Do you respect men shorter than you?
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honestly, I don't. I always automatically view manlets as inferior to me. I know that some of them are better than me blah blah blah, but I just can't help it. I can't take short guys seriously
>do you respect a myriad of renowed scientists of who have helped better and save the lives of virtually everyone i know??
>no they short lol lol
oh what a cancer it is to be 12yo
king of manlets, no manlet can rise above me, of course i don't respect them
when will you learn?
Pretty much this.
Like normal height guys I can; i'd say up till 5'9 i can respect them. But shorter than that and I literally cannot bring myself to take them seriously.
t. 5'10 manlet
t. heightlet
to stop being 12yo? i learned it when i was 13
newsflash ifnormation that even if you dont know this im better than you no matter hoe "better" (implying aesthetics is universal) body you have
pretty girls know that intelligent man is better lucky for me
>caring about the respect of a bunch of social outcasts, incels and literal autists on a korean basket weaving imageboard
give me one reason why
>*Tips fedora*
Fucking manlets
I'm 6'3 faggot
I'm 5'6. If you're shorter than me, you have to be fucking trying for manletism.
So no.
>6'3 manlet
lmao COPE
I'm extremely judgemental but I only have the "tall=dumb" until proven otherwise
I don't respect anyone by default
back when i worked retail i had two bosses: one manlet and one womanlet. the manlet was like 5'4 and the womanlet barely pushing 4'10.
little anklebiters were usually angry about something, we all know what.
I'm 5'9" and even I think you had a stroke while writing that.
I do respect them. Some of the most tenacious fighters I have met.
Actually measure myself
[spoiler]I thought I was 5'8"[/spoiler]
6'8 guy here.
No, but if they're loud and douchey I then take the fact they're a manlet and overcompensating into account.
This isn't totally on topic, but I don't want to make a whole thread for something that can be answered with a simple yes or no. I'm 162 cm give or take a few decimal points. Is there a diet plan or something I can follow to gain some height?
lmao no one is gonna be jealous of your lanky ass mate
Here's a reminder: Tyson was 5"10' at his prime, and I bet he could beat the shit out of all of us.
No. Posture helps height but thats it. If you're post puberty you won't grow.
didn't say they were chap, seems like you are because you've jumped to that conclusion.
Anyone under 6' doesn't deserve respect. You want respect? Maybe you should have grown a few inches
Thanks for the honest, but seriously fuck me. I hate my genes. Almost ever girl I likes looks at me like their little brother not a potential boyfriend.
>if someone doesnt act the way i want i will just call him overcompensating
lmao why are lanklets so insecure and in denial?
Only if they're thicc af
If you're underageb& you can buy expensive and illegal HGH to maybe potentially get some cm out of you assuming your bones can handle it.
I'm not even close to underage, I'm in my mid 20s
so does this guy do porn or what
>6'3 faggot
at least you're admitting to it
I'd look at anyone with disdain if they're acting a cunt mate.
If someone fat acts nice you dont bat an eyelid, if someone fat acts a cunt you think "shut the fuck up you fat cunt"
Same applies to someone smaller, taller, uglier etc.
Get a grip lad. Told you already idc if someones shorter than me but if they act a cunt then yeah ill usually add that one in to my
What age are you? You might still grow but wouldn't give a shit if you weren't super tall, some people like taller some like shorter but who gives a fuck m8
If by mid you mean 23 there's like a tiny % chance there's hope for you if you get your growth plates checked at a doctor, maybe you can squeeze like a year of growth out if you're insanely lucky.
Of course there's also a 100% chance you can get over it and life your life without complexes but that would require effort.
>mid 20s
I'm 25, turning 26 next month. I haven't had a girlfriend since middle school because they think I'm a joke for being short. The ones that are interested treat me like a cute pet and the ones that aren't taunt me for looking like a little boy. It'd be a lot easier if I were gay since so many gays like little guys, but I'm not.
The taller you are, the smarter you are. IQ goes up with every inch of height.
Why not just go for girls that aren't thots? The fact that you even tolerate let alone hang out with people who treat you like that is infinitely more embarrassing than your height.
dude thats fucking harsh, sorry to hear.
Just use tinder, how tall are you? Most girls are like 5'4, just look for people shorter than you. I can see why they care and why guys don't wanna date taller girls than them either but to laugh and shit is rough...
Tinder is honestly a good choice or a dating site, put your height in your bio and that way if someone matches they either know your height or haven't looked and if they unmatch then fuck it.
Think of it as a benefit, you're weaning out the shit stains of society who laugh at pointless things, nobody works for being taller or smaller it is what it is.
fact: manlets and their insecurities are only a burden to evolved. well-nourished and progressed societies
dwarves and men can't mix
go overcompensating in dwarfville or something you freaks
>thread title: Do you respect men shorter than you?
>"No, but..."
>idc if someones shorter than me
Not that guy but you REALLY gotta watch the difference between "yes" and "no"
kys and respawn my boi
I'm assuming by that logic, you view everyone taller than you to be superior than you?
>limb extension
expensive, moderately crippling, atrocious and painful
and you'll gain just a couple of centimetres
I know it's wrong to do so, but I completely agree. Especially those gym manlets under 5'10 with invisible lat syndrome, I can't help but laugh.
can be done in Russia for $15k and you will not be crippled but you will run funny, you can also gain like 3'' which is a huge difference
is this a meme or are americans really so obsessed with height?
the girl to the right is pretty
Because you're posting here too, turd
Only manlet I know that I respect is a Chad. He was popular in high school, he's popular in college, he can make friends without trying, and he's hooked up with more girls in a month than I have the whole year.
I always took pride in being 6'4 since it seems to be my only genetic strength but he's ~5'9 and lives a much better life.
Are you really considering to fly to Motherland Russia with 15k USD to get your legs chopped off to allegedly gain over 7.5 cm (you're not going to get 7.5 cm btw, 3 cm is what you'll get unless you have deformities)?
You'd better spend those 15k in hookers
>autistic kids make fun of manlets
>meanwhile IRL they will make you his bitch
how many lanklets died for him?
fit is all talk and not walk.
IRL they will be too scared to talk shit to me (I'm 5"7) IRL.
I can literally fuck up permanently 99% of lanklets here.
>but I'll fuck you up
nah, you can't even fuck the shoes of my 9/10 gf.
No I'm not
but my disdain isnt because theyre shorter/fatter/taller etc. it elaborates on if they are a cunt ill dislike them regardless. Anyway i'm out the thread, peace lads
>ou can also gain like 3'' which is a huge difference
Conor McGregor.
Not really, unless it's Rey Mysterio. I know it's all fake, but I still remember his WCW days as the 'Giant Killer'
>cute little overcompensationg napoleon uses literal Napoleon as an argument
top fucking kek
average age increased quite a lot in the last centuries, kiddo
Spoken like a true manlet.
I don't respect you either
I'm 6'4 too but I slowly, over time, realize people don't care as much as you think. It really is eye opening for me to go outside and realize "oh wow, 6'4 isn't actually THAT tall, I'm just a wee bit taller than those 6'2 guys", and also realizing "the people who know and learned how to interact in a pleasant, enjoyable and entertaining way are far more popular and admired than me"
Height matters for: initial attraction, initial respect, initial dominance
But the instant you open your mouth and stutter you're dismissed as an awkward lanklet... Social skills really, really really do beat out almost everything else. I'm not saying I don't fucking love being 6'4, and I wouldn't trade it for anything because social skills can be learned, but people really underestimate how important your social skills are in real life.
>shorter than man
Boys, if you want
t. gimli
both. americans are degenerate and the board is filled with incels
Spoken like a true faggot.
Being tall doesn't mean shit when you're socially anxious like I am.
Granted, I've never seen him have a long term relationship, probably because women see him as genetically inferior, but he's having way more fun in college than I am.
I can't even remember a lanklet to be anything worhthy IRL.
the only shit height gives you is being looked as the basketball faggot.
Most girls don't give a fuck about height IRL as long as the guy isn't shorter than her.
I'm ok, I fuck more girls in one week because I actually have something called a personality beyond fit memes.
what do you talk girls about?
lmao, kids.
just show them your abs and your wallet and girls will be moist as fuck.
but do you even have a job, right?
but yeah, I guess being tall is good.
Napoleon wasn't even short
I'd definitely shave off a few inches.
6'2 is the best height because you're not a manlet but you can still make easier gains than a 6'4+ lanklet
I see a bunch of ugly/weird/shut-in looking tall guy every single day to know its not that important. Are you trying to fool the people who never leave their house?
Excellent bait.
>reddit spacing
I can never read that shit, especially when a buttflustrated manlet writes a pamphlet
>napoleon was 5'7
>average height in 1800s was 5'10
>not short
>Most girls don't give a fuck about height IRL
t. insecure loser with nothing else beyond his height.
you know how most ugly girls are generally more interesting than cute girls?
face > frame > height
they only care about the face.
>y-you a-are the i-insecure
ah! ok kiddo
This, and money
you can have the facial features you prefer but if you're 5'6'' you'll always came second to taller guys with an average face, ceteris paribus
it can't be helped, work on the ceteris paribus thing and call it a day
face+wallet retards.
anything else is a meme.
face and how heavy is your wallet is all that matters.
you sound like virgins who never meet women IRL.
if youre a virgin please do not continue to argue with anyone ITT, thanks
Once you've resorted to responding with the same retort, it's time to stop posting.
Does mother know you're browsing Veeky Forums again, sport?
>you can have the facial features you prefer but if you're 5'6'' you'll always came second to taller guys with an average face
This is something that literally only ugly lanklets believe
you're coping badly. by the way, the second post you're quoting was quite explicitly suggesting to focus on other qualities (like, money, or social status, or charisma, or social skills, or else) but you're so blinded from your validation needs you can't even guess it.
>thinking badly of a person/not taking them seriously because of their height
I don't get it
I mean if it was about fat people I'd sort of understand but height?
average face != ugly
it's not that difficult
aka all humans are shallow pricks.
>implying that average features are desirable by women
>p-please q-quote m-me!
Here you go :D
Thanks! :^P
>implying that dwarf features are desirable by women
are you even trying
>are you even trying
No, and yet I'm infinitely more clever
I don't disrespect them but I do automatically feel superior, thanks Veeky Forums. I guess you could call that disrespect.
But they have to learn sometime.
Butthurt manlet detected
Do girls giggle when they see you?