I know this belongs on /r/ but this could also spark a discussion here:
Some time ago, somebody here posted an article about how black kids raised in white families and white kids raised in black families were tested for IQ and the black kids still scored less, proving that black are, in fact, biologically dumber than whites.
I forgot to save the article, can somebody please post it?
I know this belongs on /r/ but this could also spark a discussion here:
Other urls found in this thread:
I've heard this before but have no source.
Is this what you are talking about
>The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study examined the IQ test scores of 130 black or interracial children adopted by advantaged white families. The aim of the study was to determine the contribution of environmental and genetic factors to the poor performance of black children on IQ tests as compared to white children. The initial study was published in 1976[1] by Sandra Scarr and Richard A. Weinberg. A follow-up study was published in 1992[2] by Richard Weinberg, Sandra Scarr and Irwin D. Waldman. Another related study investigating social adjustment in a subsample of the adopted black children was published in 1996.[3] One of the studies' findings was the IQs of adopted black children reared by white families did not differ significantly from that of black children raised by their biological parents.
Minnesota adoption studies.
But the question is: is this reliable? Does it prove that blacks are more likely than whites to have low IQ even if they were raised under the same conditions?
IQ has been proven to be highly heritable. Only ideological egalitarians would argue that the entire difference in mean IQ score is caused by environmental factors.
But wouldn't black kids hang around other black kids, even if they were adopted by white parents?
Even the mixed race kids who weren't aware that they were mixed race still scored about the same as the mixed race kids who were aware. Which is roughly between the white and black averages.
depends, there are a lot of rich white neighborhoods where white parents adopt black kids where there are literally no other black kids to hang out with
If you want cited information on race and heredity, go to the alternative hypothesis on youtube.
To answer your question
>minesota adoptive studies
When you're in a snow white state you won't have that opportunity.
The question then would be: Does interbreeding between blacks and whites increases black IQ or does it decrease white IQ?
But does the average IQ in the world increases or decreases?
Guess which racial population is growing the most
I don't know, it would depend how you did it.
You can definitely completely BLEACH black populations within a few generations.
There are plenty of nigs in Minnesota
Well, it's pretty obvious and anyone who understand how the Theory of Evolution works know blacks are genetically dumber
As Jawad Diamond pointed out, geography is indeed the cause of black inferiority, but then as millenia passed, said inferiority was written within DNA by evolution
That's why bringing blacks to Europe won't magically make as intelligent as whites
It's decreasing since the proportion of blacks is increasing.
Yeah, thanks a lot mate
This is actually an interesting question.
More low iq people - Blacks
Less high iq people - Japs Koreans and europeans
Iq detoriates ,but iq is relative so it isnt as easy to answer
blacks have higher birth rates, you do the math
Obviously it depends on whether you consider the children white or black.
Not him, but I’m curious about this hypothetical situation: closed environment with 1000 blacks and 1000 whites (or whatever you want to say, one high IQ, one low IQ population). Would cross-mixing each member of both groups increase or decrease the average IQ?
It's in first study, I fucking can't find a direct link but you can see it in the wikipedia article under "results"
>The adopting parents of 12 of the interracial children wrongly believed that their adopted children had two black parents. The average IQ of these 12 children was not significantly different from the scores of the 56 interracial children correctly classified by their adoptive parents as having one black and one white parent
Go read some criticism as well, i know there are problems with adoption studies.
I mean lets say the white average is 110 and the black average is 90 making the overall average 100. I guess in that Scenario the kids would have a similar average but the distribution would contain a lot less exceptionally high IQ people and a lot less exceptionally low IQ people. The problem is that humans have in group preference and unless forced to fuck the other group exclusively, they would mostly
>Go read some criticism as well, i know there are problems with adoption studies
go on forming couples with their own in group.
Its not the easiest thing to study but there is good evidence to suggest that genes play a huge role in IQ independent of the environment.
I see a pattern here. On average we have
Blacks: Low IQ, big dick.
East Asians: High IQ, small dick.
Is there any study showing a negative correlation between IQ and dick size?
It stays 100 because iq is relative and 100 is always the average of the present population's inteligence.
Global iq decreases because low iq breeds more than high iq
"(...) the heritability of IQ for adults is between 58% and 77%,[5] (with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[6] and 86%[7])"
That is, the lower IQ of the Negro compared to other races is not caused only by environmental factors.
Post the whole paragraph you wog.
>Although the heritability of IQ for adults is between 58% and 77%,[5] (with some more-recent estimates as high as 80%[6] and 86%[7]) genome-wide association studies have so far identified only 20%-50% of the genetic variation that contributes to heritability.[8] IQ also goes from being weakly correlated with genetics, for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood.[9] Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores;[10] however, poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects.[11][12]
>poor prenatal environment, malnutrition and disease can have deleterious effects
Well that explains Africa lol.
Sure, but then why rich blacks in America have on average lower IQs than poor Chinese?
Maybe one should compare the raising of rich blacks vs that of poor chinese. One can be rich and still create a poor environment.
IE maybe rich blacks are still shit parents. It would be interesting to analyze the difference in IQ between different classes of the same ethnic group.
That's very racist, saying that blacks are shit parents.
Less racist than saying blacks are inherently lower IQ and they can't do anything about it.
Is not wanting to breed with genetically inferior races the reason I can't get an asian gf
>Less racist than saying blacks are inherently lower IQ
No because this is a value-neutral sentence.
Show her your IQ result test. If it's too bad just add a couple 0s.
IQ needs to keep a 100 average, and tests have been becoming harder over time.
That is not to say that IQ levels are static everywhere forever. Kenya had a 20+ point increase on the average from the 80s to the 90s.
you don't have to look all the way to Kenya
IQ in Eastern Europe was very low when the region was poor as shit but now they're pretty much western levels
genetics isn't the whole story but there's still no satisfactory extragenetic explanation for the black-white gap and believe you me people have tried to find one
the practical explanation is how do we raise the average iq? what many suspect which is that iq might go down because dumb people have more kids has been confirmed by Icelandic researchers (study was done in Iceland but I have a hard time it's any different in any other developed country) and whites already lag slightly but noticeably behind East Asians which in turn lag significantly behind ashkenazi jews
the obvious solution to sterilize the dumb is untenable because the overall birthrate is already too low so we need to incentivize smart people to have more kids
but how is the question? there are very good reasons not to have kids and not many good reasons to have them
source: theguardian.com
Literally this. Understand what IQ is before discussing it.
Average IQ will always be 100 because that is the definition of an average IQ.
Intelligence may increase, local IQ may increase for a population, but average IQ will always be 100.
>but how is the question?
1-child policy but reversed.
No it’s because you’re fat and ugly and spend your days shitposting on an imageboard instead of trying to get women and have a better life
How is this history? I fucking hate all these white people afraid of black people it’s insane. Grow up you faggot
Read the thread you dumb faggot.
Its humanities dawg
>Believing dick-and-race memes
Confirmed cuck
> I fucking hate all these white people afraid of black people it’s insane.
You probably don't live near feral niggers.
>calling others cuck
The question stands.
That pic would look really good plastered on a college bulletin board.
>Believing muh dick memes
I’m no /pol/ack. In fact, it’s /pol/acks who mention the muh dick even more to project their cuck fantasies. Looks like you outed yourself.
>he fell for the BBC meme
What meme?
So where do you live m8?
New England?
Comprehensive studies have shown little to no variance in size among races.
And if you head down to /soc/, or (heaven forbid) the subreddits dedicated to big benis posting, they're mostly white.
>if you average 2 and 4, is the result a decrease from 4 or an increase from 2?
I want you to reread your post slowly and kill yourself even more slowly for being such a stupid fuck
The lower IQ of the negroes is also the reason why Africa is so poor despite having so much natural resources.
Africa wasn't always poor.
>what is the mali empire
The Mali Empire is what happen if you give tons of gold to a monkey: nothing
Dude was the richest man on Earth, but the best he could achieve was a 5 meters tall mud castle
Money is only worth what you're able to do with it
My question is, who cares? Not a nig, but let's say blacks have lower IQ due to genetics and whites have a slightly higher IQ, what do you do with that information? Is it just bragging rights, cause Asians still kick everyone's ass in IQ
Except iq is not science, sorry. Iq is pseudoscience.
Yes, imagine how she feels.
>My question is, who cares?
Whites who have to live around feral blacks
>t. guy with a low IQ
So it is just way to make yourself feel superior. You must be really insecure about yourself and your race.
Yet iq is still not science, user. Iq is pseudoscience.
>So it is just way to make yourself feel superior
No, it's just that if a race isn't suited for civilization, it's dangerous to act blind on it and keep them around us
They were raised in similar families.
This graph is bullshit.
I've seen enough penises to know that that's not true.
Africans had civilizations
Not him, but I grew up in a very diverse area.
Surrounding yourself with low IQ population most likely leads to you living in a poorer, more violent place.
How about having a DRAMATICALLY lower chance of getting shot up walking down the street? 14% of the US population commit about 54% of all violent crime. So, no, this isn't just about "feeling superior," or whatever other naive interpretation you may have. Also, they are a huge net deficit, per capita. Meaning, they are a huge economic drain. Whereas my people are a net benefit.
I agree. jews are the smartest followed by Asians, whites are nigger tier compared to them
You're right. They wouldn't want to live with lowly whites, anyway. Oh wait, they need them to leech off of -- can't have that shekel supply cut off.
I thought we were arguing about IQ. Nice deflection though, brainlet
The US is the richest, strongest country in the world.
How do they measure up in other crimes? What about state crimes?
Ah no it's about 1percent you cuck
>That's why bringing blacks to Europe won't magically make as intelligent as whites
Nigerians in Europe and America are smart as hell and more accomplished than average white.
>muh self selection
These people are easily 100+. The selection would have to be unrealistically strict if their average was as low as poltards say.
Did I deny that their IQ might be marginally higher? No. Did you try to deflect that the only reason they are successful is because they leech off whites? Yes. Nice try, brainlet.
>IQ has been proven to be highly heritable.
If that's the case then we could create permenantly more intelligent blacks through selective breeding.
>I mean lets say the white average is 110 and the black average is 90 making the overall average 100. I guess in that Scenario the kids would have a similar average but the distribution would contain a lot less exceptionally high IQ people and a lot less exceptionally low IQ people.
Yes but if we keep repeating this pattern for several generations, we can create an average IQ of like 120.
>The problem is that humans have in group preference and unless forced to fuck the other group exclusively,
Well of course you'd force them. This is for science, not their comfort.
Wasn't the average white IQ in the 1700s by our standards the equivalent of what the black IQ is now?
Except a lot of the African countries that are rich in resources and have the infrastructure to mine them, have been seeing a continuous uptick in development.
>14% of the US population commit
No user, it's much smaller. First cut that in half because most black women don't commit crimes so we're at 7%. Then you have to take into account that the majority of black men have not committed violent crimes. So it's more like 0.5% of the population commits 54% of all violent crime. Which quite honestly sounds a lot worse, but you can't just put all people in a group under blanket judgement.
>leeching off to whites
Fucking iqlet, it's the way around. Just look at Nobel prize per capita. You've been leaching off jews and Asians since before Einstein brainlet. You faggots are so dumb, that you can't even handle your own banking system and historically depend on jews for that.
Shouldn’t you be posting these epic, dank maymays back on r/communism?
[Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!]
>it's another /pol/ thread
>Be me
>Be /pol/tard
Can I just go somewhere on this site that isn't just /pol/ b8? I like discussing political issues and all but it doesn't belong everywhere
Look at those based Aryans in Afghanistan saving the white race!
Yes if only the eugenics movement had continued to this day and we probably would already have that.