treated preferentially. also non-establishment resents their taxes being used to fund the established church (its priests, its religious infrastructure, its facilities, its schools) and in stricter circumstances would need to make a "pretend" conversion or take religious tests to hold office in the state.
yes. massachusetts was the only colony in america that had a proper religious infrastructure to train clergy and use them to staff their churches because of their puritan heritage.
Nope. Islam for whitey started by a Freemason.
What's more degenerate than priests performing abortions on the nuns that they raped???
Colonies were made to throw away the wayward people since the days of ancient Greece and American colonies were no exceptions. They gave New England to Puritans, Pennsylvania to Quakers, Maryland to Catholics, etc. so they don't have to deal with them in same way we have /mlp/ to contain the bronies. Then you gotten "Freedom of Religion" where the Deist branch of Founding fathers say "who cares what you believe in as long as it's A god"
They are to blame you fucking retard. It's not just fucking coincidence that every single catholic country is a fucking shithole. That includes your horseshit orthodox bullshit. Look at America since Kennedy. The Kennedy whose old man stole the election due to his mafia money and connections.
I swear to God you people are fucking more naively retarded by the day.
To add further, there is a direct cause and effect from when our Ivy League institutions were forced to give up their Protestant charters, that the classroom was taken over by these monsters. That was the beginning of the end.
The Protestant countries are the most degenerate.
Catholicism built Western Civilization.
Jesus Christ started the Catholic Church, he didn't make a mistake.
>former Protestant
Thanks for saving my soul Jesus.
Fuck Jesus. The Roman's built western Civilization. Jesus tried to tell the Jews to quit doing Jewish shit but got crucified for it. Then 12 angry men capitalized on the impression he left by doing the exact opposite of what Jesus told them to, thus establishing the most tyrannical institution in European history
>this thread