What movie motivates you?
What movie motivates you?
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Rocky I-V
The movie itself is dog shit, but I like to watch this scene every time I'm about to go deadlift
I was gonna post this and got distracted, great book and movie.
Nailed it OP
I need your Oats, Wheys and your Squat rack
this. I can't believe I first saw it a few months ago
If there's one movie every man should watch it's Conan the Barbarian.
I've been working out for like 4 years and I've yet to hear the lamentations of my enemy's women.
It's hard to take.
>just walk away
I actually prefer the jason momoa version. That physique looks better on a barbarian compared to arnolds.
god tier physique
They why did you post a screen from the terrible sequel "Conan the Destroyer"?
Are you serious?
I haven't been here for a while and I can't tell if you are all just young or if this is bait.
The karate kid, kickboxer, lionheart
Any cheesy old underdog movie
Why does this movie motivate you?
On this note, can anyone suggest lesser known films in this genre?
>I actually prefer the jason momoa version
Glad someone else noticed that.
Unless the user did it on purpose to troll is, in which case good job user.
I don't watch movies, but anything with a riot /people yelling gets me motivated
T. istp
Terminator 1 and 2
Also most Arnie movies
being weak and sickly sucks, I know it's a movie set in a post apocalyptic hell scape and the strong men are the ones with guns, but being strong and fit is super handy in all sorts of situations
I'm not like a prepper or anything
>I'm not like a prepper or anything
Tell me where your doomsday shelter is.
He gets a steady diet of lean protein via human flesh.
that's a good feels movie
idk why it motivates you.
shot caller
My name is Daniel Lugo and I believe in fitness.
Most meme tier shit I've ever seen.
>What do you bench?
>What about Squat
Normies don't know that it' 405 and shit.
was cheating those reps part of your plan?
Gladiator by far, I sometimes say strength and honor under my breathe when entering the gym like an autist.
"Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger!
Look around you.
There, on the rocks, that beautiful girl
Come to me, my child.
That is strength, boy! That is power! The strength and power of flesh.
What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?
Look at the strength of your body, the desire in your heart.
I give you this ...such a waste.
Contemplate this on the tree of woe.
Crucify him"
I rewatched this recently.
I cannot unhear that fucking cat meow.
i can't describe just how exciting rocky and rocky 2 are
I actually would like to like this movie but for some reason, Conan and Excalibur don't do too much to me, what is the appeal for you guys? Maybe you can enlighten me.
I love Berserk for example
Might seem like a weird choice but Tombstone
That film's fucking great. That scene in the king's throne room, the basilisk scene, I mean the whole damn film is awesome. And when he kills the two heavies with his traps and shit and the glorious beheading at the end. Love that film.
Some of the battle scenes in game of thrones are pretty badass too. It's only mentioned in the book and mentioned less still in the show but I especially like the idea of robert baratheons rise to power, fighting for the woman he loves, winning 3 battles in a day and shortly after smashing rhaegars ribcage in, then marrying the sexy cersei and being king.
The riddle of steel is a metaphor for lifting.
The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts.
This you can trust.
>When I was a kid
Conan (Barbarian & Destroyer) & Arnold movies
No movies, they are just full of shit these days.
Still a great movie. Autist
Any Given Sunday pumps me the fuck up
What in the fuck are you talking about
This isn't a "clueless normies" thing, this is a "your only exposure to human contact is on the internet" thing
Rocky 4 is so fucking retarded that it's amazing though.
Rocky 1 and 4 for me.
Pumping Iron.
Christ knows how many workouts I've done while this movie was playing in the other room. Just go and watch a minute of it in between sets.
Even my friends that don't lift like that movie
Not a fantastic, grand movie. Just good fun to put on and get comfy watching.
Unexpectedly this
Ending of this
>What the fuck have you done lately
Just makes me want to get up and keep doing something, preferably shredding snowbird, but alas it is summer
Who else here
>nobody has mentioned this scene
Not even about being Veeky Forums, but this film is what I think about when I need to be motivated about what "real" men used to be. Not shredded beefcakes, but like strong men just doing their jobs enjoying it as best they can.
>Push it to the limit
Conan father was slain shortly after revealing the riddle. His steel was taken from his corpse by his enemy, until it failed him too and broke in pieces.
His powers of suggestion proved useless against a man who had completed his individuation process.
Conan did not need to trust steel anymore. He had become steel instead. Will to power!
what movie
And smegma. Don't forget smegma.
Wooden ships and people made of steel
>This song starts playing