i dont got links edition, but dan jeon might be on steroid edition.
i dont got links edition, but dan jeon might be on steroid edition.
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Fairly sure he is. Where Karen be at these days?
Shilling foundation
anyone know any bodyweight routines that incorporate weightlifting?
>tfw finally made the jump to unassisted HSPUs
Did 5x5 today, 3/4 ROM and still need my feet touching the wall to balance though.
Been stuck on assisted HSPUs for almost 3 months.
what weightlifting goals do you have in mind?
Hes not. Dont listen to DYEL redditors.
I can finally straddle planche again but now with much less difficulty
nice try, back to advance tuck
I pike in the beginning until I lean in enough
But adv tuck is still my current training progression, straddle is only for fun
i think deepening where you're at you could do straddle strike outs, or band assisted straddle,
He had a fucking colossal dead lift for someone who never trains legs tho.
He used to cycle for long distances. He also has a lot of core strength for calisthenics.
Not an english speaker. What is it?
Bending at the hips
Oh I see a lot of people do it like this. Is it important?
look at 3:57. Why do they do the piking version
Yeah he is. But people here are autistic about form so they dont count that as straddle planche.
Imo its a very good way of learning the full straddle
Plenty of people do cycling but aren't pulling that much
Do those cyclers also do front lever, planche and handstand push ups?
>Any of those things build your deadlift to that number
Cmon man don't be a fucckin dummy
All of those things build your core, back and shoulder strength. Add that to his strong legs.
What proofs you have he is roiding?
not him, but dude is a fitness youtuber, his livelihood depends on making good videos, so i can see him juicing to put out better vids, be strong enough to do harder skills, better recovery, higher numbers...
not that i care if he juices or not, he puts out helpful content
Jason Blaha tier logic. If he was juicing so hard to help his skills you'd think he would have achieved full planche by now
Not to mention that you dont know what he really does for a living. He could be a chemist for all you know and just does youtube for fun.
fair enough, but im not saying he's roiding. just saying fuck it, maybe he is, maybe he isnt. who cares lol
would you pike a full planche?
As a progression yes
Also with straddle its very hard to keep legs fully straight because of flexibility.
What's a good progression scheme for dragon flags? Will I look like an idiot doing them on a free bench at the gym
Have I changed at all?
Left pic 150lbs right pic 155
6 foot
Another pic
Should I get leaner or get bulkier?
Also bodyweight fitness is the best thing ever literally amazing
sorry about the nips
Yeah it sucks.
I'm only 18 and it is the root of a lot of my insecurity.
Do you think I'll lose them eventually?
You're just too fucking stupid to listen aren't you? If learning front lever and planche while cycling built deads like that everyone would be doing it. The guy is probably on something, is that bad? No. Do I care? No. I like Dan Jeong but obviously he has a little something something helping him out.
single leg negatives into negatives into dragon flags
you should work out